Section 1. Ordinance authorized to exercise powers.
In addition to all other powers in this Charter granted, the City shall have the general powers and authority granted in this chapter; and the Council shall pass such ordinances and resolutions as it shall deem expedient in order to exercise such powers.
Section 2. Council authority; specific matters enumerated.
The Council shall have power to prohibit, prevent and suppress:
1. Vice and immorality;
2. Houses of ill fame;
3. Disorderly and assignation houses;
4. The sale or giving away of spirituous, fermented or intoxicating liquors;
5. Saloons;
6. Mock auctions and every kind of fraudulent game, device or practice;
7. Lotteries, gambling and gambling houses;
8. Indecent exposure of the person;
9. The show, sale or exhibition for sale of indecent or obscene pictures, drawings, engravings, paintings, books and pamphlets;
10. Indecent or obscene shows and exhibitions;
11. Wanton destruction of property;
12. Riots;
13. Disorderly persons and disorderly assemblages of persons;
14. Disturbance of any religious meeting, congregation, society or other public meeting assembled for any lawful purpose;
15. Wearing of masks or covering which conceal part or all of the wearer's face while assembling, marching or parading on any street, highway or public place, except masquerade parties or amusement or public parades;
16. Use of a red flag, except for railway and transportation purposes, and except as a sign of danger;
17. Nuisances;
18. Injury or annoyance from anything dangerous, offensive or unhealthy; and
19. Disorderly persons, prostitutes and any person owning, operating, maintaining or doing any of the things enumerated above.
The Council shall have power to provide for the arrest and punishment of vagrants, truants, beggars, drunkards and persons found drunk in any of the public streets or places of the City.