Editor’s note:  Ordinance 87-29, passed June 8, 1987, provided that all property zoned HS-1 by Ordinance 86-53, passed December 3, 1986, will revert to residential zoning at such time as the Lawrence County General Hospital ceases to conduct operations at its primary facility located between Ninth Street and Seven and One-Half Alley and from Kemp Avenue to Pleasant Street.
1276.01   Purposes
1276.02   District size and location
1276.03   Permitted uses
1276.04   Accessory uses and buildings
1276.05   Transportation
1276.06   Building height; lot area; yards; off-street parking and loading; miscellaneous requirements
   Board of Health, see ADM. Ch. 268
   General provisions and definitions, see P. & Z. Ch. 1250
   Schedule of zoning district regulations, see P. & Z. 1282.07
Statutory reference:
   Division of Municipal corporation into zones, see Ohio R.C. 713.06
   Restrictions on location, bulk and height of buildings and structures, see Ohio R.C. 713.07
   Restrictions on percentage of lot occupancy and setback building lines, see Ohio R.C. 713.09
   Basis of districting or zoning; classification of buildings or structures, see Ohio R.C. 713.10