General Provisions
53.001 Purpose and intent
53.002 Definitions
53.003 Discharge generally; use of public sewers required
53.004 General requirements
Construction and Connections
53.015 Private sewage disposal; specifications and limitations
53.016 Public sewer connection requirements
53.017 Building sewers and private sewers
53.018 Public sanitary sewer extensions
Wastewater Discharge Requirements
53.030 Discharge prohibited
53.031 Harmful wastes prohibited
53.032 Specific discharge limitations
53.033 Compatible pollutants
53.034 Village reaction to harmful wastes
53.035 Special arrangements
Discharges; Disposal
53.045 Protection of sewage works from damage
53.046 Use of the public sewers
53.047 Wastewater haulers
Industrial Pretreatment
53.060 Pretreatment standards
53.061 Industrial discharge permits required
53.062 Permit issued
53.063Permit modifications
53.064 Change in conditions
53.065 Permit transfer
53.066 Pretreatment facilities required
53.067 Approvals
53.068 Owner’s responsibilities
53.069 Control manhole
53.070 Dilution
53.071 Compliance
53.072 Testing standards
53.073 Special arrangements
Inspection and Enforcement; Variances
53.085 Powers and authority of inspectors
53.086 Variances from requirements
53.087 Appeals
53.100 Validity of Chapter
53.999 Penalty