(a) Following the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, or any part thereof, by Council, pursuant to public notice, any subsequent proposed action of Council shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for its recommendations when the proposed action relates to:
(1) The location, opening, vacation, extension, widening, narrowing or enlargement of any street, public ground, pierhead or watercourse;
(2) The location, erection, demolition, removal or sale of any public structure located within the Municipality; or
(3) The adoption, amendment or repeal of an Official Map, subdivision and land development ordinance, zoning ordinance or planned residential development ordinance.
(b) The recommendations of the Planning Commission, including a specific statement as to whether or not the proposed action is in accordance with the intent of the formally adopted Comprehensive Plan, shall be made in writing to Council within thirty days.
(Ord. 4398. Passed 9-10-86.)
Following the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, or any part thereof, by Council, pursuant to public notice, any proposed action of the School District located within the City relating to the location, demolition, removal or sale of any School District structure or land shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for its recommendation at least thirty days prior to the execution of such proposed action by the School District.
(Ord. 4398. Passed 9-10-86.)
The City will give the Comprehensive Plan of the City to the County Planning Commission in exchange for the County Comprehensive Plan, so that the other may consider the objectives of each Plan and protect its Plan to the greatest extent possible.
(Ord. 3914. Passed 11-30-71.)
Existing comprehensive plans included in this chapter shall not be construed to repeal or revoke the Comprehensive Plan in existence at the time of the final adoption of this Planning Code (Ordinance 3914, passed November 30, 1971), nor shall anything contained in this chapter be construed to alter, change or amend the Comprehensive Plan which is in existence at the time of such final adoption.
(Ord. 3914. Passed 11-30-71.)