The notice and order provided in Section 1335.05 shall be made against, and served personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, upon the owner, person in charge, operator and occupant of such building, structure or premises to which the order relates. When the notice and order provided in Section 1335.05 cannot be served personally and certified mail service is returned because of inability to deliver, the notice required shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the premises are situated to which the notice and order relate. A copy of the newspaper advertisement, with the publication date of such notice marked, shall be mailed to the party at his last known address within the county where the premises are situated to which the notice and order relate, and also to his last known address elsewhere, if known. The notice shall be deemed received as of the date of publication. If the inspection, notice and order have been made and issued by the Bureau of Fire Prevention and Arson, such notice and order shall also contain or have attached thereto a copy of Ohio R.C. 3737.43. If an emergency exists, as determined and documented by the Bureau, notice may be given less than thirty days prior to execution of the order pursuant to Section 1335.09.
(Ord. 12-187. Passed 11-20-12.)