§ 27-805. Criteria for Evaluating Subdivisions, Mobile Home Park Developments and Planned Residential Developments_ And Land Developments.
   1.   Once the developable site area has been determined as a result of the previous calculations, the project would be evaluated according to the criteria below. The intent is to produce a project which is compatible with the existing landscape, adjoining land uses and structures, and which exhibits creativity in layout and design
   2.   The Planning Commission shall use a positive and negative rating criteria to evaluate the project in terms of all of the applicable criteria that appear on the site performance criteria and rating chart. In some cases where there are major qualitative factors involved, there are five rating categories, ranging from +4 to a -4; in other cases, there are three rating categories; +2, 0 and -2.
   3.   Some of the categories that deal with infrastructure, parking, and other physical requirements shall be considered absolute guidelines that must be met for the development, or project, to be approved.
   4.   The developer, or builder, may use the rating categories as a guide in preparing the site plan and should, during the review process, work cooperatively with the Planning Commission to address, correct or improve a negative rating.
   5.   The rating categories factors would be taken into account in approving major subdivisions, commercial projects, mobile home park developments and planned residential developments.
   6.   Site Performance Criteria and Rating Factors.
      A.   Architectural Compatibility. This criterion pertains to all areas of the Township, but principally to proposed structures in the villages of Mackeyville and Salona and to the rolling agricultural landscape and associated farmhouses, barns and outbuildings.
         (1)   The proposed development maintains the general appearance of the small towns and farm landscape through the sensitive siting and design of new buildings and structures.
            Rating Guidelines
            +4: Highly compatible and sensitive in terms of architectural, style, scale and design to existing landscape and architecture in surrounding area.
            +2: Compatible with adjoining uses.
            0:   Limited compatibility with adjoining architecture.
            -2: Incompatible with adjacent buildings and landscape.
            -4: Disruptive to the existing village or rural character.
         For projects in the village center district of Salona and Mackeyville or in the agriculture district, this criteria shall be multiplied by 2.
         ______ Rating Score
         (2)   Proposed setback lines are consistent with adjacent buildings.
            Rating Guidelines
            +4: Maintains similar setback and lot position as neighboring buildings.
            +2: Generally conforms to building setbacks in the immediate vicinity.
            0: Meets setback requirements of this Chapter.
            -2: Proposed setbacks are inconsistent and incompatible with adjoining buildings and structures in the immediate vicinity.
         For projects in the village center district of Salona and Mackeyville or in the agriculture district, this criteria shall be multiplied by 2.
          ______ Rating Score
      B.   Land Use. Proposed use does not conflict with existing uses in the district and conforms to the desired character and function of the district.
         Rating Guidelines
         +4: High priority use of the site that is compatible with land use district guidelines and adjacent uses.
         +2: Compatible with district guidelines and adjacent uses.
         0: Compatible with district guidelines.
         -2: Not compatible with district guidelines.
         -4: Extremely incompatible with the neighborhood.
      For projects in the Village Center district of Salona and Mackeyville or in the Agriculture district, this criteria shall be multiplied by 2.
          ______ Rating Score
      C.   Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use is consistent with the Township's comprehensive plan in terms of community development objectives, existing land use patterns, and future land use recommendations.
         Rating Guidelines
         +2: Project is highly compatible with goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan and the type of development(s) proposed for the district.
         0:   Compatible with some of the goals and objectives of the plan and some of the development(s) proposed for the district.
         -2: Incompatible with many of the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan and future development for the district.
          ______ Rating Score
      D.   Open Space. Open space is a principal consideration for all of the rural and agricultural areas in the Township and should be reflected in new residential and commercial projects in order to achieve harmony between the existing landscape and proposed new development activity.
         (1)   Proposed use incorporates open space in such a way that the project relates well to the surrounding environment.
            Rating Guidelines
            +2: Complementary relationship to surrounding landscape and preserves most of the natural linkage with surrounding land that existed before the project.
            0:   Complementary relationship to surrounding landscape and preserves some of the natural linkage with surrounding land.
            -2: Conflicts with adjoining open space areas and there is no continuity of landscape or negative material; or open space is sited or screened in such a way that it seems to be isolated from surrounding environment; or is inadequate for size and scale of project.
         In the agricultural (AG) and open space/recreation (O/R) districts, this criteria shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.
          ______ Rating Score
         (2)   Proposed use demonstrates concern for environmental, scenic and other natural features of the site.
            +4: Highly creative open space plan that exceeds spatial requirements and recognizes natural features in a sympathetic way.
            +2: Good use of open space that preserves most natural and scenic features of the site; sound relationships between proposed use and open space.
            0: Meets open space requirements of this Chapter.
            -2: Insensitive to some of the natural characteristics of the site and lacking in creativity.
            -4: Highly insensitive to natural features and environment; proposed use encroaches unnecessarily in the open space.
         In the agricultural (AG) and open space/recreation (O/R) districts, this criteria shall be multiplied, by a factor of 2.
         ______ Rating Score
      E.   Site Design. Proposed use is compatible with the site in terms of building placement, infrastructure elements, design and layout and relate-well to existing roadways, adjoining land uses and terrain.
            Rating Guidelines
            +2: Highly sensitive to characteristics of the site in terms of the layout of buildings, existing infrastructure; uses land planning concepts in creative way.
            0:   Proposed use addresses the needs of the site in an acceptable but uncreative way.
            -2: Highly insensitive to the site in terms of layout and placement of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure; very uncreative design.
         ______ Rating Score
      F.   Infrastructure /Roads and Related Features. Absolute criteria proposed use should provide for an adequate road network to service the project and other infrastructure features, such as culverts, small bridges, curbing and sidewalks should be appropriate for the particular site.
         (1)   Roads and/or road network are sufficient in terms of width, construction and design to handle anticipated demands.
            Rating Guidelines
            +2: Roads and/or road network exceed the standards and are designed for ease of maintenance.
            0:   Roads meet minimal standards for proposed use.
            -2: Roads and network are not adequate to service the project, demonstrate poor design and/or appear to invite future maintenance problems.
            (-2 rating is not acceptable for the project to proceed)
         ______ Rating Score
         (2)   Other infrastructure elements such as bridges, culverts, sidewalk and curbing are sufficient to meet access and drainage demands of the site.
            Rating Guidelines
            +2: Infrastructure elements meet requirements and address the site needs safely and in a creative way.
            0:   Addresses infrastructure needs of the project in an adequate manner.
            -2: Other infrastructure features are not well designed and fail to meet the requirements of the site.
            -4: Infrastructure is poorly designed and inadequately sized to meet the requirements of the site, high maintenance, unsafe conditions are likely to result.
            (-2 rating is not acceptable for the project to proceed)
          ______ Rating Score
      G.   Landscaping. Proposed use recognizes the need for good landscaping to complement buildings and other structures, provides natural plantings within the project area, and establishes a complimentary relationship with the surrounding landscape.
         (1)   Village-style landscaping and features are included in the proposed project. (All of the features below should be encouraged and can be rated cumulatively.)
            +2: A fence or hedge of no more than 4 feet in height enclosing the front yard.
            +2: Two canopy trees or three flowering trees located within the front yard.
            +2: One canopy tree plus flowering shrubs located in the front or side yard.
            +2 One canopy tree plus an arbor with climbing vines located in the . front yard.
            +2: An unenclosed porch at least 7 feet wide running across at least 3/n of the house front.
          ______ Rating Score
         (2)   Landscaping relates to the rural character of the area.
            Rating Guidelines
            +4: Provides a buffer yard of generous width and breadth consisting of trees. Has a harmonious relationship with the rural landscape. Utilizes existing hedgerows.
            +2: Utilizes trees and shrubs to achieve a good relationship between existing and proposed buildings, project terrain and surrounding environment.
            0: Adequate use of landscaping to complement buildings and surrounding landscape.
            -2: Inadequate landscaping for size and scale of project. Does not relate well to existing buildings or landscape.
            -4: Poor design. Creates an abrasive relationship with the surrounding landscape.
            (-2 rating is not acceptable for the project to proceed)
          ______ Rating Score
      H.   Recreational Facilities. Recreational facilities reflect the general recreational needs of the project residents, are adequate to serve the population and are sited in an appropriate and accessible location.
            Rating Guidelines
            +4: Well-sited facilities exceed requirements and creatively provide for both passive and active recreational needs of the project residents.
            +2: Facilities exceed requirements and are linked to needs of residents, positive site considerations.
            0: Facilities meet requirements and are reasonably sited.
            -2: Facilities fail to meet requirements and are inadequately sited.
            -4: No facilities, or inadequate; poorly planned and sited.
          ______ Rating Score
      I.   Parking: Absolute Criteria. Proposed parking is adequate to service the project and is designed in such a way as to complement adjoining land uses.
            Rating Guidelines
            +4: Meets parking requirements and establishes a creative, well designed area that is attractively landscaped and makes excellent use of the site.
            +2: Meets parking requirements and show some creativity in layout siting and buffering.
            0: Meets minimum parking requirements.
            -2: Meets minimum standards but fails to adapt well to the site and/or adjoining land uses.
            (-2 rating is not acceptable for the project to proceed)
         ______ Rating Score
      J.   Building Height/Scale. Buildings are scaled to adjoining land uses.
            Rating Guidelines
            +4: Building height and scale are consistent with neighboring structures; setback and buffers are used effectively to provide complimentary relationship to adjoining structures and land uses.
            0: Building height and scale are inconsistent with neighboring structures and land uses, but creative and effective use of buffers help to minim>,e the impact.
            -2: Building height and scale are inconsistent with neighboring structures and ineffectively buffered.
         Note: Building shall not exceed the height limitations of the district in which they are located.
          ______ Rating Score
      K.   Sewer and Water: Absolute Criteria. Sewer and water facilities are adequate to serve the site as well as demonstrate capacity for future needs if subsequent expansion is anticipated.
         (1)   Sewer Facilities.
            Rating Guidelines
            +2: Community sewer or onlot system, including connecting lines where needed, is adequate to handle all current and expected demands and meets or exceeds DEP standards. [Ord. 12/10/20011
            0: Meets Township or DEP standards. [Ord. 12/10/2001]
            -2: System is inadequate to meet present needs and allows for no expansion.
            -4: System is inadequate and proposed project may threaten groundwater sources.
            (-2 rating is not acceptable for the project to proceed)
         ______ Rating Score
         (2)   Water Resources.
            +2: Water source is adequate for present and projected needs, including capacity, level of pressure and size of lines.
            0: Water source is adequate to serve present needs.
            -2: Water supply is not adequate to serve the intended use and there is inadequate levels of pressure and/or undersize lines.
            -4: Inadequate water supply and proposed project may threaten groundwater sources.
            (-2 rating is not acceptable for the project to proceed)
         ______ Rating Score
      L.   Stormwater Management: Absolute Criteria. Adequate drainage and erosion control is provided.
            Rating Guidelines
            +2: Provides for onsite drainage and erosion control in a way that enhances the site and adequately controls the projected volumes of water following construction.
            0: Meets the standards required by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS).
            -2: Fails to complement the site and is likely to increase the volume of water and/or fails to meet SCS standards.
            -4: The proposed project may threaten the environment quality of the area.
            (-2 rating is not acceptable for the project to proceed)
         ______ Rating Score
   ______ A.   Architectural Compatibility
         1.   compatible character
         2.   setback
   ______ B.   Land Use
   ______ C.   Comprehensive Plan
      D.   Open Space
   ______    1.   related to environment and landscape
   ______    2.   concern for scenic and other natural features
   ______ E.   Site Design
      F.   Infrastructure/roads and related features
   ______    1.   adequate road network
   ______    2.   sufficient infrastructure elements
      G.   Landscaping
   ______    1.   village style
   ______    2.   larger rural landscape
    ______ H.   Recreational Facilities
   ______ I.   Parking
    ______ J.   Building Height/Scale
      K.   Sewer and Water
   ______    1.   sewer
   ______    2.   water
    ______ L.   Stormwater Management
   ______    TOTAL SCORE
The minimum total score for project approval shall be a +20; all absolute criteria, however, shall be met. The Planning Commission shall make comments as appropriate in support of the rating criteria, including a listing of specific inadequacies and/or problem areas in the proposed plan.
(Ord. 3/9/1993B, § 804; as amended byOrd. 12/10/2001)