1226.01 Surveys of streets, watercourses and public grounds as Official Map.
1226.02 Recommendations of Planning Commission and public hearing prior to adoption.
1226.03 Effect of approved plats on Official Map.
1226.04 Effect of adoption of mapped streets, watercourses and public grounds on Official Map.
1226.05 Buildings in mapped streets, watercourses and public grounds.
1226.06 Time limitations on reservations for future taking or acquisition.
1226.07 Release of damage claims or compensation.
Official Map - see Penna. Mun. Plan. Code, Art. IV
Effect of plan approval on Official Map - see P. & Z. 1244.07
Zoning District Map - see P. & Z. Ch. 1260
Council shall cause to be made surveys of the exact locations of the lines of existing and proposed public streets, watercourses and public grounds, including widenings, narrowings, extensions, diminutions, openings or closings of the same, for the whole of the City, and such surveys shall be the Official Map of the City. Council, by amending existing ordinances, may make additions to or modifications of the Official Map or parts thereof by adopting surveys of the exact location of the line of a public street, watercourse or public ground to be so added or modified and may also vacate any existing or proposed public street, watercourse or public ground contained in the Official Map or part thereof.
(Ord. 3914. Passed 11-30-71.)
Prior to the adoption of any survey of existing or proposed public streets, watercourses and public grounds as the Official Map or part thereof, or any amendment to the Official Map, Council shall refer such survey and amendment to the Planning Commission for review. The Commission shall report its recommendations on such proposed Official Map, part thereof or amendment thereto within forty days, unless an extension of time is agreed to by Council. Before voting on the enactment of the proposed Official Map, part thereof or amendment thereto, Council shall hold a public hearing thereon after giving public notice of such hearing.
(Ord. 4398. Passed 9-10-86.)