General Provisions
   51.01   Definitions
   51.02   Rules and regulations on file
   51.03   Contracts
   51.04   Deposit
   51.05   Feasibility of extension
Service Rules and Regulations
   51.20   Turning on water service
   51.21   Payment of bills
   51.22   Discontinuance of service
   51.23   New service applications
   51.24   Service connections
   51.25   Maintenance of service pipes and meter boxes
   51.26   Inside piping and service lines
   51.27   Cross connections
   51.28   Use of booster pump
   51.29   Access to premises
   51.30   Metering
   51.31   Basis for billing
   51.32   Denial or discontinuance of service for cause
   51.33   Notification of load increase
   51.34   Resale of water
   51.35   Private fire protection service
   51.36   Interruption of service
   51.37   Water main extension policy
   51.38   Connection fee
   51.39   Abandoned service lines
   51.40   Delinquent sewer bills
   51.41   Temporary water service
   51.42   Other basis for extensions
   51.43   Public fire protection: recovery of water costs
Statutory reference:
   Waterworks, see I.C. 36-9-2-14
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BOARD. The City Utility Service Board or any duly authorized officials acting in its behalf.
   CUSTOMER. Any person, municipality or other governmental agency, which has agreed orally, or otherwise, to pay for water service received from the City Water Utility.
   PREMISES. A dwelling, building, structure or parcel of real estate, which is normally supplied through a separate service pipe and meter installation.
   PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE. A privately owned arrangement of pipes, fixtures and devices designed for stand-by service and from which water is taken only for extinguishments of fires.
   PRIVATE MAIN. A privately owned pipe connected to the Utility's distribution system and used to deliver water or for general service purposes. Service rendered through a private main shall be billed directly by the Utility in accordance with established rates unless otherwise provided by written contract.
   SERVICE PIPE. A supply pipe including fittings leading from the tap in the distribution main to or into the premises supplied or to be supplied.
   TAP or CORPORATION STOP. A fitting owned by the Utility and inserted into the distribution main to which the service pipe is attached.
   UTILITY. The City Water Utility, owned by the city, operated and managed by the City Utility Service Board and engaged in furnishing public water in the city and its environs.
(1985 Code, § 36-9-2-14(b)) (Ord. 4-1980, passed 3-18-1980; Am. Ord. 32-2006, passed 9-19-2006)
   The rules and regulations under which water service shall be rendered are incorporated by reference into this chapter. Two copies of these rules and regulations shall be filed in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection in accordance with I.C. 36-1-5. Another copy shall be filed for the convenience of the public in the general office of the Utility.
(1985 Code, § 36-9-2-14(c)) (Ord. 4-1980, passed 3-18-1980; Am. Ord. 32-2006, passed 9-19-2006)