(A)   Purpose. The R-1 Residential District is intended to provide residential areas for development of single-family homes and complementary uses on larger parcels of land.
   (B)   Permitted principal uses. The following uses are permitted, as regulated herein, without special application requirements or conditions attached:
      (1)   Single-family detached dwellings. All new home construction in residential districts shall have an attached or detached garage with a minimum of 400 square feet. Garages less than 400 square feet, but larger than 240 square feet, are allowed by conditional use permit. Garages less than 240 square feet are not allowed;
      (2)   Parks and playgrounds;
      (3)   Licensed family day care as permitted by state law; and
      (4)   State licensed residential facilities serving six or fewer persons.
   (C)   Conditional uses.
      (1)   Single-family houses not served by public sanitary sewer;
      (2)   Existing two-family homes (constructed and utilized as a two-family home prior to 1987 could become a legal conforming use through the conditional use process);
      (3)   Golf courses and related facilities;
      (4)   Churches and houses of worship and related facilities;
      (5)   Schools;
      (6)   Move structures larger than 200 square feet;
      (7)   Seasonal on-site sales (i.e., Christmas trees). Conditional use permit to be renewed every three years; and
      (8)   All licensed day care facilities which are not permitted principal uses under state law.
   (D)   Special provisions district.
      (1)   Home occupations according to the following conditions (as defined in § 154.004 of this chapter).
         (a)   No unreasonable use of materials or mechanical equipment not recognized as being part of and compatible with normal household use shall be permitted.
         (b)   The use shall not generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic beyond that reasonable or normal to the district in which located.
         (c)   It shall not involve the unreasonable or inappropriate use of commercial vehicles for delivery of occupational materials to or from the premises.
         (d)   No accessory building or space outside of the principal building shall be exclusively used for these purposes.
         (e)   No special space within the principal building shall be designed or arranged for this use so that it would require any major internal or external alterations or involve construction features not customary to dwellings (either by color, materials or construction, lighting, sound or noise, vibration or electrical interference, and the like).
         (f)   There shall be no use of utilities or community facilities beyond that reasonable to the use of the property for residential purposes.
         (g)   No employees, other than occupants of the principal use, shall be permitted.
         (h)   Home occupation shall cover no more than 25% of livable area excluding unfinished area.
      (2)   Home occupations shall not in any event be deemed to include:
         (a)   Barber shops or beauty shops;
         (b)   Funeral homes;
         (c)   Restaurants;
         (d)   Stable, kennel, animal grooming or veterinary hospitals; or
         (e)   Nursery schools or boarding homes for children.
      (3)   Replacement of existing non-conforming accessory buildings and driveways may be conditionally permitted; provided:
         (a)   The applicant provides the city with a rear and side yard utility and drainage easement as required by the city;
         (b)   The garage is 1,000 square feet or less and is not closer than three feet, zero inches, from any interior property line, in which case the overhangs must be less than one foot from building exterior. There shall be no recorded easement on the property in the setback area;
         (c)   A land survey, signed and designed by a registered land surveyor, is provided and approved representing property lines, easement locations and drainage and a site plan with the proposed building dimensions, finished floor elevations and setbacks from property lines;
         (d)   A waiver from utilities, telephone company and cable franchise; and
         (e)   Applicant shall provide a six-foot easement on opposite side and rear of property prior to issuance of conditional use permit. The city, at its sole option, may waive the six-foot rear yard setback requirement.
      (4)   Any structure, including accessory structures, for which a moving permit is requested except any building not exceeding ten feet in width or 12 feet in length and not being over ten feet in height, which are exempt from moving permits but require a building permit.
   (E)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Detached garages as referenced in § 154.026;
      (2)   Utility sheds not exceeding 200 square feet;
      (3)   Gazebo or summer lawn-house; yard recreational equipment;
      (4)   Signs, as regulated in §§ 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter; and
      (5)   Swimming pools or game courts designed for private use.
   (F)   Dimensional regulations.
      (1)   Required lot area, lot coverage and dimensions.
R-1 Use
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Lot Depth
Single-family residence connected to public sanitary sewer
Maximum lot coverage 50% (A survey will be required if calculations cannot be verified)
10,400 square feet
80 feet; for corner lot, 110 feet at building line
130 feet
      (2)   Setbacks, yards and heights.
         (a)   Structures.
R-1 Use
Front Setback
Inter. Side
Corner Side
Rear Yard
Building Height
Accessory structures, including detached garages*
30 feet
6 feet
30 feet
6 feet; 25 feet on double frontage lots
16 feet
Single-family house
30 feet
8 feet
30 feet
30 feet; 15 feet for corner lots
35 feet
* Reference § 154.026
         (b)   Driveways. All residential districts shall require new driveways to be set back five feet from the side and rear property lines. If the driveway is being replaced, repaved or reconstructed and the driveway is located less than five feet, but three feet or more, from the property line, the driveway permit may be issued with a variance. The apron and curb cut shall be hard surfaced.
         (c)   Front street setback. The above listed setback and yard requirements are subject to the following additional requirement: when more than 40% of the frontage of the side of a street between intersections is occupied by structures having setbacks from street rights-of-way of greater or lesser amounts than hereinafter required, the average setback of all existing buildings between the intersections shall be maintained by all new or relocated structures. In the event a building is to be built where there is such an established average setback different from that required hereinafter and there are existing buildings on one side only, the front setback of the new building shall match that of the next adjoining building. In case the building is to be built where there is such an established average setback and there are existing buildings on both sides of the new building, the front setback shall match that which would be established by connecting a straight line between the forward most portion of the first adjacent building on each side.
(2004 Code, § 154.056) (Ord. 464, passed 1- -1996; Ord. 97-216, passed 1-13-1998; Ord. 01-298, passed 9-11-2001; Ord. 04-379, passed 6-8-2004; Ord. 05-0424, passed 2-28-2006; Ord. 07-0459, passed 3-13-2007; Ord. 13-0710, passed 7-9-2013; Ord. 16-751, passed 2-9-2016) Penalty, see § 154.999