A.   General Provisions:
      1.   In the business area, loading zones shall be designated only where double parking or double stopping of commercial vehicles is prohibited by ordinance and adequate alley loading facilities are not available or where the roadway is so narrow or traffic so congested that such zones are warranted for the safety and convenience of the general public.
      2.   The average length of all loading zones shall not exceed thirty feet (30') and no one block or curb shall have more than two (2) such zones.
      3.   When practical, said zones shall be located in the central part of the block and adjacent to the termination of any alley which may be in the block, or shall be located at the ends of a block depending on the proximity of business establishments needing said zones.
      4.   No parking shall be permitted in any loading zone during the hours during which said zones are needed for loading and unloading purposes.
      5.   Commercial vehicles shall occupy a loading zone only for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the expeditious loading or unloading of merchandise and in no event for a period longer than thirty (30) minutes. Other vehicles shall occupy a loading zone for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers. (1985 Code ch. 20 § 11-1)
   B.   Alleys: Any vehicle entitled to park in an alley, as provided herein, shall only be permitted to load or unload on the side of the alley designated. (1985 Code ch. 20 § 11-2)
   C.   Hours For Loading And Unloading: No driver of any vehicle used for the purpose of transporting household goods, office furniture or merchandise in bulk shall load or unload the same on any street within the business area between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M., except in such cases where only a front entrance is provided and the event of an emergency and from securing the approval of the chief of police. (1985 Code ch. 20 § 11-3)