(A) (1) If it is necessary to cut the curb to place storm drains so that stormwater will empty into the public street gutter, a curb-cut permit shall be obtained from the Building Inspector and the curb shall be repaired, patched, and grouted in a clean, workmanlike manner acceptable to the Building Inspector and at the cost of the owner or contractor.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person, other than an authorized city official, to make any opening and/or cut in any curbing of the city unless a permit to do such has been obtained prior to commencement of the work.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person, other than an authorized city official, to make any opening in any street, alley, sidewalk, or public way of the city unless a permit to make the opening has been obtained prior to commencement of the work.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
Cross reference:
Penalty, see § 31.999
Any portion of the right-of-way that has been disturbed shall be backfilled, and/or repaired in a clean, workmanlike manner acceptable to the Building Inspector and at the cost of the owner or contractor.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
Cross reference:
Penalty, see § 31.999
All roof drains at the curb must be constructed to conform to at least one of the diagrams shown in Exhibit A including the diagram portraying an anti-seep type connection.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96; Am. Ord. 13-2000, passed 12-11-00)
Cross reference:
Penalty, see § 31.999
(A) If stormwater cannot be disposed of in a public storm sewer or street gutter, the stormwater shall be carried by pipe into the back yard to a point a minimum of ten (10) feet from the rear line of the structure. No stormwater shall be discharged within five (5) feet of a property line, but in no case within ten (10) feet of a public right-of-way.
(B) Where it is impractical to tie or connect part or all of the house storm drain system directly to a pipe into the back yard, the stormwater shall be discharged in the front or side yards to a point approximately equidistant between the edge of the structure and the lot line adjacent to that side of the structure. No stormwater shall be discharged within ten (10) feet of a public right-of-way.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
Cross reference:
Penalty, see § 31.999
The owner shall, in all instances, perform all work necessary to prevent or to minimize erosion of land as directed by the city Building Inspector.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
Cross reference:
Penalty, see § 31.999
In any instances where any stormwater not being properly discharged as described herein from any existing or new structure shall cause damage or loss to any public lands, structures, improvements, including, but not limited to, sidewalk and/or street surfaces or subsurfaces, the damage or loss, both direct and consequential, shall be repaired or replaced by the owner of the property from which the damage-producing stormwater came. All costs, including consequential damages, shall be borne by such owner. The stormwater drain system shall be repaired in accordance with all provisions of this and any other applicable section.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into any storm sewer system, any sanitary sewage, combinations of stormwater and sanitary sewage, garbage, solid food wastes, leaves, trash, and/or debris.
(Ord. 08-1995, passed 2-20-96)
Cross reference:
Penalty, see § 31.999