The mayor may appoint the present members of the planning commission as members of the zoning commission and their terms and offices shall be identical to the terms and offices now held by them in the planning commission. Upon such appointment of the members of the planning commission, the commission shall be known as the city planning and zoning commission. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code § 3-5-1)
There is created a planning and zoning commission for the city and it shall have all the powers, duties, authority and jurisdiction conferred by Sections 3-19-1 through 3-19-12, 3-20-2 through 3-20-15, and 3-21-1through 3-21-2, NMSA, 1978. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code § 3-5-2)
The planning and zoning commission shall consist of seven members who shall own real property within the city or reside within a five-mile radius of the corporate boundaries of Lovington. They shall be appointed by the mayor and with the consent of the city commission. The term of each appointment shall be for two years. The city manager, fire chief, planning and zoning coordinator, and the city attorney shall be ex officio members of the planning and zoning commission without the right to vote. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code §3-5-3)
Whenever any plan, proposal or ordinance relating to matters coming within the duties or jurisdiction of the city planning and zoning commission, as set forth in this chapter or hereafter adopted, shall have been referred to the city planning and zoning commission for construction or advice, the city planning and zoning commission shall return the same to the city commission with its report and recommendation, in writing, within thirty days after such plans, proposals or ordinances shall have been referred to the city planning and zoning commission, unless the city commission shall, in referring such, direct that a longer or shorter period shall be allowed for such report. Upon the request or recommendation of the city planning and zoning commission, the time for the making of such report and recommendation may be extended within the discretion of the city commission.
When any plan, proposal or ordinance shall have been referred by the city commission to the city planning and zoning commission, the city shall not take action thereon until the expiration of the time allowed for the report and recommendation of the planning and zoning commission. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: prior code § 3-5-4)