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“Official Ballots” as used in this Chapter include and are classified as follows:
(a) a paper ballot upon which are printed the names of candidates for nomination or election to one or more offices or the ballot title and question of one or more measures; and which is voted by punching or marking the ballot in the corresponding numerically designated vote area for a given candidate or measure;
(b) a paper ballot that is voted either by punching or marking the ballot in the place that corresponds to the numerically designated vote area for a given candidate or measure;
(1) This type of ballot may be used by inserting it into a voting device that contains pages upon which are printed the names of candidates for nomination or election to one or more offices or the ballot title and question of one or more measures and the associated numerically designated vote areas.
(2) This type of ballot may be used in a stand alone fashion, without a voting device, by referring to a sample ballot and then punching or marking the ballot in the corresponding numerically designated vote area for a given candidate or measure.
(c) a ballot image presented on a computer screen through which the voter can vote by touching the screen, utilizing the key board, the mouse or equivalent device to register the voter’s choice. The electronic ballot image presented shall include the names of candidates for nomination or election to one or more offices or the ballot title and question of one or more measures and the associated numerically designated vote areas.
(d) a generic paper ballot that is used as replacement ballots in case of emergencies; and
(e) a write-in ballot as described in Section 506.