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(a) A voting precinct is one or more established election precincts which are combined for purposes of voting at a specified location for a particular election. Established election precincts are those defined as such by the County. The City Council may, for the purpose of conducting City elections conducted by the City Clerk, adopt the voting precincts established by the Board of Supervisors, or, for the ensuing election, may establish new voting precincts.
(b) The number of voters assigned to a voting precinct will be determined by the City Clerk, not to exceed 1,500 voters, provided that voters registered as permanent absentee voters may not be counted in establishing the voting precinct size. Two or more voting precincts may be consolidated if such consolidation reflects the voting precinct history of the area, facilitates securing a voting site, or is more convenient for the voters in the area.
(c) Two or more voting precincts may be co-located at a single voting location if co-location is required to secure a voting site, or a co-located voting location is more convenient for the voters in the area.
(d) The City Clerk may establish designated Vote-By-Mail voting precincts in accordance with Section 1006.
(a) After the ordinance(s) calling the election and establishing the voting precincts for the election have been adopted, no voting precinct shall be established or abolished or the boundaries of any voting precinct changed except as noted below.
(b) If the boundaries of the City or consolidating election jurisdiction have been changed by the annexation of unincorporated territory or detachment of City territory, the boundaries of the precincts affected by the change may be altered or corrected, or new precincts established to comply with the change.
(c) If an election jurisdiction consolidating with a City conducted election withdraws from the election, the boundaries of the precincts affected by the change may be altered or corrected, or new precincts established to comply with the change.