The owner shall, in all instances, perform all work necessary to prevent or to minimize erosion of land as directed by the city Building Inspector.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
Cross reference:
Penalty, see § 31.999
In any instances where any stormwater not being properly discharged as described herein from any existing or new structure shall cause damage or loss to any public lands, structures, improvements, including, but not limited to, sidewalk and/or street surfaces or subsurfaces, the damage or loss, both direct and consequential, shall be repaired or replaced by the owner of the property from which the damage-producing stormwater came. All costs, including consequential damages, shall be borne by such owner. The stormwater drain system shall be repaired in accordance with all provisions of this and any other applicable section.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into any storm sewer system, any sanitary sewage, combinations of stormwater and sanitary sewage, garbage, solid food wastes, leaves, trash, and/or debris.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
Cross reference:
Penalty, see § 31.999
Every person owning real estate in the city is charged with the responsibility of creating, maintaining, and keeping in proper repair the stormwater drainage system which drains their property.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
Cross reference:
Penalty, see § 31.999
The Code Enforcement Officer shall notify, in writing, property owners who, in the judgment of the Code Enforcement Officer or his duly authorized agent, have failed to maintain the stormwater drainage system in proper repair or who have failed to create such a system, to the effect that such repairs and/or installation shall be undertaken within thirty (30) days of the date of the personal delivery or the mailing of the notice to the last known address of the owner as shown on the property tax rolls. Receipt of the notice shall be presumed as proper notice under this article unless and until notification of a change of address of such owner is received by the city.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96; Am. Ord. 02-2010, passed 3-8-10)
(A) Within a thirty (30) day period, any owner hereby affected shall undertake to complete the repairs in an orderly and workmanlike manner and the cost of the repairs shall be borne by the property owner.
(B) Each property owner shall hold the city harmless and shall indemnify the city in the event some passerby is injured and/or property is damaged at the site of the alleged defect.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
Cross reference:
Penalty, see § 31.999
If, in the judgment of the Code Enforcement Officer or his duly authorized agent, and upon completion of the repairs, the work is unsatisfactory, or has not been performed in accordance with the existing city specifications, the owner shall be required to replace or repair the work according to specifications supplied by the city.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96; Am. Ord. 02-2010, passed 3-8-10)
(A) Upon failure of the property owner to undertake such necessary repairs within the time specified in this article, the city shall undertake, without further notification to the owner, to repair the stormwater drainage system and to bill the involved property owner, for the costs incurred in repairing the storm sewer system.
(B) The total costs, together with interest at six percent (6%) per annum from billing date shall constitute a lien on the real estate to secure payment.
(C) Each property owner shall hold the city harmless and shall indemnify the city in the event some passerby is injured and/or property is damage at a repair site.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)