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Madisonville Overview
Madisonville, KY Code of Ordinances
   (A)   In order to maintain an attractive and viable environment for businesses and residents, this district was developed to promote medium-scale industrial, business and mixed-use developments. Regulations for the Light Industrial District are written to encourage developments to achieve high-quality site design and use flexibility inherent in this district. Specific guidelines are established to direct such development issues as architectural compatibility with other buildings and the relationship of buildings to and other spaces including public and open spaces.
   (B)   Uses permitted by right include:
      (1)   Office use, research facility, kennel and warehousing;
      (2)   Indoor theater;
      (3)   Commercial use up to twenty thousand (20,000) square feet;
      (4)   Mini-storage facility;
      (5)   All types of industrial activity except: Uses considered dangerous or unsafe, such as explosives; uses considered objectionable or a nuisance by reason of odor, dust, fumes, smoke, noise, vibration, refuse matter or water-carried waste; and uses considered objectionable by reason of adverse effect on adjoining uses, such as junk or salvage yards;
      (6)   Outdoor storage of materials; and
      (7)   Storage of hazardous materials.
   (C)   Uses permitted by condition (conditional use permit required - See §§ 156.050 et seq. for additional information regarding conditional uses.) include:
      (1)   Day care center;
      (2)   Auto repair shop;
      (3)   Welding and machine shop;
      (4)   Parking garage;
      (5)   Hotel, bank, convention facility, restaurant and educational facility (excluding primary and secondary school);
      (6)   Commercial use over twenty thousand (20,000) square feet;
      (7)   Recreational use, both indoor and outdoor facility; and
      (8)   Residential use.
   (D)   Development and design provisions.
Light Industrial
All Uses
Minimum lot size
Average within development; ¾ acres; minimum individual lot ½ acres
Minimum development setbacks
40 feet front as defined as main entrance on plat; 20 feet all other sides
Minimum lot setbacks
20 feet front; 15 feet per side; 30 feet rear - no rear yard required where rail spur forms rear property line
Maximum height
60 feet
   (E)   Parking and loading requirements. See §§ 156.160 et seq. for parking and loading regulations.
   (F)   Landscaping. All applicable landscaping provisions shall be observed.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03; Am. Ord. 2011-17, passed 11-21-11; Am. Ord. O-2016-7, passed 3-7-16)
   (A)   In order to maintain an attractive and viable environment for businesses and residents, this district was developed to promote larger-scale industrial, business and mixed use developments. Regulations for the General Industrial District are written to encourage developments to achieve high-quality site design and use flexibility inherent in this district. Specific guidelines are established to direct such development issues as architectural compatibility with other buildings and the relationship of buildings to and other spaces including public and open spaces.
   (B)   Uses permitted by right include:
      (1)   Office use, research facility, kennel, and warehousing;
      (2)   Support retail, such as goods and commodities manufactured on site;
      (3)   All manufacturing and industrial use;
      (4)   Welding and machine shop;
      (5)   Auto repair shop;
      (6)   Parking garage; and
      (7)   Storage of hazardous materials.
   (C)   Uses permitted by condition (conditional use permit required - See §§ 156.050 et seq. for additional information regarding conditional uses) include adult establishments.
   (D)   Development and design provisions.
General Industrial
All Uses
Minimum lot size
Average within development 10 acres; minimum individual lot 2 acres
Minimum development setbacks
40 feet front as defined as main entrance on plat; 20 feet all other sides
Minimum lot setbacks
20 feet front; 25 feet per side; 25 feet rear- no rear yard required where rail spur forms rear property line.
   (E)   Parking and loading requirements. See §§ 156.160 et seq. for parking and loading regulations.
   (F)   Landscaping. All applicable landscaping provisions shall be observed.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03; Am. Ord. O-2016-7, passed 3-7-16)
   (A)   The Office Professional (OP) District is designed to provide a district for low-profile professional uses suitable for location abutting residential uses. The Office Professional District shall be for professional and limited commercial office development which will be compatible and harmonious with the existing or potential development of adjacent residential or other areas and to foster professional and limited commercial office developments. The OP Districts are established to provide suitable alternative locations for offices and services of a professional, clerical or administrative nature.
   (B)   Uses permitted by right include:
      (1)   Office buildings not exceeding seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet for professional and business uses;
      (2)   Office buildings may provide professional offices, such as offices for doctors, dentists, lawyers and accountants, and general business offices for insurance companies, trade associations, banks and trust companies, real estate companies and other similar concerns;
      (3)   Office buildings within the Office Professional District shall not include veterinary offices;
      (4)   Medical and dental clinic and laboratory; and
      (5)   Drug store/pharmacy when clearly incidental to a permitted use in this district.
   (C)   Uses permitted by condition (conditional use permit required - See §§ 156.050 et seq. for additional information regarding conditional uses) include:
      (1)   Office building exceeding seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet for professional and business uses;
      (2)   Religious institution;
      (3)   Educational facility;
      (4)   Day care;
      (5)   Meeting facility;
      (6)   Indoor recreational facility;
      (7)   Performing arts building;
      (8)   Funeral home;
      (9)   Civic use; and
      (10)   Residential use.
   (D)   Development provisions.
Office Professional
All Uses
Minimum lot size
¼ acre
Minimum setbacks
25 feet front. All others 10 feet except where the property adjoins a residential use, then 20 feet*
Maximum height
35 feet
      * No lighting shall be permitted which would glare from this zoning district onto any adjacent residential property that would be harmful or disruptive to the residential use.
   (E)   Parking and loading requirements. See §§ 156.160 et seq. for parking and loading regulations.
   (F)   Landscaping. All applicable landscaping provisions shall be observed.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03; Am. Ord. O-2016-7, passed 3-7-16)
   (A)   The Medical District Overlay is designed to provide areas for medical-related hospital, office and professional development in a campus-like development setting and in close proximity to similar existing and planned developments. The intent is to create a cluster of healthcare and related office/professional development which complements other districts with physical proximity and interaction with low-intensity business uses.
   (B)   Uses permitted by right include any uses permitted in the underlying zoning district.
   (C)   Uses permitted by condition (conditional use permit required - See §§ 156.050 et seq. for additional information regarding conditional uses. All development plans shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with major development plan requirements) include:
      (1)   Hospital and clinic;
      (2)   Office use and service related to healthcare;
      (3)   Medical supply;
      (4)   Drug store/pharmacy;
      (5)   Day care center;
      (6)   Recreational facility;
      (7)   Residential care facility;
      (8)   Parking deck/garage;
      (9)   Civic use;
      (10)   Group home; and
      (11)   Assisted living facilities.
   (D)   Development provisions.
Medical District Overlay
All Uses
Minimum lot size
¼ acre
Minimum setbacks
25 feet front, all others 10 feet except where the property adjoins a residential use, then 25 feet
Maximum height
75 feet
   (E)   Architectural standards. Important structures shall be of sufficient design to create visual anchors for the district. All principle structures within the district shall maintain a consistent architectural style.
      (1)   Materials.
         (a)   Walls shall be clad in stone, brick, marble, approved metal paneling or cast concrete or similarly finished materials.
         (b)   Roofs shall be clad in slate, sheet metal, corrugated metal, tile, asphalt shingles or any other material similar in appearance and composition to existing buildings.
      (2)   Techniques. All rooftop equipment shall be enclosed in the building material that matches the structure or is visually compatible with the structure.
   (F)   Parking and loading requirements. See §§ 156.160 et seq. for parking and loading regulations.
   (G)   Landscaping. All applicable landscaping provisions shall be observed.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03; Am. Ord. O-2022-2, passed 1-3-22)
   (A)   The Zero Lot Line District is intended to promote more efficient use of land as compared with typical single-family residential development and to introduce a type of housing design that is more affordably priced. The use of design principles allows for the integration and relation of the internal and external living areas by placing the dwelling units against one (1) or more of the property lines thus permitting outdoor spaces to be grouped and utilized at a larger scale.
   (B)   Uses permitted by right include:
      (1)   Single-family attached and single-family detached dwellings;
      (2)   Public recreational facility including neighborhood playground; and
      (3)   Residential care facility.
   (C)   Permitted accessory uses and structures include:
      (1)   Uses in connection with residential dwelling;
      (2)   Private swimming pool and tennis court associated with dwelling units; and
      (3)   Private garage, carport, storage shed and parking area associated with above uses and/or dwelling units.
   (D)   Other uses not expressly permitted by right are prohibited.
   (E)    Lot and building provisions.
Zero Lot Line District
Attached Dwelling Units
Detached Dwelling Units
Minimum lot size
2,750 sq ft interior, 3,850 sq ft exterior
4,200 square feet
Minimum lot width
25 feet interior lots, 35 feet exterior lots
40 feet
Front yard setback
20 feet
20 feet
Side yard setback
10 feet exterior lots (per side)
10 feet one side, 0 feet other side
Rear yard setback
10 feet
10 feet
Maximum building height
35 feet
35 feet
Notes: Accessory structures shall be a minimum of five (5) feet from all lot lines; all street frontages are considered front yard setbacks;
      (1)   The total lot coverage permitted for all buildings on the site shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot area.
      (2)   The detached dwelling unit shall be placed on one (1) interior side property with a zero (0) setback, and the dwelling unit setback on the other interior side property shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet (excluding the connecting elements, such as fences, walls and other similar elements).
      (3)   Patios, pools, garden features and other similar elements shall be permitted within the ten (10) foot setback area provided; however, no structure, with the exception of fences or walls, shall be placed within easements required.
      (4)   All dwelling units shall be placed ten (10) feet from all exterior property lines.
      (5)   The attached dwelling unit shall be placed on the interior side property line with a zero (0) setback, and the dwelling unit setback on the other interior side property line can also be placed on the property line with a zero (0) setback.
      (6)   All dwelling units shall be placed ten (10) feet from all exterior property lines.
   (F)   General requirements.
      (1)   Each dwelling shall be located on its own individual platted lot. If areas for common use of occupants of the development are shown on the plat, satisfactory arrangements shall be made for the maintenance of the common open space and facilities. The plat shall indicate the zero lot lines and easements appurtenant thereto.
      (2)   The wall of the dwelling located on the lot line shall have no windows, doors, air conditioning units or any other type of openings, provided however, that atria or courts shall be permitted on the zero lot line side when the court or atrium is enclosed by three (3) walls of the unit and a solid wall of as least eight (8) feet in height is provided on the zero lot line. Said wall shall be constructed of the same material as exterior walls of the dwelling unit.
      (3)   A perpetual four (4) foot wall-maintenance easement, for detached dwellings, shall be provided on the lot adjacent to the zero lot line property line, which, with the exception of walls and/or fencing, shall be kept clear of structures. This easement shall be shown on the plat and incorporated into each deed transferring title to the property. The wall shall be maintained in its original color and treatment unless agreed to by the two (2) affected lot owners. Roof overhangs may penetrate the easement of the adjacent lot by a maximum of twenty-four (24) inches, but the roof shall be designed so that water runoff from the dwelling placed on the lot lines is limited to the easement area.
      (4)   Separation between detached dwellings shall not be less than ten (10) feet.
      (5)   No building or accessory structure shall be located within a required front or street-abutting side yard nor within five (5) feet of a dwelling or another accessory building or structure nor within two (2) feet or any interior property line.
      (6)   If carports or garages are to be incorporated in the future, the development plan must show the placement of such structures prior to approval by the Administrative Official.
      (7)   Common open space is not required but may be permitted. If common open space is provided, provisions satisfactory to the Administrative Official shall be made to assure that non-public areas and facilities for the common use of occupants of the zero lot line development shall be maintained in a satisfactory manner without expense to the general taxpayers of the city.
      (8)   There shall be an open space on each lot of not less than three hundred (300) square feet with no dimension less than fifteen (15) feet. Said open space area shall be exclusive of required front and street-abutting side yards and vehicular driveways and further shall be subject to the following:
         (a)   Required open space may include side or rear yards;
         (b)   Pools and paved recreational areas may be developed in the required open space;
         (c)   The gradient or slope for any required open space shall not exceed twelve percent (12%);
         (d)   The open space may be provided on a deck;
         (e)   The open space shall be fully open to the sky; and
         (f)    Accessory buildings shall not occupy any part of the open space.
      (9)   A major development plan review is required for all zero lot line developments.
   (G)   Landscaping. All applicable landscaping provisions shall be observed.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03)
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of a Planned Unit Development is to permit a greater flexibility in land use regulations than is possible under conventional zoning regulations thereby allowing the developer to use a more creative approach in the development of land. A PUD encourages renewal of older sections of the city where new development is needed to revitalize an area and allows a variety of uses and structures to be placed on a single lot along with common recreational/open space. Ideally, this flexibility results in a development that is better planned, contains more amenities, is more desirable to live and work in and, ultimately, provides substantial benefits to the community and environment compared to the conventional zoning. Because of the flexibility and uniqueness of a PUD, additional requirements may be imposed to ensure that the proposed development pattern blends with its unique surroundings and is a benefit to the community at large.
   (B)   General standards and requirements:
      (1)   A PUD shall be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan’s Goal and Objectives.
      (2)   No tract of land may receive final approval as a Planned Unit Development without being under a single ownership or entity. Once a Planned Unit Development has been approved, the owner may divide and sell lots within the PUD. However, all owners within the PUD shall complete, use and maintain their lot(s), and the structures thereon, in strict conformance of the adopted Planned Unit Development and all applicable covenants and restrictions.
      (3)   The site area shall be at least three acres in area. However, in the interest of making use of the Planned Unit Development as a tool to implement the Comprehensive Plan, this size requirement may be waived to allow a PUD project on a site as small as one (1) acre in size if:
         (a)   The project has unique characteristics and benefits and/or;
         (b)   The tract in question has unique characteristics that significantly impact development, such as having unusual shape or proportions, unusual topography or potentially incompatible land uses on surrounding property.
      (4)   Most uses or mixture of uses may be approved within a PUD, provided that uses within the site are compatible and not injurious to the adjacent neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. Only the specific uses proposed in an approved application and shown on the Final Development Plan shall be allowed in the PUD District.
      (5)   A PUD shall generally have a mixed-use layout (a combination of a variety of residential housing types, varying density levels, and commercial, institutional and/or recreational uses).
      (6)   Measures shall be taken to assure compatibility with adjacent sites.
      (7)   A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the land area should be set aside for common open space for amenities for the PUD. Such amenities may include trails, sidewalks, recreational facilities, street trees, playgrounds, bus shelters and/or cluster mailboxes.
      (8)   Flexibility of design standards and criteria of the city’s subdivision, zoning and sign regulations may be allowed as part of a PUD.
   (C)   Approval process. A PUD is approved in the same way as a zoning map amendment (rezoning). The Planning Commission holds a public hearing and then forwards their recommendation to the City of Madisonville for final action. A Development Plan, in accordance with the requirements as set forth herein, must accompany the request for a PUD. Any subdivision plans associated with the PUD, may be reviewed by the Planning Commission simultaneously with the PUD. A Planned Unit Development approval process includes three (3) steps.
      (1)   The first step is to secure the PUD designation in the form of the map amendment. This step also requires the submittal of a Conceptual Plan outlining the entire tract. The Conceptual Plan must show general location and uses of all structures, parking and circulation patterns and common open/green space areas;
      (2)   The second step is to submit the Preliminary Development Plan for review and approval. To expedite the approval process, the Preliminary Development Plan (as opposed to the Conceptual Plan) may be submitted when applying for the PUD designation. Should the PUD not be approved, the Preliminary Development Plan will become void; and
      (3)   The third step is the approval or disapproval of the Final Development Plan.
   (D)   Specific steps. The specific steps for approval are:
      (1)   Pre-application conference with staff. At this conference, staff reviews a conceptional plan of the proposed PUD Development and makes substantive suggestions concerning process, timing, site design and layout as well as any other relevant matter. This meeting is required to assist the developer/applicant in making a complete application and expedite the process as well as minimize unnecessary costs.
      (2)   Application for the PUD designation is made to the City of Madisonville who will then forward the matter to the Planning Commission for a public hearing.
      (3)   After final approval of the PUD designation, a Preliminary and Final Development Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for its consideration and approval. The Preliminary Development Plan will be reviewed in the same manner as a Major Development Plan. In addition to all items required to be shown on a Major Development Plan, the additional information shall be required:
         (a)   Areas designated for each particular land use including a tabulation of total acreage of the site designated for various uses (i.e., parking, residential, commercial, streets, open/green spaces, etc.);
         (b)   Common open/green spaces and drafts of appropriate restrictive covenants and documents concerning construction, operation and administration of the area such as open/green spaces, private streets, stormwater facilities, parking areas, etc.;
         (c)   Other conditions as applicable to the PUD; and
         (d)   Review fees and development schedule.
      (4)   Once all requirements of the Preliminary Development Plan have been satisfied and approved, a Final Development Plan, and any protective covenants and/or building/use restrictions, shall be submitted for recording purposes.
         (a)   The Final Development Plan shall reflect all conditions and requirements imposed by the Planning Commission and/or legislative body during the approval process for the Preliminary Development Plan and/or the PUD designation.
         (b)   No building permit may be issued until such documents have been recorded.
   (E)   Expiration of Development Plan. Construction shall be initiated within one (1) year from the date of the Final Development Plan approval by the Planning Commission and shall progress thereafter until the PUD has been completed in accordance with the Development Plan. The Planning Commission may, however, grant an extension to the applicant, provided that:
      (1)   A formal written request for the extension is presented to the Planning Commission at least sixty (60) days prior to the deadline; and
      (2)   The written request explains the reasons that construction was not initiated within the time allotted.
   (F)   Changes and modifications. Any changes or modifications to the approved Final Development Plan, except for minor adjustments which may be approved by staff, shall be made in accordance with the procedure required by this section, subject to the same limitations and requirements as those under which such plans were originally approved. Minor changes may include minor shifting of the location of proposed streets, public or private ways, utility easements, parks or other open spaces. Such minor changes shall not affect the density, boundary lines, use, location of structures or amount of land devoted to open/green spaces.
   (G)   Revocation. In the event of a failure to comply with the approved Final Development Plan, the Planning Commission may, after notice and hearing, revoke a Planned Unit Development application. For any future consideration, the Development Plan must be resubmitted in accordance with § 156.035(C) above.
(Ord. O-2020-4, passed 8-17-20; Am. Ord. O-2022-15, passed 10-17-22)