(a)    Application. Application by any person for a demolition permit shall be in the form prescribed by, and filed with, the Bureau of Buildings, Inspections, Licenses and Permits. Such application shall describe the demolition to be accomplished and shall designate the manner, method and equipment to be used. Application shall be made by the owner or the contractor employed to conduct such demolition, or the agent of either; unless made by the owner the applicant shall evidence his authority to make application by means of a duly verified affidavit of the owner. The application shall indicate the date upon which demolition is intended to begin and the probable date of completion thereof.
   (b)   Issuance of Permit. Prior to issuance of the permit the Bureau shall determine that the proposed method of demolition is in accordance with good engineering practices and that the contractor or owner has the necessary and proper means and equipment to accomplish the demolition in accordance with the manner, method and equipment specified in the application.
   (c)    Fees. The fees for a demolition permit shall be at the rate of eighty dollars ($80.00) per structure for a fourteen day period for residential demolitions and sixty day periods for all other demolitions unless otherwise permitted by the Bureau. Beyond this period there shall be an additional charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each day until the final inspection certificate can be issued as required by Section 1335.20 . (Ord. 19-035. Passed 9-3-19.)