   50.01   Definitions
   50.02   Utility Service Board
   50.03   Residential waste procedures
   50.04   Yard waste procedures
   50.05   Recyclables procedures
   50.06   Bulky waste procedures
   50.07   Miscellaneous waste procedures
   50.08   Collection procedures
   50.09   Costs of collection
   50.10   Exclusions
   50.98   Violations
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BULKY WASTE. Large furniture or waste material (excluding burn barrels, construction and demolition debris, hazardous and Freon materials, and electronics, including, but not limited to, televisions) which is generated by or emanates from a dwelling unit and which has a weight or volume greater than that allowed for in the residential waste receptacles. The weight limit for bulky waste items is 1,000 pounds.
   COLLECTION. The pickup, removal, and transporting by the utility of recyclables, residential, or bulky waste to a site or sites designated by the utility.
   CURBSIDE LOCATION. A site that is within the boundaries of a dwelling unit and is adjacent to the front yard property line that abuts a public street, road, or thoroughfare.
   DWELLING UNIT. Any building or portion thereof which contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation for not more than one family, or congregate residence for 16 or fewer persons. For buildings containing four or fewer separate or contiguous single family residences, each separate residence shall be considered a dwelling unit.
   GARBAGE. Putrescihle animal and vegetable waste (excluding human or animal body waste and excreta) resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food.
   PUTRESCIBLE SUBSTANCES. Matter and material which are subject to organic decomposition.
   RECYCLABLES. Examples: Non-inclusive and may be further defined and determined by the Utility Service Board.
      (1)   Paper: Newspapers, magazines, envelopes, junk mail, phone books, and brochures;
      (2)   Cardboard: Ream wrappers, file folders, poster board, corrugated cardboard boxes, and milk cartons (excluding soiled materials such as pizza boxes);
      (3)   Plastic. Water bottles, milk jugs, soda bottles, detergent and bleach bottles, and bagged film plastics;
      (4)   Metal: Aluminum beverage cans, tin food cans, light scrap metal;
      (5)   Glass: Green, brown, or clear glass bottles and jars (excluding window glass, Pyrex, or light bulbs);
      (6)   Examples of excluded items: Aerosol cans, aluminum foil, batteries, food waste, glass, mirrors or ceramics, stickers and address labels, Styrofoam, tissue, paper towels or napkins, plastic coated paper, wrapping paper, waxed paper, window glass, light bulbs, cookware, hardcover books, polystyrene foam plastic, and plastic bags.
   RECYCLING. A voluntary process by which materials that would otherwise become solid waste are collected, separated, or processed and converted into materials or products for reuse or sale.
   RECYCLING RECEPTACLE. An approved container of any description issued or authorized by the utility.
   REFUSE. Discarded waste in a solid or semi-solid state consisting of combustible and noncombustible materials but excluding yard, bulky, hazardous or infectious waste, TVs, and tires.
   RESIDENTIAL WASTE. Garbage and refuse which is generated by, or emanates from, a dwelling unit and shall be interpreted to be consistent with that definition as set out in I.C. 13-11-2-133 with the restriction that yard waste, bulky waste, construction materials, and wastes from all industrial, office, commercial, and institutional establishments are specifically excluded hereunder.
   RESIDENTIAL WASTE RECEPTACLE. The receptacle that is provided and owned by the utility. The Board may also approve, in its sole discretion, use of an alternative container upon the request of a customer. Upon approval, the customer will be provided with an authorization label that must be affixed to the alternative container. If the customer uses an alternative container (i.e. not the receptacle provided by the utility), the utility will not be responsible for any damages to the container. A single receptacle, when filled, shall not weigh more than 180 pounds.
   UTILITY. The Solid Waste Utility established by the Common Council of the City of Marion that is governed by the Marion Utility Service Board.
   UTILITY SANITATION LABEL. A decal, tag, or adhesive sticker distributed solely by the utility which bears an identification mark established by the utility.
   UTILITY SERVICE BOARD. The Utility Service Board ("Board") representing the City of Marion ("city"), supervises, controls, and is responsible for the day to day operations of the utility.
   YARD WASTE. Grass, weeds, leaves, brush, tree trimmings, hedge and shrubbery clippings, tree limbs, and other organic materials arising from the care of residential lawns, yards, and gardens.
(Ord. 8-2016, passed 5-12-2016)
   (A)   The Utility Service Board shall promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to effectuate the operation and intent of this chapter.
   (B)   The Utility Service Board shall promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to effectuate the operation and intent of the powers and duties mandated by the State of Indiana.
   (C)   The Utility Service Board shall have the power and authority to purchase such equipment and employ such personnel as may be necessary to carry out the provisions and intent of this chapter.
   (D)   The Utility Service Board shall have the power and authority to lease, rent, build, or contract for the necessary land and facilities to effectuate the operation and intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 8-2016, passed 5-12-2016)