TABLE 3
   A.   Edge Yard: Types - freestanding house, mansion apartment, duplex/two-flat, multiple-flat, freestanding commercial/retail/service building, office, lodging, civic, civic support, educational, automotive, agricultural and industrial.
A building that generally occupies the interior of its lot with setbacks on all sides. For residential applications, the front yard is intended to be visually continuous with the yards of adjacent buildings. For nonresidential building types, the first tier (front lot) is comprised of landscaping and pedestrian pavements and, in some cases, limited accessory parking, while portions of the second tier (middle lot) and third tier (back lot) can be used for accessory surface parking.
   B.   Side Yard: Types - side yard/zero lot line house, duplex/two- flat, corner store or corner office, inn and hotel.
A building that occupies one (1) side of the lot with the setback to the other side. A shallow frontage setback defines a more urban condition. If the adjacent building is similar with a blank side wall, the yard can be quite private. If a side yard house abuts and shares an unpierced party wall with a neighboring side yard house, the type is known as a duplex. Energy costs are reduced by sharing a party wall in this disposition. For nonresidential building types, portions of the second tier and all of the third tier (back lot) can be used for accessory surface parking.
   C.   Split Yard: Types - duplex/two-flat, townhouse, commercial/retail/service and office buildings.
A building that occupies the boundaries of its lot from side to side leaving the front and rear of the lot as open yard. This is a more urban yard type, as it provides an open, landscaped frontage along the thoroughfare. For residential applications, the front yard is intended to be visually continuous with the yards of adjacent buildings. The rear yard can be secured for privacy by combinations of plantings, fences and accessory structures. For commercial applications, it provides a greener, landscaped frontage with opportunities for outdoor patio seating and dining, and accessory surface parking within the third tier.
   D.   Rear Yard: Types - townhouse, live/work building, multiple- flat, mixed use block building, commercial/retail/service, office and civic buildings.
A building that occupies the full frontage, leaving the rear of the lot as the sole yard; however, traditional downtown buildings may occupy the entire lot. This is a very urban type as the continuous facade steadily defines the public thoroughfare. The front facade may be articulated for functional purposes such as recess entries or window bays. In its residential form, the rear of the building includes a garage (attached or detached) as in the row house. For its commercial form, the third tier can be used for accessory surface parking.
(Ord. 10-003, 1-19-2010, eff. 7-1-2010; amd. 2017 Code)