All buildings, houses, portions of land and lots adjacent to or abutting upon streets and avenues shall be known and designated by the numbers on the plat and schedule of building numbers in the City on file in the Office of the City Engineer, and entitled and designated HOUSE NUMBERS. (1953 Code § 5-1; amd. Ord. 91-3, 2-5-1991; 2017 Code)
As provided in section 364.12(3d), Code of Iowa, it shall be the duty of the owner of any building facing, abutting or opening upon any street or avenue or other public way in the City to place upon said building suitable numbers composed of figures not less than three inches (3") in height and of, or painted on, glass or some metallic substance, and shall conform to and be in accordance with the plat and schedule of building numbers referred to in section 10-1-1 of this chapter. (1953 Code § 5-2; amd. 1985 Code)
At the time of building permit approval, the City Engineer or designee shall assign an address to a new or relocated structure. Each structure shall be assigned only one (1) address, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. (2017 Code)