§ 22-301. General.
It is the responsibility of the subdivider to coordinate all plans with the public and private service agencies in the manner set forth in this Chapter. No plan of any subdivision or land development shall be approved except in accordance with these regulations. The applicant shall be entitled to a decision in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter as they stood at the time the plan was duly filed. No change or amendment of any ordinance applicable to the plan shall adversely affect the applicant.
(Ord. 3/9/1993A, § 300)
§ 22-302. Sketch Plan.
   1.   Sketch plans should be legible and show the following data:
      A.   Nnorth arrow and approximate scale.
      B.   Location of existing and proposed road(s) and driveway(s).
      C.   Proposed lot layout.
      D.   Location of moderate or steep slopes.
      E.   Location of sinkholes and streams, if any.
   2.   At the request of the subdivider, members of the Planning Commission may meet at their convenience with the subdivider to inspect the property before the presentation of the preliminary plan. Based on a site visit and sketch plan, the Commission will advise the subdivider of the extent to which the sketch plan conforms to the design standards of this Chapter. The Commission may also suggest any modifications deemed advisable or necessary to secure conformance.
   3.   The Planning Commission may require a sketch plan showing the overall layout of a development where land under the same ownership is remaining but not immediately plotted for subdivision or development.
   4.   For minor subdivisions and minor land development, the sketch plan shall be modified by submittal of the following additional documentation:
      A.   A survey of the tract prepared and sealed by a registered professional land surveyor showing perimeter boundaries and pertinent existing and proposed features.
      B.   If slopes in excess of 8% are present, method of complying with § 22-409.
      C.   If streams are present, method of complying with § 22-413.
      D.   If sinkholes are present, method of complying with § 22-413 and § 22-414.
      E.   If located within or adjacent to the agricultural zoning district, method of complying with the buffer yard requirements of § 22-411(6).
      F.   If located within the village center zoning district, evaluation of the proposal shall be in accordance with the performance zoning standards as presented in § 27-805 of the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
(Ord. 3/9/1993A, § 301)
§ 22-303. Preliminary Plan.
   1.   Approval of the preliminary plan represents approval of the character and intensity of development and the arrangement and approximate dimensions of streets, lots and other planned features. The approval binds the subdivider to the general scheme of the subdivision shown and permits the subdivider to proceed with final detailed design of improvements and with preparation of the final plan. Approval of the preliminary plan does not authorize the sale of lots nor the recording of the preliminary plan, nor constitute approval of the final plan.
   2.   Five copies of the preliminary plan and two copies of all other material and information required by this Chapter shall be submitted to the Commission with a letter of intent. The copies of the preliminary plan can be either black and white or blue and white prints. The sheet size shall be either 18 inches by 24 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches. The preliminary plan shall be at a scale not to exceed 100 feet to the inch.
   3.   The preliminary plan shall show the following data:
      A.   Title block, containing the name of the owner of the tract, municipality, date, scale and certification with seal by a registered professional land surveyor.
      B.   Location map, showing the relation of the tract to adjoining properties, the road and highway system, municipal boundaries and including an area extending at least 1/2 mile from the subdivision parcel boundaries.
      C.   Tract boundary sketch, showing the location of the proposed development in relation to the entire tract and the names of owners of all adjoining property and of all abutting subdivisions.
      D.   North arrow, perimeter boundaries showing bearings and distances of the area to be developed, proposed lot lines, dimensions of areas to be dedicated to
public use and building setback lines; total number of parcels or dwelling units, including a numbering -system to identify each lot, approximate area of each lot, total acreage and existing zoning classification.
      E.   Location and width of all existing or proposed streets, rights-of-way, parking areas and easements on or adjacent to the tract, including right-of-way and pavement widths and street names. Duplication of existing street names within the municipality shall be avoided.
      F.   Location and size of existing and proposed sewers, water mains and culverts, buildings, transmission lines, existing and proposed utilities, fire hydrants and other significant manmade features.
      G.   Soil percolation test sites and/or deep test pit sites, except where public sewers are provided.
      H.   Location of sinkholes and wetlands, if any.
      I.   Existing watercourses, floodplains, wooded areas and other significant natural features. The boundary of the floodplain shall be shown utilizing the flood insurance study for the municipality. The 100 year flood elevation shall be provided.
      J.   Topographic contours and datum and benchmark to which contour elevations refer.
   4.   The following shall be submitted with the preliminary plan:
      A.   Review fee and/or inspection fee. A supplemental review fee may be added to the standard fee for review of major land development or where special studies are required.
      B.   Copies of proposed deed restrictions, if any.
      C.   Cross-sections and centerline profiles for each proposed street and preliminary designs of proposed bridges and culverts.
      D.   Sketch of proposed street layout for the remainder of the affected parcel where the preliminary plan covers only part of the subdivider's holdings.
      E.   A description of the means of sewage disposal, including DEP approval for onlot disposal systems. See § 22-416. [Ord. 12/10/2001]
      F.   A description of the water supply and, where appropriate, onlot well testing or approval letters issued for water supply systems. See § 22-417.
      G.   An erosion and sedimentation control plan to be in effect during construction. See § 22-409.
      H.   A stormwater management plan where slopes exceed 8% and where areas are sinkhole prone. See § 22-409.
      I.   Where street or driveway access to a State highway is needed, a statement that a highway occupancy permit is required.
      J.   Other documentation and certificates of approval from the proper authorities as may be required.
      K.   A statement that the landowner acknowledges and consents to the presentation of the plan, including the signature of the landowner.
      L.   Estimated costs of all proposed or required improvements.
      M.   Special studies may be required by the Township including but not limited to sinkholes, wetlands and steep slopes. Where deemed necessary by the Township, the developer shall provide such studies at his own expense.
(Ord. 3/9/1993A, § 302; as amended by Ord. 12/10/2001)
§ 22-304. Final Plan.
   1.   Where site improvements are not proposed by the subdivider, nor required by the Planning Commission, or where improvements have been installed in accordance with a previously approved preliminary plan, or an acceptable performance assurance has been filed with the Commission, the preliminary plan may be considered as a final plan.
   2.   The final plan shall conform in all respects with the approved preliminary plan. Otherwise the plan submitted shall be considered as a revised preliminary plan.
   3.   The applicant shall have a period of 5 years from the date of preliminary approval in which to submit a final plan. If the applicant fails to submit a final plan within the said 5 year period, the approval of the preliminary plan shall become null and void, unless an extension of time is requested by the subdivider in writing, along with a schedule for submission of the final plan and is approved by the Commission prior to the expiration date.
   4.   The final plan may be submitted in sections, each concerning a portion of the entire subdivision or land development.
   5.   Six copies of the final plan and two copies of all other materials and information required by this Chapter, shall be submitted to the Commission with a letter of intent. The copies of the final plan can be either black and white or blue and white prints. The sheet size shall be 18 inches by 24 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches. The final plan shall be at a scale not to exceed 100 feet to the inch.(22, PART 3)
   6.   The final plan shall show the following data:
      A.   Title block, containing the name of the owner of the tract, municipality, date, scale and certification with seal by a registered professional land surveyor.
      B.   Location map, showing the relation of the tract to adjoining properties, the road and highway system, municipal boundaries and including an area extending at least 1/2 mile from the subdivision parcel boundaries.
      C.   Tract boundary sketch, showing the location of the proposed development in relation to the entire tract and the names of owners of all adjoining property and all adjacent subdivisions.
      D.   North arrow, boundary lines by bearings and distances which provide a survey of the area to be developed, closing with an error of not more than 1 foot in 5,000 feet.
      E.   Proposed lot lines by their courses and distances showing bearings to the nearest second and distances to nearest '/inn of a foot, dimensions of areas to be dedicated to public use and building setback lines; total number of parcels or dwelling units, including a numbering system to identify each lot, acreage of each lot, total acreage and existing zoning classification.
      F.   Location and final design and dimension of proposed streets, rights-of-way, parking areas and easements on or adjacent to the tract, including bearings and distances of rights-of-way and easements, right-of-way and pavement widths and street names.
      G.   Location and final design of proposed sewers, water mains, culverts, buildings, transmission lines, fire hydrants and other significant manmade features.
      H.   Soil percolation test sites and/or deep test pit sites, except where public sewers are provided.
      I.   Existing watercourses, floodplains, wooded areas and other significant natural features. The boundary of the floodplain shall be shown utilizing the flood insurance study for the municipality. The 100 year flood elevation shall be provided.
      J.   Topographic contours and datum and benchmark to which contour elevations refer.
   7.   The following information, data and documents shall be submitted with the final plan:
      A.   Corrected and updated material from the preliminary plan.
      B.   Review fee.
      C.   Copies of proposed deed restrictions, right-of-way use and maintenance agreements and deeds proposing dedication of improvements to the concerned municipality.
      D.   Final cross-sections and centerline profiles for each street and final designs of bridges and culverts.
      E.   Documentation in accordance with § 22-416 of this Chapter, that the subdivider has adequately planned for sewage disposal, including final designs of sewerage systems.
      F.   Documentation in accordance with § 22-417 of this Chapter that the subdivider has adequately planned for water supply. Where appropriate, approval letters or permits issued by the local water company, the Department of Environmental Protection or the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission for water supply systems and final designs of such systems. [Ord. 12/10/2001]
      G.   Final designs of any stormwater control improvements and related documentation required in accordance with § 22-409 of this Chapter.
      H.   Highway occupancy permit, where applicable.
      I.   Other documentation and certificates of approval from the proper authorities as may be required by the Planning Commission.
      J.   Where appropriate, one of the following for guaranteeing improvements for either the entire development tract or designated phases:
         (1)   A bond, certified check or other security satisfactory to the Planning Commission.
         (2)   A certificate from a qualified engineer chosen mutually by the Township and the developer that the improvements have been inspected and found to be installed in accordance with specifications.
      K.   A notarized statement, signed by the landowner, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds, to the effect that the subdivision or land development shown on the plan is the act and the deed of the owner, that all those signing are all the owners of the property shown on the survey and plan and that they desire the same to be recorded. This must be dated following the last change or revision to said plan.
(Ord. 319/1993A, § 303; as amended by Ord. 12/10/2001)
§ 22-401. General.
This Part contains standards and requirements which are intended as the minimum design standards for subdivisions and/or land developments. They shall be applied by the Lamar Township Planning Commission in reviewing all plans in order to promote the public health, safety and general welfare.
(Ord. 319/1993A, § 400)