No sewer taps (breaking or entering into sewer lines of the city) shall be made by any person, firm, or corporation except by written permit of the city. The city will, upon application to it and payment of a tapping or connection fee, as set out in § 31.051, including the applicable sewer inspection fee, permit tapping into the city sewer and will run a lateral line to a prescribed point, if any. Any and all installations or attachments to the sewer shall be made by the applicant under the directions and supervision of the city, provided that nothing herein shall be construed as requiring the city to furnish a sewer connection or sewer service to any premises other than as specified in § 31.051.
(1985 Code)
All architects, contractors, builders, developers or other persons who erect new premises where sewers are available in the city, shall, before erecting the premises, obtain the approval of the Zoning Administrator/Building Inspector of the city, establishing that a satisfactory means has been or will promptly be provided for connecting the sanitary sewerage drain from the building or structure with the municipal sewer system.
(1985 Code)
No subdivision located in whole or in part within the city may be developed or improved unless it is accomplished with the construction of a separate sanitary sewer collection system with the approval of the duly authorized official of the city and of the Sanitation District, with arrangements being made satisfactory to the city and to the Sanitation District for the city sewer system to collect the sanitary wastes and to pump it to the Sanitation District for treatment and disposal.
(1985 Code)
Each owner of a house, building, or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes, situated within the city and to which sewer service is made available by the city, is hereby required, at the owner’s expense, to install suitable toilet facilities in the premises and to connect the facilities directly with available public sewers in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
(1985 Code)
All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of a building sewer in the city shall be borne by the owner, who shall indemnify the city from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer. All connections shall be made under the supervision of the duly authorized official of the city.
(1985 Code)
It shall be unlawful to construct or maintain a privy, well, vault, cesspool, cistern, septic tank or similar contrivance for the reception of flowable sewage where sewers are available in the city. All privies, wells, vaults, cesspools, cisterns, septic tanks, facilities and similar contrivances shall be removed or disconnected by the owners and the occupants of premises as soon as sewers are made available tot the premises by the city. All privies, facilities, and other means of casting or depositing sewage into a container above or below the surface of the ground, or upon or into the soil or into any running or percolating stream of water or into any cistern or well, whereby the soil is contaminated with sewage, are hereby declared to be unlawful and to constitute a nuisance.
(1985 Code)
It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner upon public or private property within the city, any garbage or other objectionable waste, or to discharge to any natural outlet within the city, any sewage, industrial wastes, or other polluted waters, except where suitable treatment has been provided under the supervision of the duly authorized official of the city.
(1985 Code)
No substances shall be placed or discharged into the municipal sewer system which will create a combustible, gaseous, explosive, or inflammable condition in the system, nor shall any substances or objects be placed or discharged into the municipal sewer system which will not dissolve and will cause an obstruction and clogging within the system. No petroleum products shall be placed or discharged into the municipal sewer system.
(1985 Code)