   (A)   Purpose. The R-2 Medium Density Residential District allows single-family homes and complementary uses on land parcels that are smaller than those required in the R-1 District. Two-family buildings are also allowed.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Single-family detached dwellings. All new home construction in residential districts shall have an attached or detached garage with a minimum of 400 square feet. Single-family dwellings without garages or with garages less than 400 square feet are conditionally permitted. A conditional use permit is required;
      (2)   Two-family attached dwellings, duplexes, double bungalows. All new home construction in residential districts shall have an attached or detached garage with a minimum of 400 square feet. Garages less than 400 square feet, but larger than 240 square feet, are allowed by conditional use permit. Garages less than 240 square feet are not allowed;
      (3)   Parks and playgrounds;
      (4)   Licensed family day care as permitted by state law; and
      (5)   State licensed residential facilities serving six or fewer persons.
   (C)   Conditional uses.
      (1)   All conditional uses of the R-1 District;
      (2)   Replacement of existing non-conforming accessory buildings and driveways may be conditionally permitted; provided:
         (a)   The applicant provides the city with a rear and side yard utility and drainage easement as required by the city;
         (b)   The garage is 1,000 square feet or less and is not closer than three feet, zero inches, from any interior property line, in which case the overhangs must be less than one foot from building exterior. There shall be no recorded easement on the property in the setback area;
         (c)   A land survey, signed and designed by a registered land surveyor, is provided and approved representing property lines, easement locations and drainage and a site plan with the proposed building dimensions, finished floor elevations and setbacks from property lines;
         (d)   A waiver from utilities, telephone company and cable franchise; and
         (e)   The applicant shall provide a six-foot easement on opposite side and rear of property prior to issuance of conditional use permit. The city, at its sole option, may waive the six-foot rear yard setback requirement.
      (3)   Licensed day care centers; licensed nursing homes;
      (4)   Private clubs, lodges and fraternal organizations;
      (5)   Public or quasi-public accredited educational institutions;
      (6)   Mortuaries or funeral homes; cemeteries or memorial gardens;
      (7)   Transportable or experimental single-family detached housing;
      (8)   Licensed boarding houses for the elderly; and
      (9)   Bed and breakfasts, subject to conditions of § 154.110 of this chapter;
      (10)   All licensed day care facilities which are not permitted principal uses under state law;
      (11)   By reservation special events space in owner occupied homes, subject to the following requirements:
         (a)   The property must be located within 500 feet of the C-3 (Central Commercial Zoning District);
         (b)   The residential character of the structure must be preserved;
         (c)   Food and beverages shall only be served or provided to event guests. The establishment shall comply with applicable health codes; and
         (d)   The specifics of the use shall be included in the conditional use permit, including the details of the proposed use, the maximum number of attendees, hours of events and parking accommodations.
   (D)   Special provision district. As in R-1 District.
   (E)   Accessory uses. All accessory uses of the R-1 District.
   (F)   Dimensional regulations.
      (1)   Required lot area, lot coverage and dimensions.
R-2 Use
Minimum Lot Area per Dwelling Unit
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Lot Depth
Single-family residence connected to public sanitary sewer
Maximum lot coverage 50% (A survey will be required if calculations cannot be verified)
8,400 square feet
70 feet; for corner lot, 90 feet at building line
120 feet
Two-family dwelling
Maximum lot coverage 50% (A survey will be required if calculations cannot be verified)
5,000 square feet
80 feet
120 feet
      (2)   Setbacks, yards and heights.
R-2 Use
Front Setback
Inter. Side
Corner Side
Rear Yard
Building Height
Accessory structures, including detached garages*
25 feet
6 feet
25 feet
6 feet; 25 feet on double frontage lots
16 feet
Single-family house or two-family dwelling
25 feet
8 feet; 6 feet platted prior to 1988
25 feet
25 feet; 15 feet for corner lot
35 feet
* Reference § 154.026
      (3)   Driveways. All residential districts shall require new driveways to be set back five feet from the side and rear property lines. If the driveway is being replaced, repaved or reconstructed and the driveway is located less than five feet, but three feet or more, from the property line, the driveway permit may be issued with a variance. The apron and curb cut shall be hard surfaced.
   (G)   Common wall dwellings. Notwithstanding other provisions of § 154.042 of this chapter, one developer may construct two single-family dwellings with a common wall and boundary line for which there may be no building setback from the common boundary; provided:
      (1)   Each lot shall meet all other setback requirements for a two-family dwelling; and
      (2)   Separate services shall be furnished and provided to each dwelling for sanitary sewer and water.
(2004 Code, § 154.057) (Ord. 464, passed 1- -1996; Ord. 97-195, passed 5-13-1997; Ord. 01-298, passed 9-11-2001; Ord. 05-0424, passed 2-28-2006; Ord. 07-0459, passed 3-13-2007; Ord. 08-0496, passed 3-11-2008; Ord. 13-0710, passed 7-9-2013) Penalty, see § 154.999
   (A)   Purpose. The R-3 Medium-High Density Residential District is intended to provide areas offering a broad development range in housing units, yet retain the environment and character of less intensive residence areas through carefully established bulk and lot area requirements.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Single-family detached dwellings. All new home construction in residential districts shall have an attached or detached garage with a minimum of 400 square feet. Garages less than 400 square feet, but larger than 240 square feet, are allowed by conditional use permit. Garages less than 240 square feet are not allowed;
      (2)   Two-family attached dwellings, duplexes, double bungalow. All new home construction in residential districts shall have an attached or detached garage with a minimum of 400 square feet. Single-family dwellings without garages or with garages less than 400 square feet are conditionally permitted. A conditional use permit is required;
      (3)   Parks and playgrounds;
      (4)   Family day care as permitted by state law; and
      (5)   Class B supervised living facilities serving six or fewer persons.
   (C)   Conditional uses.
      (1)   The conditional uses and special district provisions allowed in the R-2 District;
      (2)   Three- to eight-unit buildings;
      (3)   The following are permitted only subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit:
         (a)   Neighborhood medical and dental clinics and offices, subject to maximum gross floor area of 5,000 square feet;
         (b)   Business and professional offices, subject to a maximum gross floor area of 5,000 square feet, and subject further to the special district provisions;
         (c)   Uses listed as conditional permitted uses in the R-2 District, as regulated therein;
         (d)   A state licensed residential facility serving from seven through 16 persons;
         (e)   Group homes and crisis shelters up to 5,000 square feet; and
         (f)   Licensed day care facilities which are not permitted principal uses under state law.
      (4)   Conditions for residential facilities, group homes, crisis shelters and licensed day care facilities shall not be imposed which are more restrictive than those imposed on conditional uses or other multi-family residential property in the same district, unless the additional conditions are necessary to protect the health and safety of the residents of the residential facility; and
      (5)   The requirements of § 154.115 of this chapter shall apply to the conditional uses described in this section.
   (D)   Accessory uses. Accessory uses as listed in the R-1 Residential District.
   (E)   Dimensional regulations.
      (1)   Minimum lot area, lot coverage and dimensions.
         (a)   Requirements.
R-3 Use
Minimum Lot Area per Dwelling Unit
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Lot Depth
Single-family residence
Maximum lot coverage 50% (A survey will be required if calculations cannot be verified)
7,200 square feet
60 feet; corner, 80 feet
120 feet
Two-family residence
Maximum lot coverage 50% (A survey will be required if calculations cannot be verified)
5,000 square feet
80 feet
120 feet
Three- to eight-family building
4,200 square feet*
* Does not count area set aside for surface water ponding below the ordinary high water mark or wetland protection areas.
         (b)   Adjustments. The minimum lot area requirements listed above may be adjusted as follows for eight-unit multiple-family buildings.
            1.   For each garage (parking unit) within or under an apartment building, subtract 400 square feet from the total minimum lot area.
            2.   For each private dwelling unit entrance, subtract 400 square feet from the total minimum lot area.
      (2)   (a)   Setbacks and heights.
R-3 Use
Front Setback
Corner Side
Interior Side
Accessory buildings**
30 feet
25 feet
6 feet
6 feet; 25 feet on double frontage lots
16 feet
25 feet
25 feet
8 feet
25 feet
35 feet
25 feet
25 feet
10 feet
25 feet
35 feet
Three- to eight-family
30 feet
25 feet
20 feet*
40 feet
35 feet
* Add 6 inches for each foot the average height of the building exceeds 20 feet.
** Reference § 154.026
         (b)   Distance between buildings. The minimum distance between townhouse or four- to eight-family buildings when the exterior walls are parallel shall be equal to the height of the exterior wall or 15 feet, whichever is greater. Townhouses or four- to eight-family buildings shall be no closer to one another at any point than 15 feet.
   (F)   Open space. A minimum of 20% of the land area of a residential development shall be devoted to private outdoor passive or active recreation. This space shall be effectively separated from automobile traffic and parking and be readily accessible. Provisions shall be made for the permanent private maintenance of this land. The term “open space” shall not include space devoted to streets and parking. This private outdoor recreation space shall not be a substitute for the dedication of land and/or cash for public parks as may be required by § 154.072 of this chapter, regarding public sites, open spaces and bicycle and pedestrian paths.
   (G)   Parking requirements. Parking shall be provided according to the regulations of § 154.116 and App. B of this chapter. Parking areas or circulation drives shall be set back at least five feet from any interior lot line.
   (H)   Common wall dwellings. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 154.056 of this chapter, one developer may construct two single-family dwellings with a common wall and boundary line for which there may be no building setback from the common boundary; provided:
      (1)   Each lot shall meet all other setback requirements for a two-family dwelling; and
      (2)   Separate services shall be furnished and provided to each dwelling for sanitary sewer and water.
   (I)   Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings shall observe the same setback requirements established for the multiple-residence building, except that accessory buildings located within the rear yard of the multiple-residence building may be located within six feet of the rear of interior side property line. The city’s Planning Commission may require common walls for accessory buildings where common walls will eliminate unsightly and hazardous areas.
(2004 Code, § 154.058) (Ord. 464, passed 1- -1996; Ord. 97-195, passed 5- -1997; Ord. 98-219, passed 3-10-1998; Ord. 05-0424, passed 2-28-2006; Ord. 07-0459, passed 3-13-2007; Ord. 13-0710, passed 7-9-2013) Penalty, see § 154.999
   (A)   Purpose. The R-4 High Density Residential District defines areas for the development of medium to high density multiple-family dwelling structures and directly related complementary uses.
   (B)   Permitted uses. None.
   (C)   Conditional uses.
      (1)   Conditional uses and special district provisions of the R-1, R-2 and R-3 Districts, except single-family houses;
      (2)   Multiple-family buildings, including apartments, townhouses, four-, six- and eight-family buildings and other residential structures containing three or more dwelling units;
      (3)   Apartment buildings designed and marketed exclusively for the elderly;
      (4)   Private parks and playgrounds or tot lots;
      (5)   A state licensed residential facility serving from seven through 16 persons;
      (6)   Group homes and crisis shelters up to 5,000 square feet;
      (7)   Licensed day care facilities which are not permitted principal uses under state law;
      (8)   Conditions for residential facilities, group homes, crisis shelters and licensed day care facilities shall not be imposed which are more restrictive than those imposed on conditional uses or other multi-family residential property in the same district, unless the additional conditions are necessary to protect the health and safety of the residents of the residential facility; and
      (9)   The requirements of § 154.115 of this chapter shall apply to the conditional uses described in this section.
   (D)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Any accessory use building or structure customarily incidental to a use permitted above, and located on the same lot therewith; and
      (2)   Accessory uses of the R-1 District.
   (E)   Dimensional regulations.
      (1)   Minimum lot area and dimensions. In determining minimum lot area and minimum lot dimensions, the following table in division (E)(1)(a) below shall be used. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit may be adjusted using the schedule of allowances, also below in division (E)(1)(b) below.
         (a)   Requirements.
R-4 Use
Bedrooms per Unit
Minimum Lot Area per Dwelling Unit
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Lot Depth
R-4 Use
Bedrooms per Unit
Minimum Lot Area per Dwelling Unit
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Lot Depth
Apartment building
2,500 square feet*
3,000 square feet*
3,000 square feet*
3,500 square feet*
Apartments for the elderly
1,000 square feet*
1,500 square feet*
2,000 square feet*
Three- to eight- family building
4,000 square feet*
* Does not include areas set aside for surface water ponding below the ordinary high water mark or wetland protection.
         (b)   Adjustments. The minimum lot area requirements listed above may be adjusted as follows.
            1.   For each garage (parking unit) within or under an apartment building, subtract 400 square feet from the total minimum lot area.
            2.   For each private dwelling unit entrance, subtract 400 square feet from the total minimum lot area.
      (2)   (a)   Setbacks and heights.
R-4 Use
Front Setback
Corner Side
Interior Side
Accessory structures**
30 feet
25 feet
6 feet
6 feet; 25 feet on double frontage lots
16 feet
No less than 35 feet or the average height of the building, whichever is greater
35 feet
Three- to eight-family building
30 feet
25 feet
20 feet*
40 feet
35 feet
* Add 6 inches for each foot the average height of the building exceeds 20 feet.
** Reference § 154.026
         (b)   Distance between buildings. The minimum distance between buildings when the exterior walls are parallel shall be equal to the height of the exterior wall or 15 feet, whichever is greater. Buildings shall be no closer to one another at any point than 15 feet.
   (F)   Open space. A minimum of 20% of the land area of a multiple-family residential development shall be devoted to private outdoor passive or active recreation. This space shall be effectively separated from automobile traffic and parking and be readily accessible. Provisions shall be made for the permanent private maintenance of this land. The term “open space” shall not include space devoted to streets and parking. This private outdoor recreation space shall not be a substitute for the dedication of land and/or cash for public parks as may be required by § 154.072 of this chapter, regarding public sites, open spaces and bicycle and pedestrian paths.
   (G)   Parking requirements. Parking shall be provided according to the regulations of § 154.116 and App. B of this chapter; except that, only one-half parking space is required for each apartment for the elderly. Parking areas or circulation drives shall be set back at least five feet from any lot line.
   (H)   Common wall dwellings. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 154.056 of this chapter, one developer may construct two single-family dwellings with a common wall and boundary line for which there may be no building setback from the common boundary; provided:
      (1)   Each lot shall meet all other setback requirements for a two-family dwelling;
      (2)   Separate services shall be furnished and provided to each dwelling for sanitary sewer and water; and
      (3)   No fence or shrubbery divider shall be installed or maintained on the common boundary line.
   (I)   Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings shall observe the same setback requirements established for the multiple-residence building; except that, accessory buildings located within the rear yard of the multiple residence building may be located within six feet of the rear of interior side property line. The city’s Planning Commission may require common walls for accessory buildings where common walls will eliminate unsightly and hazardous areas.
   (J)   Required play area. Any multiple-family housing development of 24 or more dwelling units (except housing for the elderly) shall plan for and provide tot lot play facilities for pre-school children. The City Parks and Recreation Commission shall review and approve these play facilities. Developments immediately adjacent to (not across the street from) public parks having tot lot facilities shall be exempt from this requirement. Adjacent, but sequential, projects by the same developer shall be counted as a single project.
   (K)   Condominiums. Condominiums, as defined and regulated by M.S. Ch. 515, as it may be amended from time to time, shall be considered as multiple-family dwelling structures in this code and shall be subject to all R-4 District requirements, except as modified by the following.
      (1)   Approval of condominium floor plan. The condominium floor plan required by M.S. § 515.13, as it may be amended from time to time, shall not be filed with the Recorder until the same has been tendered to and approved by the city. A transparency of the floor plan shall be given to the city along with a copy of declaration required by M.S. § 515.11, as it may be amended from time to time.
      (2)   Converting existing structure to condominium use. Where any existing multiple-family dwelling is proposed for conversion to a condominium use:
         (a)   The proposed condominium use shall comply with all present zoning and building requirements; and
         (b)   A certificate of occupancy for each unit shall be at completion of construction.
      (3)   Condominium minimum unit size. Each unit of a condominium shall have minimum dimensions and minimum number of rooms as set forth in the City Building Code.
(2004 Code, § 154.059) (Ord. 464, passed 1- -1996; Ord. 98-219, passed 3-10-1998; Ord. 07-0459, passed 3-13-2007) Penalty, see § 154.999