Development in Lewisville is expected to continue to increase. Land in and around Lewisville is regarded as one of the most desirable areas to develop single-family homes. Vision 2005 (the countywide comprehensive plan) and its update, Legacy, state that this trend will continue. Additional traffic is a natural outgrowth of development, and Lewisville is experiencing its share. Residents are now realizing the need to balance and diversify Lewisville’s transportation system. They also understand that countywide transportation needs must be met through the implementation of the Thoroughfare Plan (see Map 10
Thoroughfare Plan), of which Lewisville is a critical component due to the town’s location adjacent to the proposed Northern Beltway.
Since its incorporation, Lewisville has been a member of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC consists of elected officials from each governmental jurisdiction in Forsyth County and one member representing the North Carolina Board of Transportation. Their charge is to provide continuing, comprehensive and coordinated transportation planning throughout the county. The Town of Lewisville has been a valuable member of the TAC and continues to be a member.
Over the years, Lewisville has received over $2 million dollars from the MPO for street and sidewalk projects.
Residents of Lewisville are interested in enhancing the visual character of the town while providing a safe, efficient and diverse transportation system. All roadway improvements recommended in this plan propose landscaped medians and/or street trees or landscaping.
Residents of Lewisville recognize that transportation choices can affect the quality of their health, the health of the environment, and traffic congestion. The Lewisville Greenway and Pedestrian Connection Plan was completed in 2011 and was received but not adopted by Town Council.
The citizens of Lewisville have expressed a desire to study how alternative modes of transportation, such as safe bicycling, can be accommodated. On any given day, there are numerous bicyclists and pedestrians traveling the streets of Lewisville. There are no bike lanes in Lewisville. The citizens propose that thoroughfare improvements should be considered and consistent with Complete Streets during road improvements. Map 11
Transportation Facilities with Proposed Improvements shows proposed sidewalks and bike lanes.
The town recognizes that there may be a need to encourage public transportation in the future. Public transportation could help improve air quality by decreasing pollution as well as reduce congestion. A number of options are available and should be evaluated for suitability to Lewisville’s needs. These options include Park and Ride lots, and bus and van service to the hospitals, Hanes Mall, and other shopping and employment destinations.
In the future, Lewisville may have improved access to the countywide transportation network. The proposed Northern Beltway, located just east of the town limits, and US 421 will provide more convenient access to shopping, and employment centers throughout the county and the Triad. Map 11 Transportation Facilities with Proposed Improvements shows proposed road improvements.
Lewisville in the year 2035 will continue to enjoy a transportation system which meets the needs and desires for access to people and places within and outside the town. The transportation system will be safe, economical, reliable, comfortable, convenient, and environmentally friendly. It will provide for the movement of people and the movement of goods and services. Because this vision is consistent with the Complete Streets concept being implemented as appropriate throughout the state of North Carolina, the residents of Lewisville desire consistency with these principles to ensure that transportation planners and engineers consistently design and operate the entire roadway with all users in mind - including bicyclists, public transportation vehicles and riders, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.
There is now a greater recognition that our transportation system needs to go beyond single-function roads and become a multimodal network, providing people with integrated transportation choices.
In addition to being multimodal, we also now recognize that our transportation system needs to be highly connected: streets need to be connected to other streets as well as other modes, providing a connected network of transportation options. Benefits of connectivity include decreased traffic on arterial streets, fuel efficiency and shorter travel distances, more direct routes that encourage walking and bicycling, quicker emergency vehicle response times, and more efficient trash and recycling collection.

Implementation Program
Recommended Action | Action Steps | Responsible Agency | Time Frame |
Recommended Action | Action Steps | Responsible Agency | Time Frame |
Goal - Create an integrated land use and transportation network. (See Legacy Land Use and Transportation chapters for additional information) | |||
T1 - Coordinate Transportation de cisions with other municipalities within the MPO Map 9 Preferred Land Use. | * Review the land use plan when updating Map 10 Thor oughfare Plan. * Promote integrated develop ment patterns and transporta tion networks that work together to support mixed-use, pedestrian friendly neighbor hoods and active modes of transportation. | TC PB Staff/TRC NCDOT | Ongoing |
T2 - Consider opportunities to reduce travel demand when making land use development decisions. | * Monitor and review zoning and site plan proposals through enforcement of the town’s access management program by: - Limiting and separating driveways. - Creating shared access. - Keeping driveways from being too close to intersections. - Encouraging the cross- connection of parking areas. | TC PB Staff/TRC | Ongoing |
T3 - Promote transportation network improvements to preserve and enhance the town’s visual character. | * Seek assistance from NCDOT/transportation consultants. | NCDOT PART TC PB Staff/TRC | Ongoing |
T4 - Ensure that transportation network additions and improvements are environmentally sensitive. (See Chapter 7 Health, Safety and Wellness.) | * Seek assistance from NCDOT/transportation consultants. | TC PB Staff/TRC NCDOT MPO | Ongoing |
T5 - Coordinate transportation planning activities with the Map 10 Thoroughfare Plan. | * Consult with MPO staff. * Ensure compliance with local planning initiatives. * Support development patterns and transportation networks that promote healthy lifestyles and increase active transportation options. | TC PB Staff/TRC NCDOT TAC | Ongoing |
T6 - Ensure the design of the Great Wagon Road Project meets the needs of the citizens and the town as the project moves forward. | * Add R-O-W to be protected to the local Map 10 Thoroughfare Plan. * Ensure during site plan review process. * Acquire street rights-of-way in the downtown area to develop the Great Wagon Road with sufficient width to handle future needs. | TC NCDOT PB Staff/CCPB | Ongoing |
T7 - Consider a variety of traffic calming measures to reduce speeds and improve safety on town maintained roads. (See Chapter D of the UDO) | * Ensure compliance with subdivision regulations. * Evaluate and be responsive to traffic calming requests. | TC PB Staff/TRC PSAC NCDOT TAC | Ongoing |
Goal - Create a plan for alternative modes of transportation. (See Legacy Land Use and Transportation chapters for additional information.) | |||
T8 - Continue to develop pedestrian facilities such as sidewalks, foot bridges, overhead bridges and off-road trails as needed. | * Adopt, prioritize and implement the Greenway and Pedestrian Connection Plan. * Fund and develop. * Continue to plan future needs. | TC PB Staff/TRC NCDOT TAC | Immediate Ongoing |
T9 - Require pedestrian ways on residential collector streets in all new subdivisions. | * Ensure compliance with subdivision regulations. | TC PB Staff | Ongoing |
T10 - Developers of new subdivisions must design traffic calming measures to reduce speeds and improve safety within the subdivisions. | * Ensure compliance with subdivision regulations. | TC Staff PB PSAC CCPB NCDOT TAC | Ongoing |
T11 - Continue to require neighborhood street connections, but design traffic plans to minimize negative impact to cut through traffic. | * Apply appropriate design standards and ordinances to ensure safe and effective connections between residential develops. | TC PB Staff | Ongoing |
T12 - Ensure that transportation network additions and improvements are sensitive to needs of the physically handicapped. | * Ensure compliance with Subdivision Regulations. * Ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. | PB Staff/TRC TC NCDOT | Ongoing |
T13 - Develop a community plan to provide non-vehicular linkages for residents throughout the Town. | * Create a safe and effective network that is an integral part of the transportation network. * Work with the NCDOT in their development of bike lanes for the Lewisville area. (See Chapter 7 Health, Safety and Wellness.) | TC PB Staff/TRC NCDOT MPO TAC | Short Term Ongoing |
T14 - Undertake an educational campaign about bicycle safety. | * Encourage local organizations to participate in educational sessions with their members to gain an understanding of cycling. * Promote events to demonstrate an interest in, and support for, cycling in the community. | TC Local organizations Staff | Short Term Ongoing |
Goal - Provide public transportation options. (See Legacy Land Use and Transportation chapters for additional information) | |||
T15 - Study the need for Park and Ride lot(s). | * Request to WSTA. * Request to PART. | WSTA PART Staff | Ongoing |
T16 - Encourage residents and employers to use Vanpool and Ridesharing programs. | * Request to WSTA. * Request to PART. * Educate public as needed. | WSTA PART Staff | Ongoing |
T17 - Support policies and programs to reduce vehicle miles traveled, single-occupancy vehicle use, congestion, and pollutant emissions. (See Health, Safety and Wellness Chapter 7.) | * Request to WSTA. * Request to PART. * Educate public as needed See Legacy chapter on Transportation. | WSTA PART Staff | Ongoing |
T18 - Improve access to nearby land and provide mobility options | * Ensure compliance with subdivision regulations. | TC PB Staff | Ongoing |
Goal - Properly maintain the roadway network. | |||
T19 - Improve and repair roads as necessary through a combination of state, local and/or other funding. | * Follow a strategic paving plan which includes a yearly review of paving needs. | Staff | Ongoing |
T20 - Continue to require developers to meet Town of Lewisville/NC Department of Transportation construction standards for all new subdivisions. | * Review construction plans. | Staff | Ongoing |
T21 - Ensure town has input into design of transportation planning. | * Participate in MPO activities. | TC Staff PB NCDOT | Ongoing |
Goal - Create a comprehensive and efficient transportation network which provides mobility within and throughout the town. | |||
T22 - Identify impact on existing collector streets and the need for future collector streets as subdivision plans are submitted for approval. | * Identify during subdivision plan review. * Identify and eliminate gaps in the roadway system to increase connectivity. | Staff PB | Ongoing |
T23 - Support Countywide Thoroughfare Plan. (See T21.) | * Adopt the Thoroughfare Plan and its amendments. | TC Staff PB | Ongoing |
T24 - Request transportation network improvements to improve safety and traffic flow that are pedestrian friendly for all ages and abilities and support the development of complete streets in design. | * Continue participation in the MPO regional transportation process to identify and pursue future transportation needs. | TC NCDOT WSDOT MPO Staff | Ongoing |
T25 - Ensure that roads are adequate for use by emergency vehicles and vehicles needed for delivery of goods and services. Prevent use of bicycle and foot paths by inappropriate vehicles. | * Provide good design, proper maintenance, and adequate enforcement. | TC PB TRC Fire Department | Ongoing |
Time Frame: Immediate = directly - without delay Annually = once each year Short Term = within 5 years Long Term = within 5-10 years Ongoing = continuous | |||