§ 71.21 PERMIT.
   (A)   Any person eligible by virtue of a physical handicap for special privileges under this subchapter shall present to the Board of Public Works and Safety a written application on a form furnished by the Board, for a permit entitling that person to use, for a period of one calendar year from the date of issue, any designated handicapped parking place within the city. Such application shall include information that the applicant is a physically handicapped person as defined in § 71.20. Any person who has been issued Disabled Veteran Registration plates by this or any other state, any person who has been issued Special Registration plates bearing the official international wheelchair symbol by this or any state, or any person eligible by virtue of a physical handicap for special privileges with regard to parking who has been issued a permit by any city, state, or federal government shall be entitled to all parking privileges authorized by this subchapter.
   (B)   There shall be an annual permit fee of $3 due and payable to the city for those handicapped persons qualifying for permits under this section who have been issued Disabled Veteran Registration plates by this or any other state, or who have been issued Special Registration plates bearing the official international wheelchair symbol by this or any state, or who are eligible by virtue of a physical handicap for special privileges with regard to parking who have been issued a permit by any city, state, or federal government.
   (C)   The Board of Public Works and Safety shall have, at its discretion, the authority to issue permits to all persons it feels are eligible.
(Ord. 1981-26, passed 4-7-81)