General Provisions
   70.001   Definitions
   70.002   Application
   70.003   Uniformity of interpretation
   70.004   Effect of headings
   70.005   Short title
   70.006   Chapter not retroactive
   70.007   Effect of partial invalidity
Traffic Administration
   70.020   Duty of Chief of Police and deputies
   70.021   Records of traffic violations
   70.022   Police Department to investigate accidents
   70.023   Traffic accident studies
   70.024   Traffic accident reports
   70.025   Police Department to submit annual traffic safety report
   70.026   Emergency traffic control
   70.027   Chief of Police to designate method of identifying funeral processions
   70.028   Street Commissioner to be Traffic Engineer
   70.029   Local disaster emergency declarations and travel advisories
Enforcement of and Obedience to Traffic Regulation
   70.040   Authority of Chief of Police and Fire Department officials
   70.041   Required obedience to traffic regulations
   70.042   Certain non-motorized traffic to obey traffic regulations
   70.043   Use of coaster, roller skates and the like
   70.044   Public employees to obey traffic regulations
   70.045   Authorized emergency vehicles
   70.046   Written reports of accidents
   70.047   When driver is unable to report
   70.048   Written accident reports confidential
Traffic-Control Devices
   70.060   Authority to install traffic-control devices
   70.061   Manual and specifications for traffic-control devices
   70.062   When official traffic-control devices are required for enforcement purposes
   70.063   Interference with official traffic-control devices
   70.064   Presumption of legality
   70.065   Street Commissioner to designate crosswalks and establish safety zones
   70.066   Traffic lanes
Speed and Other Specific Traffic Regulations
   70.080   State speed laws applicable
   70.081   Speed in alleys
   70.082   Regulation of off-road vehicles
   70.083   Turning movements
   70.084   One-way streets and alleys
   70.085   Stop and yield intersections
   70.086   Yield right-of-way at alley exit
   70.087   Yield streets
Miscellaneous Driving Rules
   70.100   Stop when traffic obstructed
   70.101   Driving through funeral or other procession
   70.102   Drivers in a procession
   70.103   Funeral processions to be identified
   70.104   When permits are required for parades and processions
   70.105   Boarding or alighting from vehicles
   70.106   Unlawful riding
   70.107   Driving upon a sidewalk
   70.108   Containment of loads
   70.109   Unattended motor vehicle
   70.110   No passing zone upon certain streets
Pedestrians' Rights and Duties
   70.125   Crossing at right angles
   70.126   Obedience of pedestrians to railroad signals
   70.999   Penalty