Division 1. General Provisions
31.001 Definitions
31.002 Available to improved property
31.003 Time limit for construction
31.004 Approval by sanitation district required
31.005 Unapproved connections a nuisance
31.006 Sewer taps provided by permit
31.007 New structure approval
31.008 Subdivision restrictions
31.009 Toilet facilities required
31.010 Cost of installation, connection to be borne by owner
31.011 Septic tanks prohibited
31.012 Garbage, waste discharge restricted
31.013 Combustible discharge restricted
Division 2. Rates and Charges
31.050 Sewer use rates
31.100 Storm sewer connection required
31.101 Type of pipe to be used
31.102 Curb-cut, opening permit required
31.103 Rights-of-way disturbance required to be repaired
31.104 Roof drains to conform
31.105 Regulations where connections not available
31.106 Work to be directed by Building Inspector
31.107 Owner to repair damage from non-conforming drainage
31.108 Certain discharged prohibited
31.109 Owner’s responsibility for storm water drainage system repair
31.110 Notice to undertake repairs
31.111 Owner responsible for work
31.112 Inspection of work by city
31.113 Work done by city; interest, lien authorized
31.999 Penalty
Appendix A Diagrams
Division 1. General Provisions
For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
“CITY.” The City of Lakeside Park, Kentucky, and where the context so indicates, actions on its behalf by the City Council or such other body of the city that shall be vested with authority over the municipal sewer system of the city.
“DULY AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL.” The superintendent of the municipal sewer system of the city or such other official of the city as shall be duly authorized by the City Council to supervise the administration of the municipal sewer system and the enforcement of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the sewer.
“PREMISES.” All structures and improvements in the city, having flowable sewage wastes which should be drained, treated, or disposed of in the interest of the public health, safety, and general welfare, and specifically includes, but not by way of limiting the generality of the foregoing, all homes, houses, apartments, hotels, motels, business, commercial, or industrial establishments and other structures of any and every nature whatsoever.
“SANITATION DISTRICT.” Sanitation District No. 1 of Campbell and Kenton Counties, Kentucky.
“SEWER SYSTEM” or “SEWERS.” The city municipal sewer system which may hereafter provide for the drainage, treatment, and disposal of liquid or flowable sewerage wastes within the city.
(1985 Code)
The sewer system is available to any improved property (property on which a residential or commercial building is constructed) in the city which abuts upon any street, road, alley, public way or easement in which there exists or is installed a sewer pipe, main, lateral, or other structure or installation of the sewer system capable of receiving flowable wastes, in which the city has brought a sewer line to a point located within one hundred (100) feet from the edge of the property line or easement of the owner of the premises.
(1985 Code)
All owners and occupants of premises where sewers are made available in the city shall, within sixty (60) days from the date that the duly authorized official of the city furnishes notice to the owner of the property, either by personal written notice or by notice published in a local newspaper of general circulation throughout the city, that a sewer line has been installed, placed in operation, and is available to the premises, connect all sanitary sewerage drain pipes of the premises.
(1985 Code)