442.01 Throwing or depositing injurious or hazardous materials upon highways.
442.02 Cleaning or servicing vehicles for compensation upon highways.
442.99 Penalty.
Highways generally - see Code of Va. §§ 33.1-1 to 33.1-425
Funeral or other processions - see TRAF. 466.01
Blocking intersections - see TRAF. 466.05
Fire lanes - see TRAF. 486.02
Snow emergency routes - see TRAF. 466.06
No person shall throw or deposit or cause to be deposited upon a highway a glass bottle, glass, nail, tack, wire, can or other substance likely to injure a person or animal or damage a vehicle upon such highway, or throw or deposit or cause to be deposited upon any highway any soil, sand, mud, gravel or other substance so as to create a hazard to the traveling public. Any person who drops or permits to be dropped or thrown upon any highway any destructive, hazardous or injurious material shall immediately remove the same or cause it to be removed. Any person removing a wrecked or a damaged vehicle from a highway shall remove any glass or other injurious substance dropped upon the highway from such vehicle.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 428.99 for general Traffic Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.)