2.72.010   Offices may be combined.
   The mayor may appoint the present members of the planning commission as members of the zoning commission and their terms and offices shall be identical to the terms and offices now held by them in the planning commission. Upon such appointment of the members of the planning commission, the commission shall be known as the city planning and zoning commission. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code § 3-5-1)
2.72.020   Planning and zoning commission- Created.
   There is created a planning and zoning commission for the city and it shall have all the powers, duties, authority and jurisdiction conferred by Sections 3-19-1 through 3-19-12, 3-20-2 through 3-20-15, and 3-21-1through 3-21-2, NMSA, 1978. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code § 3-5-2)
2.72.030   Membership.
   The planning and zoning commission shall consist of seven members who shall own real property within the city or reside within a five-mile radius of the corporate boundaries of Lovington. They shall be appointed by the mayor and with the consent of the city commission. The term of each appointment shall be for two years. The city manager, fire chief, planning and zoning coordinator, and the city attorney shall be ex officio members of the planning and zoning commission without the right to vote. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code §3-5-3)
2.72.040   Reports and recommendations-Time limit.
   Whenever any plan, proposal or ordinance relating to matters coming within the duties or jurisdiction of the city planning and zoning commission, as set forth in this chapter or hereafter adopted, shall have been referred to the city planning and zoning commission for construction or advice, the city planning and zoning commission shall return the same to the city commission with its report and recommendation, in writing, within thirty days after such plans, proposals or ordinances shall have been referred to the city planning and zoning commission, unless the city commission shall, in referring such, direct that a longer or shorter period shall be allowed for such report. Upon the request or recommendation of the city planning and zoning commission, the time for the making of such report and recommendation may be extended within the discretion of the city commission.
   When any plan, proposal or ordinance shall have been referred by the city commission to the city planning and zoning commission, the city shall not take action thereon until the expiration of the time allowed for the report and recommendation of the planning and zoning commission. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code § 3-5-4)
2.72.050   Duties.
   The planning and zoning commission shall study the zoning questions in the city and shall prepare a report and suggest ordinances for regulation of the height of buildings and structures, setback lines or building lines, the intensity of the use of lot areas, location of trades and industries and buildings designed for industrial, business, residential or other uses, and for dividing the city into various uses, heights and other districts for the purpose of establishing and enforcing adequate and proper zoning regulations. It shall be the duty of the city planning and zoning commission to formulate general plans and designs to promote the welfare, beauty and comfort of the city and to improve and develop means of transportation, ornamentation, drainage, sewerage and ail other means of municipal improvements. The planning and zoning commission shall submit to the city commission reports, maps and plans for such purposes. The planning and zoning commission shall have the authority to approve or deny conditional approval for nonconforming structures. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code § 3-5-5)
2.72.060   Recommendations for improvements.
   A.   It shall be the duty of the city planning and zoning commission to keep itself informed as to the progress of city planning in this and other communities, and to make studies and recommendations for the improvement of sanitation, recreation, and general welfare of the public and to improve traffic transportation and the general convenience of the public. The city planning and zoning commission shall submit to the city commission plans, reports and recommendations concerning the development of facilities for public recreation, the development and improvement of public parks, boulevards, highways and other grounds, and the extension and opening of streets and highways.
   B.   It shall be the duty of the city planning and zoning commission to formulate and submit to the city commission, reports and plans for dividing the municipality into districts of such numbers, shape, area and form as may be deemed best, and to submit reports and plans regulating or restricting the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or use of buildings, structures or lands within such districts.
   C.   It shall be the duty of the planning and city zoning commission to submit to the city commission reports, plans and recommendations to regulate and restrict the height, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures, percentages of lots that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts and other open spaces, the density of population and the location and use of buildings, structures and lands for trade, industry, residences or other purposes. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code § 3-5-6)
2.72.070   Annual report.
   On or before the fifteenth day of March of each year, the planning and zoning commission shall make a written report to the mayor and city commission of the work of the planning and zoning commission during the preceding year. Such report shall summarize all recommendations made by the planning and zoning commission to the city commission during the year, and all references by the city commission to the planning and zoning commission of matters for investigation, report or advice, together with the action of the city commission, if any, taken thereon. Such report shall contain the general program of improvements for the city as shall be recommended by the planning and zoning commission, and may contain estimates of cost and recommendations as to the means of defraying such. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code § 3-5-7)