General Provisions
51.01 Private sewage disposal systems
Public, Private and Commercial Sewers
51.15 Definitions
51.16 General requirements
51.17 Sewer line and attachments
51.18 Private sewer line
51.19 Discharge of wastewater
51.20 Substances prohibited
51.21 Wastewater strength limits
51.22 Authority to reject waste
51.23 Industrial non-single-family residential
51.24 Accessibility
51.25 Permits and inspection
Sewer Rates
51.40 Definitions
51.41 User classes
51.42 Rates and charges
51.43 Billing and collection
51.44 Study
51.45 By-laws and regulations
51.46 Inspections; fee
51.47 Effective date of rates
51.99 Penalty
Storm Drainage System, see Ch. 52