EDITOR'S NOTE: Agricultural and Forestal Districts are districts which comprise adjoining parcels whose owners volunteer to have their land included in such districts in order to preserve agriculture and to deter subdivision development. The names of the landowners, the parcel numbers and the acreage of the various Districts may be found in the minutes of the Board of Supervisors as well as in the Department of Planning and Zoning in the County Government Center in Leesburg.
The following districts have been created by the following ordinances:
| |
Ord. No. | Agricultural and Forestal District |
The following districts have been created by the following ordinances:
| |
Ord. No. | Agricultural and Forestal District |
79-04 | Mount Gilead |
79-05 | Upperville |
80-03 | Trickle Creek |
80-04 | Hillsboro |
80-07 | Catoctin |
80-08 | Beaverdam Valley |
80-09 | Airmont |
80-10 | Bluemont |
80-11 | Ebenezer |
81-01 | Aldie |
81-02 | Lovettsville |
81-12 | Mountville |
82-24 | Oak Hill |
84-12 | Lucketts |
84-13 | Featherbed |
87-12 | Rockland |
87-16 | Hughesville |
88-15 | Pretty Chicks Welcome |
88-17 | Hillbrook |
89-08 | Middleburg East, Middleburg West, Supercalifragilisticexpialidotiously Beautiful |
92-14 | Simpson |
95-07 | Leesburg |
02-03 | Morven Park |
03-16 | New Mount Gilead |
03-17 | New Hughesville |
03-18 | New Aldie |
04-01 | New Airmont |
04-02 | New Bluemont |
04-03 | New Catoctin North, New Catoctin South |
04-04 | New Ebenezer |
04-05 | New Hillsboro |
04-06 | New Ebenezer |
04-20 | New Lovettsville |
04-21 | New Lucketts |
04-22 | New Mountville |
05-03 | Oatlands |
06-04 | New Oak Hill |
06-11 | New Featherbed |
07-06 | New Mount Gilead |
07-09 | New Rockland |
07-11 | New Upperville |
07-12 | New Morven Park |
07-13 | New Hillsboro |
09-20 | Chrysalis Vineyards/Locksley Estates |
In addition, the following Districts had been renewed by the following ordinances:
Ord. No. | Agricultural and Forestal District |
84-14 | Hillsboro |
87-14 | Mount Gilead |
87-15 | Upperville |
88-07 | Hillsboro |
88-09 | Airmont, Beaverdam Valley, Bluemont, Catoctin, Ebenezer, Trickle Creek |
89-01 | Aldie, Mountville, Lovettsville |
Ord. No. | Agricultural and Forestal District |
Ord. No. | Agricultural and Forestal District |
89-04 | Lucketts |
90-01 | Oak Hill |
91-29 | Mount Gilead |
92-02 | Hillsboro |
92-04 | Airmont, Bluemont, Catoctin, Ebenezer, Trickle Creek |
92-10 | Featherbed |
92-12 | Lovettsville, Mountville |
92-13 | Lovettsville, Mountville |
93-04 | Lucketts |
93-17 | Aldie |
94-06 | Oak Hill |
95-10 | Mount Gilead |
95-11 | Hughesville |
96-02 | Hillsboro |
96-03 | Airmont, Bluemont, Catoctin, Ebenezer, Trickle Creek |
96-09 | Lovettsville, Mountville |
97-02 | Lucketts |
97-10 | Rockland |
97-15 | Upperville |
98-03 | Oak Hill |
98-07 | Beaverdam Valley |
98-15 | Aldie |
98-16 | Hillbrook |
98-17 | Pretty Chicks Welcome |
99-08 | Supercalifragilisticexpialidotiously Beautiful |
99-09 | Middleburg West |
99-10 | Middleburg East |
99-11 | Leesburg |
99-14 | Mount Gilead |
00-03 | Hillsboro |
00-05 | Airmont, Bluemont, Catoctin, Ebenezer |
00-15 | Lovettsville, Mountville |
01-01 | Lucketts |
02-05 | Oak Hill |
02-15 | Featherbed |
02-17 | Simpson |
02-18 | Pretty Chicks Welcome |
08-03 | New Ebenezer |
08-04 | New Catoctin South |
08-05 | New Catoctin North |
08-06 | New Bluemont |
08-07 | New Airmont |
08-08 | Beaverdam Valley |
08-15 | New Lovettsville |
08-16 | New Mountville |
08-17 | New Aldie |
08-18 | Hillbrook |
09-08 | New Lucketts |
09-10 | Supercalifragilisticexpialidotiously Beautiful |
09-11 | Middleburg East |
09-21 | Middleburg West |
10-03 | New Oak Hill |
10-10 | New Featherbed |
11-14 | New Hughesville |
11-15 | New Mount Gilead |
11-16 | New Rockland |
12-03 | New Hillsboro |
12-04 | New Airmont |
12-05 | New Bluemont |
12-06 | New Catoctin North |
12-07 | New Catoctin South |
12-08 | New Ebenezer |
12-14 | New Lovettsville |
12-15 | New Mountville |
13-11 | Chrysalis Vineyards/Locksley Estate |
13-14 | New Aldie |
14-01 | New Oak Hill |
14-08 | New Featherbed |
15-01 | Oatlands |
16-02 | New Airmont |
16-03 | New Bluemont |
16-04 | New Catoctin South |
16-05 | New Ebenezer |
16-06 | New Catoctin North |
16-12 | New Mountville |
16-16 | New Lovettsville |
17-06 | Chrysalis Vineyards/Locksley Estate |
17-07 | New Aldie |
17-08 | New Upperville |
18-03 | New Oak Hill |
18-04 | Beaverdam Valley |
18-15 | New Featherbed |
18-16 | Hillbrook |
19-03 | Oatlands |
19-07 | New Lucketts |
19-10 | Middleburg East |
19-11 | Middleburg West |
| New Bluemont
| New Catoctin North
| New Ebenezer
20-07 | New Catoctin South |
20-10 | New Lovettsville |
20-11 | New Mountville |
21-10 | New Aldie |
21-11 | Chrysalis Vineyards/Locksley Estate |
21-12 | New Upperville |
21-14 | New Hughesville |
21-15 | New Mount Gilead |
21-16 | New Rockland |
22-01 | Beaverdam Valley |
22-02 | New Oak Hill |
22-05 | New Hillsboro |
22-14 | Hillbrook |
22-15 | New Featherbed |
23-01 | New Lucketts |
23-02 | Oatlands |
23-09 | Middleburg East |
23-10 | Middleburg West |
24-01 | New Bluemont |
24-02 | New Ebenezer |
24-05 | New Catoctin South |
24-10 | New Lovettsville |
24-11 | New Mountville |
The following Districts have been terminated by the following ordinances:
00-05 | Trickle Creek |
03-04 | Leesburg |
03-16 | Mount Gilead |
03-17 | Hughesville |
03-18 | Aldie |
04-01 | Airmont |
04-02 | Bluemont |
04-03 | Catoctin |
04-04 | Ebenezer |
04-05 | Hillsboro |
04-06 | Ebenezer |
04-20 | Lovettsvile |
04-21 | Lucketts |
04-22 | Mountville |
06-04 | Oak Hill |
06-11 | Featherbed |
06-13 | Pretty Chicks Welcome |
07-05 | Simpson |
07-06 | Mount Gilead |
07-09 | Rockland |
07-11 | Upperville |
07-12 | Morven Park |
07-13 | Hillsboro |
13-13 | Morven Park |
19-09 | Supercalifragilisticexpialidotiously Beautiful |
| New Airmont
Copies of such ordinances may be obtained, at cost, from the County Administrator.
1226.01 Purpose.
1226.02 Effect of districting.
1226.03 Review of Districts.
1226.04 Discontinuance of association in District.
1226.05 Application and fees.
Agricultural and Forestal Districts Act - see Code of Va. §§ 15.2-4300 to 15.2-4314
Agricultural and Forestal District Advisory Committee - see ADM. Ch. 274
Special Assessment for Land Preservation - see B.R. & T. Ch. 848
Tax exemption for farm animals, certain grains, agricultural products, etc. - see B.R. & T. 860.06