(A)   Pay Periods - Employees are paid every two weeks on Monday. The first day of the pay period is Monday and ends 14 days later on Sunday. Time sheets are used to determine the amount an employee is paid each pay period and serve as the official record of an employee's service to the County.
   (B)   Paydays - Paydays occur on Monday. No other person is allowed to “pick-up” an employee's paycheck without the employee's permission in writing.
   (C)   Payroll Deductions - There are two types of payroll deductions, those mandated by the government and those that employees choose to make.
   (D)   Mandated Payroll Deductions - Certain deductions are made from employees' paychecks as mandated by the state and/or federal government or court. These deductions include:
      (1)   Federal Income Taxes (as indicated by an employee on the W-4 federal income tax withholding form)
      (2)   State Income Taxes (as indicated by an employee on the state income tax withholding form)
      (3)   PERF Contributions
      (4)   Social Security (FICA) and Medicare (MCARE)
      (5)   Court ordered child support and garnishments
   (E)   Voluntary Payroll Deductions
      (1)   Employees may choose to have any or all of the following that apply to them deducted from their paychecks:
         (a)   Health insurance contributions
         (b)   457 Supplemental retirement contributions
         (c)   Supplemental insurance plan contributions
         (d)   Credit Union
         (e)   U.S. Savings Bonds
         (f)   Political contributions
         (g)   Pre paid legal assistance
         (h)   United Way Contributions
      (2)   Employees may elect to have voluntary deductions taken from their pay only if they authorize deductions in writing.
   (F)   Direct Deposit of Paychecks - Employees may elect to have their paychecks directly deposited with most banks, credit unions and financial institutions.
   (G)   Paycheck Errors, Lost Paycheck, or Stolen Paychecks - Employees who discover a mistake in their paycheck, lose their paycheck, or have it stolen must notify their payroll clerk immediately. In the case of a mistake, the error will be remedied as quickly as possible. In the event of a lost or stolen paycheck, the employee may have to wait up to sixty (60) days before the check is reissued.