Streets and Sidewalks Generally
1020.01   Obstructions and encroachments; notice to remove.
1020.02   Driving over new construction; destruction of signs or barricades.
1020.03   Suspension of objects.
1020.04   Snow and ice; filthy accumulations.
1020.05   Merchandise displays; signs; permit required.
1020.06   Street names.
1020.07   Vacation of streets and alleys.
1020.08   Sidewalk openings.
1020.09   Gas and sewer connections.
1020.99   Penalty.
   Installation of sidewalks - see CHTR. Ch. VI Sec. 14
   Authority of City re streets - see CHTR. Ch. VI Secs. 17, 18
   Streets and alleys in home rule cities - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 117.4d, 117.4e, 117.4h
   Excavations generally - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 554.251 et seq.; S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1026
   Construction of sidewalks - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1022
   Master Street System Plan - see P. & Z. 1220.08
   Streets and sidewalks in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1224.02, 1224.03
   Zoning of streets - see P. & Z. 1266.03