General Provisions
51.01 Water connection required
51.02 Separate connections and meters required
51.03 Applications for connections
51.04 City to tap main and make connections
51.05 All service pipes to connect with main
51.06 Sprinkler connections
51.07 Taking water from public hydrant
51.08 Shutting water off for repair and the like
51.09 No damages in case of accident or failure of water supply
51.10 Turning water on after turn-off for nonpayment
51.11 Tampering with or obstructing waterlines
Water Conservation
51.25 Definition; curtailment of use required
51.26 Declaration of water shortage condition
51.27 Guidelines during Stage I water shortage condition
51.28 Illegal acts during Stage II water shortage condition
51.29 Illegal acts and restrictions during Stage III water shortage condition
51.30 Lifting restrictions imposed during a water shortage
51.31 Discontinuance of service
51.32 Schedule
Backflow and Cross-Connections
51.45 Introduction
51.46 Objectives of subchapter
51.47 Responsibilities
51.48 Definitions
51.49 Right of entry
51.50 Elimination of cross-connections; degree of hazard
51.51 Installation of assemblies
51.52 Testing and repair of assemblies
51.53 Facilities requiring protection
51.54 Connections with unapproved sources of supply
51.55 Fire protection systems
51.56 Enforcement
51.99 Penalty
Publicly Owned Treatment Works, see Chapter 54
Statutory reference:
Meter tampering, see G.S. § 14-151
All owners of improved property located within the corporate limits shall connect his or her premises to the city water system.
(Prior Code, § 8-20) Penalty, see § 51.99
Each individual business or residential building or structure shall install a separate water connection, and each shall have separate water meters.
(Prior Code, § 8-21) Penalty, see § 51.99