General Provisions
90.01 Animal waste; responsibility
Dogs and Other Animals
90.15 Definitions
90.16 Animals to be kept under restraint
90.17 Nuisance dogs not permitted in town limits
90.18 Impoundment and disposition of animals
90.19 Investigation and right of entry
90.20 Rabies control, biting animals and quarantines
90.21 Confinement of biting dogs
90.22 Interference with animal warden prohibited
90.23 Provisions of county ordinance to prevail
Animal Drawn Conveyances
90.40 Definitions
90.41 Issuance of license and insurance requirements
90.42 License fee
90.43 Premises and litter
90.44 Sales tax applicable
90.45 Sanitary bags mandatory
90.98 Enforcement
90.99 Penalty