(A)   In order to maintain an attractive and viable environment for businesses and residents, this district was developed to promote larger-scale industrial, business and mixed use developments. Regulations for the General Industrial District are written to encourage developments to achieve high-quality site design and use flexibility inherent in this district. Specific guidelines are established to direct such development issues as architectural compatibility with other buildings and the relationship of buildings to and other spaces including public and open spaces.
   (B)   Uses permitted by right include:
      (1)   Office use, research facility, kennel, and warehousing;
      (2)   Support retail, such as goods and commodities manufactured on site;
      (3)   All manufacturing and industrial use;
      (4)   Welding and machine shop;
      (5)   Auto repair shop;
      (6)   Parking garage; and
      (7)   Storage of hazardous materials.
   (C)   Uses permitted by condition (conditional use permit required - See §§ 156.050 et seq. for additional information regarding conditional uses) include adult establishments.
   (D)   Development and design provisions.
General Industrial
All Uses
Minimum lot size
Average within development 10 acres; minimum individual lot 2 acres
Minimum development setbacks
40 feet front as defined as main entrance on plat; 20 feet all other sides
Minimum lot setbacks
20 feet front; 25 feet per side; 25 feet rear- no rear yard required where rail spur forms rear property line.
   (E)   Parking and loading requirements. See §§ 156.160 et seq. for parking and loading regulations.
   (F)   Landscaping. All applicable landscaping provisions shall be observed.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03; Am. Ord. O-2016-7, passed 3-7-16)