A. Double Parking Restricted: No vehicle shall be permitted to double park under conditions hereinafter set out:
1. At any time on U.S. Highway 59 in such manner as to impede the orderly flow of traffic.
2. Within fifty feet (50') of an intersection, except alley intersection, or within ten feet (10') of an alley intersection.
3. Opposite a double parked vehicle across the street.
4. When such double parking would or does block or interfere materially with the normal movement of traffic.
5. In any position other than parallel to the curb and within two feet (2') of the adjacent vehicle parked next to the curb.
6. When directed by a police officer to move on.
B. Double Parking Allowed:
1. Vehicles not used ordinarily for the transportation of merchandise may double park for the purpose of, but only while actually engaged in, the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers, subject, however, to all the general conditions hereinabove set out.
2. Vehicles used ordinarily for the transportation of merchandise may double park for the purpose of, but only while actually engaged in, the expeditious loading or unloading of merchandise, subject, however, to all the general conditions hereinabove set out; provided, that no such vehicles shall be double parked longer than ten (10) minutes; and provided, further that no such vehicle shall be double parked at any time on that part of any highway running through the city, unless the driver of such vehicle be immediately available for the purpose of moving said vehicle.
C. Prohibition: No vehicle shall be double parked when parking space adjacent to the curb is available. (1985 Code ch. 20 § 3-5)