Any person who installs or repairs, or causes to be installed or repaired, any driveway or other means of ingress and egress or any portion thereof or any culvert within that portion of the right of way of any road, street or highway under the jurisdiction of the village which lies between the traveled portion thereof and right of way line shall comply with all the provisions of this chapter. (1983 Code)
   A.   Prior to any installation of a new driveway or other new means of ingress and egress, or repair of a driveway or other means of ingress and egress (except repairs which are exempted by subsection D of this Section), within the right of way of any road, street or highway under the jurisdiction of the Village, a driveway permit shall be secured from the Village President.
   B.   Application: An application for a driveway permit shall be submitted, in writing, to the Village President on such form as shall be reasonably required by the Village President and shall include or be accompanied by the following information:
      1.   Sketch, plat, drawing or other data showing the location of said driveway;
      2.   The relation between the elevation of the travelled portion of the road, street or highway, the portion thereof lying between such travelled portion and the edge thereof, and the driveway to be installed;
      3.   The location of the driveway and reference to the nearest existing intersecting road, street or highway; and
      4.   Provision for drainage under and over said driveway.
   C.   Permit Fees: The application fee to be paid to the Village at the time of the filing of an application for a driveway permit as herein provided shall be seventy five dollars ($75.00) when the construction of the driveway is performed in conjunction with the construction of a new residence, and shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00) in all other cases. The driveway permit fee shall be paid in addition to any other permit fees which may be required.
   D.   Exception to Permit: No driveway permit shall be required for repairs or maintenance of any existing driveway, if in the opinion of the Village President said repairs and maintenance shall not result in relocation of said driveway, materially change the grade or elevation of said driveway or materially affect drainage.
The Village President shall issue a driveway permit if he finds that the provisions of this Chapter have been complied with and that no unusual safety hazards will result from said driveway location which could be avoided or reduced by relocating the driveway to serve the same property. The Village President may order that construction of any driveway or the repair of any driveway within the right of way of any road, street or highway under the jurisdiction of the Village cease and desist if he finds that the provisions of this Chapter are not being complied with.
   A.   For the purposes of this Chapter, a hard surface driveway shall be any permanent driveway serving a residential lot constructed in accordance with one of the following pavement designs:
Base Course
(1)   11/2" Bit. Concrete
5" crushed aggregate (CA-6)
Dense Clay (90% mod. proctor min.)
(2)   5" Port. Cement Concrete (reinf. or nonreinf.)
2" gravel bed and dense clay
(3)   8" crushed stone (CA-6) aggregate
Dense Clay (90% mod. proctor min.)
(4)   Other equivalent designs as approved by the Village Engineer
   B.   All hard surface driveways shall meet the following additional requirements:
      1.   The driveway culvert shall be placed in accordance with an approved site development permit for the property in question.
      2.   The driveway culvert and the driveway base course shall be completed prior to the commencement of any on-site construction, including preparatory site grading, and shall be the only access utilized for construction vehicles or equipment.
      3.   The driveway surface course shall be completed prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit for the subject property.
      4.   Each culvert shall be at least twelve inches (12") in diameter and shall extend at least five feet (5') beyond and on either side of the paved portion of the driveway, and shall be constructed of fourteen (14) gauge galvanized steel or of such other material of equivalent strength and resistance to corrosion as approved by the Village Engineer.
      5.   At each end of the culvert as specified in subparagraph B4 above, a flared end section, of the same material as the culvert, shall be installed. The total length of the culvert, including such flared end sections, shall not exceed forty feet (40').
No driveway shall be installed or maintained within the right of way of any road, street or highway which shall significantly interfere with or impede existing drainage. The owner of the property served by a driveway shall be responsible for the maintenance of such driveway and the structures appurtenant thereto.
No person shall otherwise interfere with or impede drainage of any drainage ditch, swale or other means of drainage within the right of way of any road, street or highway under the jurisdiction of the Village, whether such interference or impediment occurs within such right of way or upon private property.
No person shall construct, operate, or maintain any conduit, drain, structure or appurtenance within the public right of way unless a permit has first been obtained therefor.