The following documents are on file in the county clerk's office and the building department office, located at the county courthouse in Pioche, Nevada, and are hereby adopted as the building code of Lincoln County to regulate the erection, construction, alteration, moving, removal, conversion, use and maintenance of all buildings and/or structures within the unincorporated areas of Lincoln County.
The current and future updated versions of the:
International building code,
International existing building code,
International fire code,
International fuel gas code,
International mechanical code,
International private sewage disposal code,
International property maintenance code, and the
International residential code.
Included in this adoption are the following appendices:
For the international building code; appendices C - agricultural buildings, G - flood resistant construction, and J - grading.
For the international residential code; E - manufactured housing, G - swimming pools, spas and hot tubs, H - patio covers, J - existing building & structures.
Appendices for the remainder of the international codes listed above are included by reference.
These codes regulate and govern the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures: by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; and the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use; and the demolition of such structures in the county. (Ord. 2005-09, 11-7-2005, eff. 11-24-2005)
The building code adopted in this chapter is subject to the provisions of existing zoning and planning ordinances relating to location of buildings and/or structures and use of property. The said ordinances shall prevail in all matters in which there may develop a conflict between them and the building code. (1983 Code § 15.04.050)