The following signs shall not require a permit, but may be subject to other provisions within this Ordinance:
(a) Incidental signs;
(b) Historic markers;
(c) Construction signs;
(d) Change of copy on any sign where the framework or other structural elements are not altered;
(e) Limited duration signs, limited to one (1) sign per street frontage, and further regulated as follows:
(1) When associated with agricultural or residential (other than a Group Residential Project) use of the property, such sign area shall not exceed six (6) square feet and six (6) feet in height. Such sign shall be nonilluminated.
(2) When associated with business, commercial or industrial use of the property, a mixed-use development, or a Group Residential Project, such sign area shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and ten (10) feet in height; except such a sign may be permitted up to, but not exceed, sixty-four (64) square feet in area when:
(a) The building to which such a sign pertains contains 100,000 or more square feet; or
(b) The site to which such a sign pertains contains two (2) or more acres.
Such signs shall be non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated.
(f) Window signs;
(g) Pole banners;
(h) Temporary signs related to events that are sponsored by neighborhood associations or owners' associations that are located within the public or private street right-of-way of that neighborhood, and that do not otherwise interfere with sight in violation of Section 17-8(f). There shall not be more than ten (10) signs for any such event, and each such sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height shall not be displayed more than seven (7) calendar days prior to the event; and must be removed within two (2) calendar days after the event.
(Ord. No. 015-2021, § 1, 3-18-2021)
A legal, nonconforming sign may continue in existence as long as it is properly maintained in good condition.
These provisions shall not prevent the repair or restoration to a safe condition of any sign, but a nonconforming sign shall not be:
(a) Changed to another nonconforming sign except where only the face or copy is changed;
(b) Structurally altered so as to increase the degree of nonconformity of the sign;
(c) Expanded or enlarged;
(d) Reestablished after its removal; or
(e) Moved to a new location on the building or lot.
(Ord. No. 015-2021, § 1, 3-18-2021)
No sign, except as specifically exempted herein, shall be displayed, erected, relocated or altered unless and until a permit has been issued by the Division of Building Inspection. Application materials shall be as required by the Division of Building Inspection, and shall include, but shall not be limited to the following:
(a) A completed application form.
(b) A site plan and/or building elevation drawing, showing the location of the proposed sign(s) on the lot and/or building, including setbacks.
(c) Detailed sign information, including type of construction, method of illumination, dimensions, method of mounting and/or erecting and other similar information.
(d) The consent of the owner of the underlying real property or authorized agent.
(e) A permit fee in an amount determined by the Urban County Council.
(Ord. No. 015-2021, § 1, 3-18-2021)
All signs in all zones shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Illuminated signs shall be located in a fashion which prevents all direct rays of light from shining beyond the property lines of the lot on which the sign is located.
(b) No light, sign, or other advertising device shall be designed or erected to imitate or resemble any official traffic sign, signal, or device or use any words, phrases, symbols, or characters implying the existence of danger, or the need to stop or maneuver the vehicle.
(c) No sign shall be attached to or painted on the surface of any tree, utility pole, or street light.
(d) Projecting signs shall have at least 8 feet of clearance above a road or sidewalk.
(e) Neon lighting and other lighted tubing signs may be used on signs where signs are permitted to be directly illuminated as defined in this Article.
(f) No sign, except for government signs, shall be located within the sight triangle of any intersection.
(g) No sign shall be placed in or project into the public or private street right-of-way, except as specifically permitted herein.
(h) Every sign, including those for which a permit is not required, shall be maintained in good condition at all times.
(Ord. No. 015-2021, § 1, 3-18-2021)
The following signs and/or sign features shall be prohibited in all zones:
(a) Mobile signs;
(b) Roof signs that extend higher than the top edge of the roof;
(c) Rotating or moving signs;
(d) Abandoned signs;
(e) Streamers, pennants, and tag signs or similar signs or devices except when attached to a permitted temporary sign;
(f) Any sign which emits any noise, odor, or visible matter;
(g) Free-standing signs which overhang any part of a building; and
(h) Flashing or blinking signs.
(Ord. No. 015-2021, § 1, 3-18-2021)
The Board of Adjustment shall have the authority to hear and decide on applications for variances to signage dimensional requirements in accordance with Article 7 of this Zoning Ordinance.
(a) The Board shall also have the authority to hear and decide on applications for the transfer of unused signage square footage, but only when the transfer is between the same signage type and along the same street frontage.
(b) The Board shall not have the authority to increase the number of permitted signs, allow a design feature or type of sign not specifically permitted in the subject zone, nor to grant any appeal that would increase the maximum total permitted sign area on a single lot or building.
(Ord. No. 015-2021, § 1, 3-18-2021)
Any sign not specifically permitted shall be prohibited.
(a) Agricultural Zones (A-R, A-U, A-B, and A-N). Permitted signs within these zones may be either free-standing or wall mounted unless otherwise specified; no free-standing sign may exceed ten (10) feet in height; signs shall be either non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated unless otherwise specified.
(1) Residence. One wall sign not exceeding one (1) square foot in area.
(a) Subdivision entrance signs of permanent construction, free-standing or wall mounted; not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area; no more than two per entrance; not more than two entrances to be identified. Such signs may be located in the right-of-way (in the median or at each side of the street) subject to written authorization of the Commissioner of Public Works, who shall determine that the signs would not be located in the sight triangle and would not cause a hazard to traffic. Proof of permanent maintenance and an encroachment permit shall be provided by the applicant prior to the issuance of a permit for a subdivision entrance sign located in the right-of-way.
(2) Farm or Estate.
(a) One sign for a farm or estate, not exceeding ten (10) square feet.
(b) For farms utilizing more than one point of access, one non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated sign per entrance, not to exceed ten (10) square feet in area; maximum height often (10) feet.
(3) Buildings Used for Religious or Educational Activities.
(a) One free-standing sign not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height, or one wall sign per building not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area.
(b) One bulletin board, not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height.
(4) Bed and Breakfast Facility.
(a) One sign for a permitted bed and breakfast facility permitted as a conditional use, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area.
(5) All Other Permitted Uses.
(a) One sign for any other permitted or conditional use not noted herein, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area.
(b) Mobile Home Park Zone (M-1P). Permitted signs shall be either non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated.
(1) One free-standing sign per park entrance. Sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, eight (8) feet in height, and shall have a minimum setback often (10) feet from any street.
(2) One wall sign per mobile home that shall not exceed one (1) square foot in area.
(c) Low Density Residential Zones (R-1 [A—E], R-1T, R-2). Permitted signs within these zones shall be wall signs unless otherwise specified; signs shall either be non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated. Minimum setback for any freestanding sign permitted under this section shall be ten (10) feet.
(1) Residence. One wall sign not exceeding one (1) square foot in area.
(a) Subdivision entrance signs of permanent construction, free-standing or wall mounted; not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area; no more than two per entrance; not more than two entrances to be identified. Such signs may be located in the right-of-way (in the median or at each side of the street) subject to written authorization of the Commissioner of Public Works, who shall determine that the signs would not be located in the sight triangle and would not cause a hazard to traffic. Proof of permanent maintenance and an encroachment permit shall be provided by the applicant prior to the issuance of a permit for a subdivision entrance sign located in the right-of-way.
(2) Buildings Used for Religious of Educational Activities.
(a) One sign that shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height if free-standing. If the property is five or more acres in size and has frontage on two or more streets, then a second sign of the same dimensional requirements is permitted, provided the signs are located a minimum of two hundred fifty (250) feet from each other;
(b) One bulletin board that shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height if free-standing. If the property is five or more acres in size and has frontage on two or more streets, then a second sign of the same dimensional requirements is permitted, provided the signs are located a minimum of two hundred fifty (250) feet from each other.
(3) One sign for a farm or estate exceeding five (5) acres in size, not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area.
(4) One sign for a permitted kindergarten, nursery school, day nursery, or child care center, wall mounted not more than seven (7) feet above ground level; not exceeding two (2) square feet in area.
(5) For a Group Residential Project within the R-1T zone only, one non-illuminated traffic directional sign per entrance, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area; and not exceeding three (3) feet in height if free standing; not to exceed four (4) signs per Group Residential Project.
(6) Bed and Breakfast Facility.
(a) One sign for a permitted bed and breakfast facility permitted as a conditional use, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height if freestanding.
(7) All other Permitted Uses.
(a) One sign for any other permitted or conditional use not noted herein, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height.
(d) Planned Neighborhood Residential, Medium Density Residential & High Density Residential Zones (R-3, R-4, & R-5). Permitted signs within these zones shall be free-standing or wall signs unless otherwise specified; signs shall be either non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated; signs may be internally illuminated only when across a public street from any office, business or industrial zone. Minimum setback for any free-standing sign permitted under this section shall be no less than ten (10) feet.
(1) Signs as permitted and regulated under Section 17-11(c).
(2) Multi-family residential buildings, including dormitories, but excluding Group Residential Projects, may have one sign not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height if free-standing.
(3) Group Residential Projects, one sign per street frontage, with a maximum of two (2) signs, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area per sign and eight (8) feet in height if free-standing.
(4) One wall-mounted sign per building in R-4 and R-5 zones with incidental retail uses allowed as a conditional use, not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area. Where utilized, the otherwise permitted wall signs shall not be permitted.
(5) One wall-mounted sign per extended-stay hotel conditional use in R-5 zones; not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area. When located within ¾ mile of an interchange for a designated interstate highway, one additional one hundred fifty (150) square foot wall-mounted sign visible from the interstate highway is permitted at a minimum height of seventy-five (75) feet.
(6) One wall-mounted sign per principal permitted office use, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area.
(e) Professional Office Zone (P-1) And Mixed Use 1: Neighborhood Node Zone (MU-1). Permitted signs may be either free-standing or wall mounted, as specifically noted; signs shall be non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated, or internally illuminated unless otherwise specified. No free-standing sign shall exceed ten (10) feet in height, with the exception of hospitals, as regulated below.
(1) One free-standing sign per building; not to exceed forty (40) square feet in area, with a minimum setback often (10) feet.
(2) One wall-mounted sign for buildings with one street frontage, not to exceed five percent (5%) of the wall area to which it is attached. When a free-standing sign is not utilized on a lot with only one street frontage, a second wall-mounted sign on a different building face shall be permitted as regulated above in place of the permitted free-standing sign.
(3) Two wall-mounted signs for buildings with two street frontages, located on separate wall faces, not to exceed five percent (5%) of the wall area to which the signs are attached.
(4) Three wall-mounted signs for buildings three (3) stories or taller with two street frontages, located on separate wall faces, not to exceed five percent (5%) of the wall area to which the signs are attached. Signs not located on a street frontage shall not be placed on a building face directly adjacent to any residential zone.
(5) One wall sign per tenant or lessee, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area; nonilluminated or indirectly illuminated only.
(6) Traffic directional signs not exceeding three (3) feet in height if free-standing; not to exceed two (2) signs per entrance.
(7) One attraction board, wall mounted or attached to the permitted free-standing sign, the area of the attraction board to be included in the maximum permitted sign area.
(8) Canopy or awning signs, limited to fifteen percent (15%) of the area of the surface to which they are attached. Such signs shall be included in the computation of the maximum permitted sign area specified under 17-11(e)(1) above.
(9) Pole-mounted banner signs shall be permitted, subject to the following:
(a) Banner signs shall be a maximum size of two (2) feet by four (4) feet, and there shall be no more than two (2) per pole.
(b) Pole-mounted banners shall be permitted on light fixtures in parking lots and pedestrian plazas located outside the public right-of-way.
(c) Banner poles shall be spaced to be no closer than forty-five (45) feet from each other.
(d) The total number of pole-mounted banner signs shall be limited to one (1) for every 3,000 square feet of parking lot or pedestrian plaza.
(e) All pole-mounted banner signs shall provide a minimum of eight (8) feet of vertical clearance, and may not encroach into the right-of-way.
(10) In addition, and within a designated Professional Office Project only:
(a) One project sign, free-standing or wall mounted; not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet in area.
(b) One sign, wall mounted; not exceeding fifteen (15) square feet in area for a restaurant, cocktail lounge or night club.
(c) Subdivision signs of permanent construction, free-standing or wall mounted; not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area; not exceeding eight (8) feet in height; and no more than two per entrance. Such signs may be located in the right-of-way (in the median or at each side of the street), subject to written authorization of the Commissioner of Public Works, who shall determine that the signs would not be located in the sight triangle and would not cause a hazard to traffic. Proof of permanent maintenance and an encroachment permit shall be provided by the applicant prior to the issuance of a permit for a subdivision sign located in the right-of-way.
(11) In addition, and within a hospital campus or Regional Medical Campus [as generally defined in 23A-10(b)(9)], only:
(a) A maximum of three signs per campus, free-standing or wall mounted. A sign located along a street classified as a collector or an arterial shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet in area and twenty (20) feet in height. A sign located at the intersection of a street classified as a collector or an arterial and a local street shall not exceed seventy-five (75) square feet and fifteen (15) feet in height. No signs shall be located along a street classified as a local street or at the intersection of two local streets.
(b) Subdivision signs of permanent construction, free-standing or wall mounted; not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet in area; not exceeding ten (10) feet in height; no more than two per entrance along a street classified as a collector or arterial; not more than two entrances to be identified per campus. Such signs shall only be located at entrances shown on an approved development plan.
(c) Three wall-mounted signs for buildings with two street frontages, located on separate wall faces, not to exceed five percent (5%) of the wall area to which the signs are attached. Signs not located on a street frontage shall not be placed on a building face directly adjacent to any residential zone.
(12) Temporary signs. One temporary sign per street frontage shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:
(a) Shall be limited to window or wall signs only.
(b) Shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per sign where non-rigid materials are used.
(c) Shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign where rigid materials, such as wallboard or plywood, are used.
(d) Shall comply with the applicable regulations for the zone in which they are located.
(e) Temporary signage may be displayed once every three (3) months for up to fourteen (14) continuous days.
(f) Neighborhood Business Zone (B-1). Permitted signs may be freestanding or wall mounted, as specified; signs shall be non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated, or internally illuminated unless specified otherwise. No free-standing sign shall exceed twenty (20) feet in height.
(1) Signs shall be permitted as follows:
(a) The total surface area of signs shall not exceed one and one-half (1½) square feet per linear foot of street or building frontage, whichever is greater; or thirty-two (32) square feet, whichever is greater.
(b) One free-standing sign shall be permitted per street frontage, with a maximum of two (2) free-standing signs; not exceeding fifty (50) square feet per sign; minimum setback shall be ten (10) feet.
(c) One projecting sign not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in area, not exceeding twelve (12) feet in height, and only directly or indirectly illuminated, shall be permitted in lieu of all free-standing signage, as permitted herein, under the following circumstances:
(1) the parcel on which the sign is placed is located within the defined Infill and Redevelopment Area; and
(2) the existing principal structure on the parcel is located ten (10) feet or less from the front property line.
(d) The surface area of a wall-mounted sign shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the wall area to which it is attached or thirty-two (32) square feet, whichever is greater, each wall to be considered separately Only one sign shall be permitted per wall. In the case of a building containing two or more separate uses, these requirements shall be applied separately to the wall area of the building space leased, rented or owned by the individual tenant.
(e) Window signs shall be limited to no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total window area, and direct illumination shall be permitted.
(f) Canopy or awning signs (including above-canopy signs) shall be permitted and included in the computation of the maximum permitted sign area and limited to the percentage allowable for wall signs.
(2) In conjunction with an indoor theater, one marquee, not to exceed twenty-four (24) square feet per theater; such marquee shall project no more than eight (8) feet from the building face to which it is attached and shall have a minimum clearance of eight (8) feet. In addition, one attraction board attached to one free-standing sign, not to exceed twenty-four (24) square feet per theater. The area of the marquee and attraction board shall be included in the computation of the maximum permitted sign area. (Note: Where an attraction board attached to a free-standing sign is not utilized, a second marquee, mounted on a different building face, shall be permitted as regulated above.)
(3) One attraction board, wall mounted or attached to a permitted free-standing sign; the area of the attraction board to be included in the maximum permitted sign area.
(4) Traffic directional signs not exceeding three (3) square feet in area, not exceeding three (3) feet in height; if free-standing, not to exceed two (2) signs per entrance.
(5) One sign per tenant or lessee, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area; nonilluminated or indirectly illuminated.
(6) One menu board per restaurant use or one menu board per drive-through lane. All copy (including any logos, restaurant name, etc., shall have a maximum letter height and width of six (6) inches, containing no direct illumination; not exceeding forty-five (45) square feet in area; maximum height of eight (8) feet if free-standing; and not located so as to have the copy visible to vehicular traffic on any adjacent street.
(7) One menu box per restaurant use, not exceeding four (4) square feet.
(8) Pole-mounted banner signs shall be permitted, subject to the following:
(a) Banner signs shall be a maximum size of two (2) feet by four (4) feet, and there shall be no more than two (2) per pole.
(b) Pole-mounted banners shall be permitted on light fixtures in parking lots and pedestrian plazas located outside the public right-of-way.
(c) Banner poles shall be spaced to be no closer than forty-five (45) feet from each other.
(d) The total number of pole-mounted banner signs shall be limited to one (1) for every three thousand (3,000) square feet of parking lot or pedestrian plaza.
(e) All pole-mounted banner signs shall provide a minimum of eight (8) feet of vertical clearance, and may not encroach into the right-of-way.
(9) Temporary signs. One temporary sign per street frontage shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:
(a) Shall be limited to window or wall signs only.
(b) Shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per sign where non-rigid materials are used.
(c) Shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign where rigid materials, such as wallboard or plywood, are used.
(d) Shall comply with the applicable regulations for the zone in which they are located.
(e) Temporary signage may be displayed once every three (3) months for up to fourteen (14) continuous days.
(g) Corridor Business, Corridor Node, Warehouse/Wholesale, and Industrial Zones (B-3, CN, B-4, 1-1, l-2). Permitted signs may be free-standing or wall mounted, as specified; signs may be non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated, internally illuminated or directly illuminated unless specified otherwise; no free-standing sign shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height; no free-standing billboard shall exceed forty (40) feet in height.
(1) Signs shall be permitted as follows:
(a) The total surface area of signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet per linear foot of street or building frontage, whichever is greater; or thirty-two (32) square feet, whichever is greater.
(b) One free-standing sign per lot shall be permitted per street frontage, with a maximum of two (2) free-standing signs; not exceeding seventy-five (75) square feet per sign; minimum setback shall be ten (10) feet.
(c) The surface area of wall-mounted sign(s) shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the wall area to which it is attached or thirty-two (32) square feet, whichever is greater, each wall to be considered separately. Only one sign shall be permitted per wall. In the case of a building containing two or more separate uses, these requirements shall be applied separately to the wall area of the building space leased, rented or owned by the individual tenant.
(d) Window signs shall be limited to no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total window area.
(2) Traffic directional signs and signs on or under a canopy or awning shall be permitted as regulated in the B-1 zone.
(3) In conjunction with an indoor theater: one marquee, not to exceed twenty-four (24) square feet per theater; such marquee shall project no more than eight (8) feet from the building face to which it is attached and shall have a minimum clearance of eight (8) feet. In addition, one attraction board attached to one free-standing sign, not to exceed twenty-four (24) square feet per theater. The area of the marquee and attraction board shall be included in the computation of the maximum permitted sign area. (Note: Where an attraction board attached to a free-standing sign is not utilized, a second marquee, mounted on a different building face, shall be permitted as regulated above.)
(4) One attraction board, wall mounted or attached to a permitted free-standing sign, the area of the attraction board to be included in the maximum permitted sign area.
(5) Menu boards as permitted and regulated in the B-1 zone.
(6) In addition, billboards shall be permitted as follows:
(a) The lot must abut a federal or state highway.
(b) No billboard shall exceed four hundred (400) square feet in area.
(c) No billboard shall be permitted within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any residential zone.
(d) No billboard shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of another billboard.
(e) Billboards shall be required to be set back from any street right-of-way twenty (20) feet, or at the same setback as any principal building on the lot, whichever is less.
(7) As part of a permitted free-standing or wall-mounted billboard or sign for an indoor or outdoor stadium or arena located in a B-3 zone having a permanent seating capacity in excess of five thousand (5,000) persons for athletic and cultural events, an electronic message display system shall be permitted; not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of the total sign area of the permitted sign. No moving or scrolling messages shall be permitted. Messages displayed may be changed not more frequently than every fifteen (15) seconds.
(8) Pole-banner signs shall be permitted only if displayed in a parking area accessory to a mixed-use project, and subject to the following restrictions:
(a) Banner signs shall be a maximum size of two (2) feet by four (4) feet, and there shall be no more than two (2) per pole.
(b) Pole-mounted banners shall be permitted on light fixtures in parking areas located outside the public right-of-way.
(c) Banner poles shall be spaced to be no closer than forty-five (45) feet from each other.
(d) The total number of pole-mounted banner signs shall be limited to one (1) for every three thousand (3,000) square feet of parking area.
(e) All pole-mounted banner signs shall provide a minimum of eight (8) feet of vertical clearance, and may not encroach into the right-of-way.
(9) Subdivision signs, only for projects governed by a unified development plan and exceeding four (4) acres in size; one (1) subdivision sign shall be permitted per public street frontage, with a maximum of three (3) signs; not exceeding seventy-five (75) square feet per sign; with a maximum height often (10) feet. The total square footage of each subdivision sign shall be counted towards the maximum amount of signage available for the lot allowed under Section 17-11(g)(1)(a) above.
Subdivision signs shall be located at least fifty (50) feet away from any free-standing signs.
(10) Temporary signs. One temporary sign per street frontage shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:
(a) Shall be limited to window or wall signs only.
(b) Shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per sign where non-rigid materials are used.
(c) Shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign where rigid materials, such as wallboard or plywood, are used.
(d) Shall comply with the applicable regulations for the zone in which they are located.
(e) Temporary signage may be displayed once every three (3) months for up to fourteen (14) continuous days.
(h) Downtown Business Zones (B-2, B-2A). Permitted signs may be free-standing or wall mounted, as specified; such signs may be non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated, internally illuminated or directly illuminated, unless specified otherwise.
(1) Signs shall be permitted as follows:
(a) One free-standing sign shall be permitted for each street frontage, not to exceed two free-standing signs. The free-standing signs shall have a maximum area of forty (40) square feet, a maximum height of twenty (20) feet, and a maximum projection into the right-of-way of twelve (12) inches.
(b) One wall-mounted sign per building face shall be permitted, placed at a height of fifty (50) feet or higher. Such sign shall have a maximum area of three percent (3%) of the wall area to which it is attached, with a maximum projection into the right-of-way of twelve (12) inches.
(c) In addition to the wall sign permitted under (c) above, one additional wall mounted sign shall be permitted per building face. Such sign shall have a maximum lettering height or vertical cabinet dimension of two and one-half (2½) feet, and shall be located at a height of less than fifty (50) feet on the building, with a maximum projection into the right-of-way of twelve (12) inches.
(d) In addition to the wall mounted signs permitted under (c) and (d) above, each establishment within the building, having a separate and direct entrance to the outside, shall be permitted one wall sign per street building face. Such sign shall be located no lower than ten (10) feet nor higher than thirty (30) feet on the building, and mounted on the building where the establishment is located. Such sign shall have a maximum area of one and one-half (1½) square feet per linear foot of frontage, not to exceed eighty (80) square feet, with a maximum projection into the right-of-way of twelve (12) inches.
(e) One projecting sign, not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in area, shall be permitted for each establishment within the building having a separate and direct entrance to the outside. Such sign shall have a minimum vertical clearance of ten (10) feet and a height limit of thirty (30) feet as attached to the building. Such sign shall be mounted on the building so that it does not conflict with wall mounted signs permitted under (e) above or with any windows, doors or other architectural features of the building; and with a maximum projection from the face of the building and into the adjacent right-of-way of eight (8) feet. In no case shall a projecting sign be closer than two (2) feet to the back of curb of any adjacent roadway.
(f) Window signs shall be limited to no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total window area.
(2) Wall-mounted signs, not exceeding five (5) square feet, with a maximum letter height of six (6) inches; located no higher than ten (10) feet on the face of the building; one sign per establishment having a separate and direct entrance to the outside; maximum projection into the right-of-way of twelve (12) inches.
(3) Traffic directional signs, menu boards, and menu boxes shall be permitted as regulated in the B-1 zone.
(4) Canopy or awning signs shall be permitted in lieu of allowable wall signs, not exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the face of the canopy or awning. Under canopy or under-awning signs shall be permitted. Above-canopy signs shall be permitted and limited to the percentage allowable for wall signs.
(5) Banner signs, pennants and streamers shall be permitted; limited to one such banner, pennant or streamer per ten (10) feet of linear frontage, a total maximum area of fifteen percent (15%) of the wall area to which it is attached, a minimum of eight (8) feet of vertical clearance and a maximum projection into the right-of-way of three (3) feet.
(6) A-frame or sandwich board type signs shall be permitted as follows:
(a) Maximum size of eight (8) square feet per panel, maximum height forty-eight (48) inches, maximum width twenty-four (24) inches;
(b) One sign per street front, maximum two signs;
(c) Placement of sign shall allow for four (4) clear feet of sidewalk width;
(d) Sign shall be in place only when business is open;
(e) Placement of sign not to restrict egress from parked cars, and not over curb line;
(f) Shall be maintained in good condition;
(g) Shall not be attached to any public utility pole, street light standard or tree;
(h) Non-illuminated.
(7) In addition to other permitted signs, wall-mounted electronic message display center boards shall be permitted for civic centers which contain exhibition halls and an arena for athletic and cultural events; for hotels and motels containing conference centers and restaurants; for television and radio system signal distribution centers and studios; and for banks, securities and commodities brokers, credit institutions, savings and loans, and investment companies. The total surface area shall not exceed eighty (80) square feet per sign. One electronic message display center shall be permitted per street front, with a maximum of two signs.
(8) Temporary signs. One temporary sign per street frontage shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:
(a) Shall be limited to window or wall signs only.
(b) Shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per sign where non-rigid materials are used.
(c) Shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign where rigid materials, such as wallboard or plywood, are used.
(d) Shall comply with the applicable regulations for the zone in which they are located.
(e) Temporary signage may be displayed once every three (3) months for up to fourteen (14) continuous days.
(9) Pole-mounted banner signs shall be permitted in the B-2 zone, subject to the following:
(a) Banner signs shall be a maximum size of two (2) feet by four (4) feet, and there shall be no more than two (2) per pole.
(b) Pole-mounted banners shall be permitted on light fixtures in parking lots and pedestrian plazas located outside the public right-of-way.
(c) Banner poles shall be spaced to be no closer than forty-five (45) feet from each other.
(d) The total number of pole-mounted banner signs shall be limited to one (1) for every three thousand (3,000) square feet of parking lot or pedestrian plaza.
(e) All pole-mounted banner signs shall provide a minimum of eight (8) feet of vertical clearance, and may not encroach into the right-of-way.
(i) Lexington Center Business Zone (B-2B). Permitted signs may be free-standing or wall mounted, as specified; such signs may be non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated, internally illuminated or directly illuminated; painted wall signs shall be prohibited. No free-standing sign permitted under this section shall exceed twenty (20) feet in height, nor project into the right-of-way more than twelve (12) inches.
(1) Wall-mounted signs, canopy or awning signs, under-canopy or under-awning signs, above-canopy signs and banner signs shall be permitted as regulated in the B-2 and B-2A zones.
(2) In addition to the other signs permitted in this zone, five (5) wall-mounted electronic message display system signs shall be permitted in conjunction with civic centers which contain exhibition halls having a minimum of eighty-five thousand (85,000) square feet of total floor space and an arena for athletic, artistic and cultural events having a minimum permanent seating capacity of fifteen thousand (15,000) persons. Such signs may be mounted on the wall of the civic center or any connected or adjoining structure under common ownership with the civic center. Such wall- mounted signs shall be permitted and regulated as follows:
(a) Two (2) electronic message display system signs, not exceeding two hundred (200) square feet each, shall be permitted. Such signs may not be erected on the same exterior facade or wall unless separated by at least two hundred fifty (250) feet.
(b) Two (2) electronic message display system signs, not exceeding fifty (50) square feet each, shall be permitted. Such signs may not be erected on the same exterior facade or wall unless separated by at least two hundred fifty (250) feet.
(c) One (1) sign, not exceeding eight hundred (800) square feet, shall be permitted, which may be either:
i. An electronic message display system sign; or
ii. A sign with dynamic content, if permitted as a conditional use under Section 8-19(d).
(d) Use of electronic message display systems shall be permitted only if the sign complies with the following requirements:
i. Image and duration of message:
a. There shall be no moving or scrolling messages, special effects, or animations. Static or fixed images or content shall remain static or fixed for a period of not less than eight (8) seconds. The transition from one (1) message or image to the next shall be direct and immediate.
b. Notwithstanding the foregoing, use of video display method shall only be permitted following issuance of a special event permit by the local government.
ii. Location:
a. The sign shall not interfere with, imitate, or resemble an official traffic sign, signal, or traffic control device.
b. The sign shall not be located directly adjacent to, or directly across public right-of-way or a private road, from a residential zone.
iii. Luminance:
a. The sign shall be equipped with an automatic dimmer control or other mechanism that automatically controls the sign's luminance. Between sunrise and sunset, the maximum luminance shall be five thousand (5,000) nits, and between sunset and sunrise, the maximum luminance shall be five hundred (500) nits. Sunrise and sunset shall be determined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), US Department of Commerce, for Lexington-Fayette County.
b. The sign shall not display content or be illuminated after 11:00 p.m. local time, Sunday through Thursday, after 12:00 a.m. (midnight) local time on Friday or Saturday, nor before 7:00 a.m., any day, except that the sign may display content or be illuminated when the civic center exhibition halls or arena are open in connection with an event.
(3) Traffic directional signs and menu boards shall be permitted as regulated in the B-1 zone.
(4) A-frame or sandwich board type signs shall be permitted and regulated as in the B-2 and B-2A zones.
(5) Temporary signs. One temporary sign per street frontage shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:
(a) Shall be limited to window or wall signs only.
(b) Shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per sign where non-rigid materials are used.
(c) Shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign where rigid materials, such as wallboard or plywood, are used.
(d) Shall comply with the applicable regulations for the zone in which they are located.
(e) Temporary signage may be displayed once every three (3) months for up to fourteen (14) continuous days.
(6) In conjunction with an indoor theater, one marquee, not to exceed thirty (30) square feet per theater, with a maximum of three-hundred (300) square feet; such marquee shall project no more than eight (8) feet from the building face to which it is attached and shall have a minimum sign clearance of eight (8) feet. Marquee signs may utilize electronic message display systems, only if the sign complies with the following additional requirements:
(a) Image: Sign must be static and there shall be no moving or scrolling messages, special effects, or animations.
(b) Location:
i. The sign shall not interfere with, imitate, or resemble an official traffic sign, signal, or traffic control device;
ii. The sign shall not be located directly adjacent to, or directly across public right-of-way or a private road, from a residential zone.
(c) Duration of message: The sign shall remain static for a period of not less eight (8) seconds. The transition from one (1) message or image to the next shall be direct and immediate.
(d) Luminance: Between sunrise and sunset, the maximum luminance shall be five thousand (5,000) nits, and between sunset and sunrise, the maximum luminance shall be five hundred (500) nits. Sunrise and sunset shall be determined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), US Department of Commerce, for Lexington-Fayette Urban County. The sign must be equipped with an automatic dimmer control or other mechanism that automatically controls the sign's luminance.
(e) The marquee sign shall not display messages or be illuminated when the use is closed.
(j) Interchange Service Business Zone (B-5P). Permitted signs shall be either free standing or wall mounted; signs may be non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated, internally illuminated, or directly illuminated.
(1) Wall-mounted signs and window signs shall be regulated as under Section 17-11(f)(1). Free-standing signs shall be regulated as follows:
(a) One free-standing sign per lot shall be permitted, with a maximum area of three hundred fifty-six (356) square feet, with a maximum height of ninety (90) feet, but not below a minimum height of seventy-five (75) feet; a minimum setback often (10) feet from any right-of-way shall be required.
(b) In addition, one free-standing sign per street frontage shall be permitted to a maximum of two (2) signs; sign area shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet; sign height shall not exceed twenty (20) feet; a minimum setback of ten (10) feet from any street shall be required.
(2) One attraction board, wall mounted or attached to the free-standing sign permitted under Section 17-11(j)(1)(b) above; the area of the attraction board to be included in the maximum permitted sign area.
(3) Menu boards and traffic directional signs shall be permitted and regulated as in the B-1 zone.
(4) Temporary signs. One temporary sign per street frontage shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:
(a) Shall be limited to window or wall signs only.
(b) Shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per sign where non-rigid materials are used.
(c) Shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign where rigid materials, such as wallboard or plywood, are used.
(d) Shall comply with the applicable regulations for the zone in which they are located.
(e) Temporary signage may be displayed once every three (3) months for up to fourteen (14) continuous days.
(5) Pole-mounted banner signs shall be permitted, subject to the following:
(a) Banner signs shall be a maximum size of two (2) feet by four (4) feet, and there shall be no more than two (2) per pole.
(b) Pole-mounted banners shall be permitted on light fixtures in parking lots and pedestrian plazas located outside the public right-of-way.
(c) Banner poles shall be spaced to be no closer than forty-five (45) feet from each other.
(d) The total number of pole-mounted banner signs shall be limited to one (1) for every three thousand (3,000) square feet of parking lot or pedestrian plaza.
(e) All pole-mounted banner signs shall provide a minimum of eight (8) feet of vertical clearance, and may not encroach into the right-of-way.
(k) Commercial Center Zone (B-6P). Signs within the B-6P zone shall be permitted and regulated as for B-1 [Section 17-11(f)], except as follows:
(1) Regional Shopping Centers (30 acres or greater) may have one free-standing sign per street frontage with a maximum of one hundred fifty (150) square feet per sign face and a maximum height of thirty (30) feet. All other Shopping Centers (less than 30 acres) may have one free-standing sign per street frontage with a maximum of seventy-five (75) square feet per sign face and a maximum height of twenty-five (25) feet
(2) Non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated projecting signs may be permitted in lieu of wall signs.
(3) Multi-Family Residence. Multi-family residential buildings may have:
(a) One free-standing sign per entrance that shall not exceed a combined total of thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height.
(b) One wall sign that shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area.
(4) Temporary signs. One temporary sign per street frontage shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:
(a) Shall be limited to window or wall signs only.
(b) Shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per sign where non-rigid materials are used.
(c) Shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign where rigid materials, such as wallboard or plywood, are used.
(d) Shall comply with the applicable regulations for the zone in which they are located.
(e) Temporary signage may be displayed once every three (3) months for up to fourteen (14) continuous days.
(5) Pole-mounted banner signs shall be permitted, subject to the following:
(a) Banner signs shall be a maximum size of two (2) feet by four (4) feet, and there shall be no more than two (2) per pole.
(b) Pole-mounted banners shall be permitted on light fixtures in parking lots and pedestrian plazas located outside the public right-of-way.
(c) Banner poles shall be spaced to be no closer than forty-five (45) feet from each other.
(d) The total number of pole-mounted banner signs shall be limited to one (1) for every three thousand (3,000) square feet of parking lot or pedestrian plaza.
(e) All pole-mounted banner signs shall provide a minimum of eight (8) feet of vertical clearance, and may not encroach into the right-of-way.
(l) Planned Unit Development Zones (PUD). A permitted signs height, size, location, and design features shall be determined by the sign requirements set forth in the zone in which the proposed or existing use is first permitted.
(m) University Research Campus Zone (P-2). Signs within the P-2 zone shall be permitted and regulated as for P-1 [Section 17-11(e)], except as follows:
(1) Wall-mounted signs shall be limited to one per wall, with a maximum of four (4); wall mounted signs not to exceed five percent (5%) of the wall area to which it is attached.
(2) Signs within the designated retail area or mixed-use areas shall be permitted and regulated as in the B-6P [Section 17-11 (k)] zone.
(3) Subdivision signs shall be permitted and regulated under Section 17-11(e)(10)(c).
(4) Temporary signs. One temporary sign per street frontage shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:
(a) Shall be limited to window or wall signs only.
(b) Shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per sign where non-rigid materials are used.
(c) Shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign where rigid materials, such as wallboard or plywood, are used.
(d) Shall comply with the applicable regulations for the zone in which they are located.
(e) Temporary signage may be displayed once every three (3) months for up to fourteen (14) continuous days.
(n) Mixed Use 2: Neighborhood Corridor Zone (MU-2). Signage shall be as permitted and restricted as follows:
(1) Signs shall be non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated or internally illuminated, unless otherwise specified.
(2) No free-standing sign shall exceed ten (10) feet in height.
(3) Signs shall be permitted as follows:
(a) One free-standing sign shall be permitted per street frontage, per development, with a maximum of two (2) free-standing signs; not exceeding seventy-five (75) square feet per sign.
(b) The surface area of wall-mounted signs shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the wall area to which they are attached, or thirty-two (32) square feet, whichever is greater; each wall to be considered separately. Only one sign shall be permitted per wall. In the case of a building containing two or more separate uses, these requirements shall be applied separately to the wall area of the building space leased, rented or owned by the individual tenant.
(c) Window signs shall be limited to no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total window area; and direct illumination shall be permitted.
(d) Canopy or awning signs shall be permitted and limited to the percentage allowable for wall signs. Under-canopy, over-canopy, or under-awning signs shall be permitted.
(4) Projecting signs shall be permitted in addition to wall-mounted signs, where the purpose of such projecting signs is to create a unified and distinct mixed use area. No more than one (1) sign for each establishment within the building, having a separate and direct entrance to the outside, per street building face. Such sign shall extend no lower than eight (8) feet over the public right-of-way and must be mounted on the building where the establishment is located. Such sign shall have a maximum area of thirty-two (32) square feet, with a maximum projection from the wall of the building of no more than four (4) feet.
(5) An attraction board may be attached to a free-standing sign, provided it does not exceed the area of the free-standing sign. The area of the attraction board shall be included in the computation of the area of the free-standing sign.
(6) Traffic directional signs not exceeding three (3) square feet in area, not exceeding three (3) feet in height; if free-standing, not to exceed two (2) signs per entrance.
(7) One sign per tenant or lessee, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area; nonilluminated or indirectly illuminated.
(8) One menu board per restaurant use. All copy shall have a maximum letter height and width of six (6) inches, containing no direct illumination; not exceeding thirty (30) square feet in area; maximum height of eight (8) feet if free-standing; and not located so as to have the copy visible to vehicular traffic on any adjacent street.
(9) One menu box per restaurant use, not exceeding four (4) square feet.
(10) Wall-mounted banner signs, pennants and streamers shall be permitted, limited to one (1) such banner, pennant or streamer per ten (10) feet of linear frontage; a total maximum area of ten percent (10%) of the wall area to which it is attached; a minimum of eight (8) feet of vertical clearance; and a maximum projection into the right-of-way of three (3) feet.
(11) Pole-mounted banner signs shall be permitted, subject to the following:
(a) Banner signs shall be a maximum size of two (2) feet by four (4) feet, and there shall be no more than two (2) per pole.
(b) Pole-mounted banners shall be permitted on light fixtures in parking lots and pedestrian plazas located outside the public right-of-way.
(c) Banner poles shall be spaced to be no closer than forty-five (45) feet from each other.
(d) The total number of pole-mounted banner signs shall be limited to one (1) for every three thousand (3,000) square feet of parking lot or pedestrian plaza.
(e) All pole-mounted banner signs shall provide a minimum of eight (8) feet of vertical clearance, and may not encroach into the right-of-way.
(o) Mixed Use 3: Mixed-Use Community Zone (MU-3). Signage shall be permitted and restricted as in the MU-2 zone, except as follows:
(1) Wall-mounted banner signs, pennants and streamers shall be permitted for a total maximum area of fifteen percent (15%) of the wall area to which they are attached, with all other restrictions from the MU-2 zone.
(2) Pole-mounted banner signs shall be permitted, subject to the following:
(a) Banner signs shall be a maximum size of two (2) feet by four (4) feet, and there shall be no more than two (2) per pole.
(b) Pole-mounted banners shall be permitted on light fixtures in parking lots and pedestrian plazas located outside the public right-of-way.
(c) Banner poles shall be spaced to be no closer than forty-five (45) feet from each other.
(d) The total number of pole-mounted banner signs shall be limited to one (1) for every three thousand (3,000) square feet of parking lot or pedestrian plaza.
(e) All pole-mounted banner signs shall provide a minimum of eight (8) feet of vertical clearance, and may not encroach into the right-of-way.
(f) Pole banners in parking lots located in another zone that are incorporated in an approved final development plan for an MU-3 project are permitted, subject to the same restrictions and requirements applicable to the pole-banner signs for the MU-3 project.
(3) A-frame or sandwich board type shall be permitted as follows:
(a) Maximum size of eight (8) square feet per panel, maximum height forty-eight (48) inches, maximum width twenty-four (24) inches;
(b) One sign per street frontage, maximum two signs;
(c) Placement of sign shall allow for four (4) clear feet of sidewalk width;
(d) Sign shall be in place only when business is open;
(e) Placement of sign not to restrict egress from parked cars and not over curb line;
(f) Shall be maintained in good condition;
(g) Shall not be attached to any public utility pole, street light standard or tree; and
(h) Shall be non-illuminated.
(4) One (1) free-standing sign per street frontage, per development, shall be permitted. A maximum of two (2) free-standing signs per development shall be deemed as primary, not exceeding one hundred fifty (150) square feet per sign. All other freestanding signs shall be considered secondary, and shall not exceed forty (40) square feet per sign. Such signs may be located in or adjacent to the right-of-way (in the median or at each side of the street), subject to written authorization of the Commissioner of Public Works & Development, who shall determine that the signs would not be located in the sight triangle and would not cause a hazard to traffic. Proof of permanent maintenance and an encroachment permit shall be provided by the applicant prior to the issuance of a permit for such a sign located in the right-of-way.
(5) One (1) project identification sign per building, per street frontage, shall be permitted, not to exceed five percent (5%) of the wall area to which it is attached. Such projecting sign shall extend no lower than eight (8) feet, with a maximum projection from the wall of the building of no more than four (4) feet.
(6) In addition, and within a designated Entertainment Mixed-Use Project only:
(a) In conjunction with an indoor theater: one marquee, not to exceed twenty-four (24) square feet, shall be permitted per theater. Such marquee shall project no more than eight (8) feet from the building face to which it is attached and shall have a minimum clearance of eight (8) feet. In addition, one attraction board per theater may be attached either to one free-standing sign or to the marquee, not to exceed twenty-four (24) square feet.
(p) Expansion Area Zones.
(1) Conservation District (CD), Expansion Area Residential (EAR-1, EAR-2 and EAR-3) and Community Center (CC) Zones. Signage in EAR-1, EAR-2, and EAR-3 zones shall be permitted and restricted under Section 17-11(d). Signage in the Community Center (CC) Zone shall be permitted and restricted under Section 17-11(f) for nonresidential uses, and shall be permitted and restricted under Section 17-11(d) for residential uses.
(2) Economic Development (ED) Zone. Signage shall be permitted and restricted as follows:
(a) Temporary signs. One temporary sign per street frontage shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:
(1) Shall be limited to window or wall signs only.
(2) Shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per sign where non-rigid materials are used.
(3) Shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign where rigid materials, such as wallboard or plywood, are used.
(4) Shall comply with the applicable regulations for the zone in which they are located.
(5) Temporary signage may be displayed once every three (3) months for up to fourteen (14) continuous days.
(c) Nonresidential Principal and Supportive Uses. On land designated for Nonresidential Principal or Supportive Uses within the development as defined by Article 23A-10(j)(12), signage shall be regulated as in the B-3, B-4, I-1, and I-2 zones (see Section 17-11(g)), subject to the following restrictions:
(1) Billboards shall be prohibited.
(2) Regional Medical Campus signage shall be regulated per Article 17-11(e)(11).
(3) When located within 800 feet of an interstate right-of-way, free-standing signs shall be regulated per the B-5P zone per Article 17-11(j)(1)(a) and shall be internally illuminated only.
No billboard shall be permitted adjacent to interstate or limited-access highways except in conformance with the setback requirements established by the Federal Highway Administration, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, and the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance with respect to the zoning district involved.
(Ord. No. 015-2021, § 1, 3-18-2021)