   (A)   Upon intake into the County Detention Center the prisoners’ money will be deposited into the inmates commissary account.
   (B)   As long as the inmate has a positive account balance he/she will be allowed to purchase merchandise from the inmate commissary.
   (C)   All monies received from the sales commission under this section shall be placed into the Sheriff’s Office Jail Revenue Budget.
   (D)   Revenues derived from monies received under this section shall not offset or reduce funding from other sources for the maintenance, operation, and capital expenditures of the County Detention Center.
   (E)   Due to the continued increasing costs of the incarceration of prisoners and the reduced monies available to cities and counties for the housing of prisoners, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this section shall be in full force and effect immediately upon passage.
(Ord. 2006-1, passed 2-13-06)
   (A)   All prisoners upon intake into the County Detention Center shall be required to pay a $3 fee for personal hygiene items furnished to them.
   (B)   All prisoners in the County Detention Center shall be required to pay a $20 co-pay fee for any prisoner-initiated medical services. The services shall include, but are not limited to, seeing a doctor, nurse, dentist and the like.
   (C)   All prisoners in the County Detention Center shall be required to pay a $3 co-pay fee for any prescription received as a result of a nurse, doctor, or dentist visit, and filled by the Sheriff’s Office.
   (D)   A commissary account, currently established at the County Detention Center for each prisoner, shall have the above fees deducted when the prisoner is initially processed into the detention center or anytime any prisoner-initiated health care service is requested.
   (E)   In the event the prisoner lacks sufficient funds in his/her commissary account to pay for the above service(s), the prisoner shall not be denied access to health care based on his/her inability to pay or for any other reason. The prisoner will, however have an outstanding balance in their commissary account with the County Detention Center that will be subject to payment, and at any time the prisoner returns to the County Detention Center such debt will be deducted from his/her commissary account.
   (F)   All monies received under this section shall be placed into the Sheriff’s Office Jail Revenue budget.
   (G)   Revenues derived from fees received under this section shall not offset or reduce funding from other sources for the maintenance, operation, and capital expenditures of the County Detention Center.
   (H)   Due to the continued increasing costs of the incarceration of prisoners and the reduced monies available or cities and counties for the housing of prisoners, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this section shall be in full force and effect immediately upon passage.
(Ord. 2006-2, passed 2-13-06)
   The Jackson County Office of Public Defender is hereby created and established.
(Ord. 1989-15, passed 9-11-89)
Statutory reference:
   Public Defenders, see A.C. §§ 16-87-101 et seq.
§ 33.16 DUTIES.
   The Public Defender shall provide legal representation at no cost to the individual in criminal cases and involuntary commitment cases for insanity or alcoholism before the Circuit Court, the Chancery Court, the Probate Court, the Municipal Court, and the County Court of Jackson County, Arkansas and, where applicable, in appeals to the Arkansas Court of Appeals and Arkansas Supreme Court. The Public Defender's obligation to accept cases shall be in compliance with the laws of the State of Arkansas and the United States of America and the decisions of the Arkansas and United States Appellate Courts regarding the appointment of counsel for indigents. In all cases the duty to provide representation shall not materialize until the Public Defender is appointed by one of the courts listed herein.
(Ord. 1989-15, passed 9-11-89)
   The Public Defender shall be an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Arkansas.
(Ord. 1989-15, passed 9-11-89)
   The Public Defender shall be selected by a three member committee, known as the Jackson County Public Defender Committee, who will recommend the person selected to the Jackson County Quorum Court for approval. In the event the Quorum Court does not approve the person selected, the Committee will make successive recommendations until the position is filled. The Jackson County Public Defender Committee shall consist of the duly elected and acting Circuit Judge serving Jackson County, the Jackson County Judge, and one attorney elected annually by the Jackson County Bar Association. The Bar Association member of the Committee will be an attorney engaged in the regular practice of law in the county. Once selected and approved by the Quorum Court the Public Defender shall serve for a period of two years. The Committee shall review all applicants and recommend the most qualified applicant without regard to race, color, religious background, or national origin.
(Ord. 1989-15, passed 9-11-89)