Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as applying to the granting of franchises, permits and privileges by the Board of Harbor Commissioners or by the Board of Airport Commissioners.
Based on Ord. No. 58,200.
Amended by: Title and Sec., Ord. No. 173,034, Eff. 2-24-00, Oper. 7-1-00.
(a) Every applicant for a franchise, permit or privilege mentioned in Section 13.7 of this chapter shall file with the City Clerk, for consideration by the City Council, a written application setting forth the name and address of the applicant, a description of the franchise, permit or privilege requested, or a description of any other action affecting an existing franchise, permit, or privilege requested by the applicant and the streets, highways or other places along, upon, over, in, under or across which it proposes to exercise such franchise, permit or privilege.
(b) The procedures set out in this Article will also apply to a renewal, amendment, assignment, or transfer of control of an existing franchise, permit or privilege.
(c) No application submitted pursuant to this Code shall be considered by any City board, commission, office or department until it is filed with the City Clerk.
Based on Ord. No. 58,200.
Amended by: Ord. No. 176,006, Eff. 7-12-04.
(a) Every application made to the City Council for a franchise, permit or privilege, or for any other action affecting an existing franchise, permit or privilege, mentioned in this chapter shall, before any action is taken thereon, be referred by the City Clerk, on behalf of the City Council, to the Board of Public Works, the Information Technology Agency, the Board of Transportation Commissioners or the Board of Taxicab Commissioners, as applicable, or to any other City board, commission, office or department having jurisdiction over the matter for review and recommendation on the application.
(b) The board, commission, office, or department shall investigate the application and, within thirty (30) days after the application was referred to and received by it, shall report to the City Council the status of its review or its recommendation relative thereto. After hearing the report from the board, commission, office or department, the City Council in its sole discretion, and as it deems necessary, may grant additional time for the board, commission, office, or department to complete its review and submit its recommendations or it may proceed to consider the matter on the merits.
(c) If, in the judgment of the board, commission, office, or department, the application should not be granted, it shall provide a report to City Council including its reasons for its recommendation. If, in the judgment of the board, commission, office, or department, the application should be granted, it shall provide a report to City Council including its recommendation of the terms and conditions upon which the application should be granted.
(d) The City Council may deny or approve the granting of the franchise, permit, or privilege, through a request for bids, on a negotiated basis, or as otherwise provided by applicable law, notwithstanding the recommendations of the board, commission, office or department. The City Council may also amend the terms and conditions recommended by the board, commission, office, or department. Action by the City Council shall be by majority vote of the entire City Council.
(e) Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed or applied to preclude the City Council from acting at any time on any application filed with the City Clerk pursuant to this Chapter.
Based on Ord. No. 58,200.
Amended by: Ord. No. 151,832, Eff. 2-10-79, Oper. 2-25-79; Ord. No. 176,006, Eff. 7-12-04; Subsec. (a), Ord. No. 180,528, Eff. 3-22-09; Subsec. (a), Ord. No. 185,204, Eff. 11-22-17.