(1) While performing in the downtown, a street entertainer must:
(a) Not be located so closely to another street entertainer so as to interfere with that other street entertainer's performance;
(b) Not obstruct pedestrian traffic;
(c) Not cause or allow the obstruction of pedestrian traffic by the street entertainer's audience; and
(d) Not excessively or unreasonably disturb the operation of another business to which the street entertainer is adjacent.
(2) No street entertainer may perform in any one (1) location in the downtown for more than two (2) continuous hours.
(3) No street entertainer may perform in downtown during a special event, as that term is defined in section 17-29.6(3), unless he receives permission from the event organizer. No street entertainer may perform along the route of a parade for which a permit has been issued pursuant to section 18-29, unless he has permission from the organizer of the parade. The provisions of sections 17-29.6 through 17-29.8, 17-29.10 shall not apply to any street entertainer who is performing during a special event or a parade and who has such a permit or permission.
(4) No street entertainer in the downtown shall use any knife, sword, torch, flame, axe, saw or other object that can cause serious bodily injury to any person, or engage in any activity, including but not limited to, acrobatics, tumbling or unicycling, that can cause serious bodily injury as a part of his performance.
(5) No street entertainer in the downtown shall use any generator, wet cell battery with removable fill caps, or any other power source that poses a fire source or public safety hazard, nor shall he connect or maintain an electrical cord to an adjacent building or urban county government power source without written permission from the property owner or the urban county government, respectively.
(Ord. No. 162-2001, § 1, 6-28-01; Ord. No. 080-2024, § 6, 7-9-24)