The following signs shall not require a permit, but may be subject to other provisions within this Ordinance:
(a) Incidental signs;
(b) Historic markers;
(c) Construction signs;
(d) Change of copy on any sign where the framework or other structural elements are not altered;
(e) Limited duration signs, limited to one (1) sign per street frontage, and further regulated as follows:
(1) When associated with agricultural or residential (other than a Group Residential Project) use of the property, such sign area shall not exceed six (6) square feet and six (6) feet in height. Such sign shall be nonilluminated.
(2) When associated with business, commercial or industrial use of the property, a mixed-use development, or a Group Residential Project, such sign area shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and ten (10) feet in height; except such a sign may be permitted up to, but not exceed, sixty-four (64) square feet in area when:
(a) The building to which such a sign pertains contains 100,000 or more square feet; or
(b) The site to which such a sign pertains contains two (2) or more acres.
Such signs shall be non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated.
(f) Window signs;
(g) Pole banners;
(h) Temporary signs related to events that are sponsored by neighborhood associations or owners' associations that are located within the public or private street right-of-way of that neighborhood, and that do not otherwise interfere with sight in violation of Section 17-8(f). There shall not be more than ten (10) signs for any such event, and each such sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height shall not be displayed more than seven (7) calendar days prior to the event; and must be removed within two (2) calendar days after the event.
(Ord. No. 015-2021, § 1, 3-18-2021)