(A)   Establishment. The Common Council of the City of Linton, in the best interest of Linton, Indiana, and its citizens to afford a maximum opportunity for rehabilitation, redevelopment, or economic development of areas by private enterprise, hereby create and establish a Department of Redevelopment with all the powers set forth in IC 36-7-14 and IC 36-7-25 (the "Act'').
   (B)   Members. The Department of Redevelopment will be controlled by a board of five members known as the Linton Redevelopment Commission.
   (C)   District. All of the territory within the boundaries of the City of Linton will be a taxing district to be known as the Redevelopment District of Linton for the purpose of levying and collecting special benefit taxes for redevelopment purposes as provided in the Act. All of the taxable property within this special taxing district will be considered to be benefited by the redevelopment projects and economic development projects carried out under the Act.
   (D)   All other orders, ordinances, resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with the provision and the intent of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
   (E)   This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Mayor and the Common Council for the City of Linton.
(Ord. 2013-11, passed 8-12-2013)