   (A)   Any other provision to the contrary notwithstanding, a motor vehicle bearing a decal in its front windshield issued by the County Clerk pursuant to appropriate count ordinances or state laws or regulations for handicapped person, may be parked in a designated handicapped parking place, or when parked in a metered parking space may be parked for two hours for no fee, or when parked where any parking limit is imposed may be parked for two hours in excess of the parking limit. The motor vehicle may be parked in a loading zone for the period of time necessary to permit entrance or exit of the handicapped person to or from the parked vehicle, but in no circumstances longer than 30 minutes.
   (B)   This section shall not permit parking in a “no stopping” or “no parking” zone nor where parking is prohibited for the purpose of creating a fire lane or to accommodate heavy traffic during morning, afternoon or evening hours, nor permit a motor vehicle to be parked in such a manner as to constitute a traffic hazard.
   (C)   No parking will be allowed in any handicap space unless a proper handicap permit and/or license plate is properly displayed.
(Ord. 03-5-13-08, passed 5-13-2008) Penalty, see § 70.99
   (A)   All law enforcement officers are empowered to authorize the impoundment of a vehicle violating vehicle-related ordinances after a parking citation has been issued.
   (B)   A vehicle slated for impoundment will be tagged and placed under control of the County Sheriff’s office. Should a vehicle be moved without the consent and approval of the Sheriff’s office, any person moving such a vehicle without consent shall be liable for any fees imposed on the vehicle and any other criminal violations or misdemeanors that arise from such actions.
(Ord. 03-5-13-08, passed 5-13-2008)
§ 70.12 [RESERVED].
   Any person engaged in the business of storing or towing motor vehicles in either a private capacity or for the county who has complied with the notification requirements of § 70.15 shall have a lien on the motor vehicle for the applicable and reasonable charges assessed in accordance with KRS 281.926 and KRS 281.932, as long as it remains in his or her possession. If after a period of 45 days, the applicable and reasonable charges assessed in accordance with KRS 281.926 and KRS 281.932 have not been paid, the motor vehicle may be sold to pay the charges after the owner and any lienholder have been notified by certified mail at the addresses specified in KRS 281.928(1), ten business days prior to the time and place of the sale. If the proceeds of the sale of any vehicle pursuant to this section are insufficient to satisfy accrued charges, the sale and collection of proceeds shall not constitute a waiver or release of responsibility for payment of unpaid charges by the owner or responsible casualty insurer of the vehicle. This lien shall be subject to prior recorded liens, unless released by any existing lienholder pursuant to KRS 376.275(1)(c).
(KRS 376.275(1)) (Ord. 03-5-13-08, passed 5-13-2008)