   (a)   The Mayor is authorized to enter into an agreement with individuals and groups, other than civic organizations and city related events, for the use of the lobby area of the Ironton City Building after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays and on weekends.
   (b)   A copy of the agreement is available in the office of the Mayor.
   (c)   The civic organizations and city related events shall continue to be permitted, upon approval of the Mayor, to use the lobby area with no fee being charged.
(Res. 04-82, passed 9-23-2004)
   (a)   The Mayor is hereby authorized, in the name of the City of Ironton to participate in state contracts which the Department of Administrative Offices, Office of State Purchasing has entered into for the purchase of supplies, services, equipment and certain materials pursuant to Ohio R.C. 125.04.
   (b)   The Mayor is hereby authorized to agree in the name of the city to be bound by all contract terms and conditions as the Department of Administrative Offices, Office of State Purchasing prescribes. Such terms and conditions may include a reasonable fee to cover the administrative costs which the Department of Administrative Services incurs as a result of the city’s participation in a contract. Further, the Mayor does hereby agree to be bound by all such terms and conditions.
   (c)   The Mayor is hereby authorized to agree in the name of the City of Ironton to directly pay the vendor, under each such state contract in which it participates for items it receives pursuant to the contract, and the Mayor does hereby agree to directly pay the vendor.
(Ord. 93-04, passed 2-25-1993)
   (a)   A municipal fee for public safety is established at the rate of fourteen dollars ($14.00) per month to be paid by each residential household, including each rental unit, and to also be paid by each non-residential customer of the city.
   (b)   The current municipal fee of fourteen dollars ($14.00) shall remain for public safety and shall be billed as part of the monthly municipal utility billing upon passage of this section.
   (c)   The monies generated by this municipal fee shall be used to fund the salaries/benefits of the Police Department of the city.
(Ord. 13-17, passed 3-28-2013)
   (a)   The City of Ironton hereby establishes a records retention program.
   (b)   The Ohio Municipal Records Manual, third revised edition, is hereby incorporated herein as if fully rewritten and the City of Ironton should follow the records retention program as set forth therein.
(Ord. 22-15, passed 3-24-2022)
   (a)   For purposes of this section, “business” is defined as any person or entity that provides a product and/or service to others.
   (b)   All businesses operating in the City of Ironton, Ohio shall obtain a business permit by filing an application for said permit with the City of Ironton Zoning Department. Said application is attached to Ordinance 22-63, passed November 21, 2022, and incorporated herein as if fully rewritten.
   (c)   The permit application shall be completed and filed by all businesses operating in the city upon the effective date of this section and hereafter every two years or upon change of/or additional location or locations.
   (d)   A biennial fee in the amount of two dollars ($2.00) is hereby established and required to be paid upon the completion and submission of said application to the city's Zoning Department. Said fee shall be paid into the General Fund by the Finance Department. The two dollar ($2.00) fee shall be waived if any other business related fee is collected by the city.
   (e)   The failure to file said application and pay said fee as set forth herein shall result in a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fine. Said fine shall be assessed each day that the business fails to comply with this section.
(Ord. 22-63, passed 11-21-2022)
   (a)   Council hereby establishes the Ironton Economic Development Forgivable Loan.
   (b)   This program will allow for a forgivable loan to qualifying businesses up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
   (c)   The Mayor and/or the Mayor's designee shall be solely responsible for granting and administering the forgivable loan.
   (d)   This program shall be funded by the Ironton Economic Development Fund.
(Ord. 23-46, passed 6-22-2023)