(A)   Minimum size requirements.
      (1)   Each space shall contain a minimum area of not less than 300 square feet including access drives, a width of not less than eight and one-half feet and a depth of not less than 20 feet. Spaces for the physically handicapped shall be 12 feet by 20 feet, plus off-loading zone.
      (2)   Each space shall be adequately served by access drives. All loading spaces shall be sufficient to meet the requirements of each issue and shall provide adequate space for storage and maneuvering of the vehicles it is designed to serve. The minimum dimensions allowable for a loading space or truck berth shall be 12 feet in width and 65 feet in depth.
   (B)   Reduction and use of parking and loading space. Off-street parking facilities existing at the effective date of this chapter shall not subsequently be reduced to an amount less than that required under this chapter for a similar new building or use. Off-street parking facilities provided to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall not subsequently be reduced below the requirements of this chapter, except as provided in § 154.172 of this chapter, regarding variances. The required parking or loading space shall not be used for storage of goods or for storage of vehicles that are inoperable or for sale or rent.
   (C)   Calculation of required parking. In calculating the number of parking spaces required, the following rules shall govern.
      (1)   For the purpose of this calculation, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         FLOOR SPACE. The gross floor area of the specific use.
      (2)   Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be construed to be the nearest whole number.
      (3)   For uses not specifically listed in this chapter, uses for which a specific number of spaces have not been defined or for joint parking facilities serving two or more different uses, the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall determine the number of spaces to be required by utilizing the requirements of the most similar use listed in App. B to this chapter. Issuance of building permits for the above situations shall be subject to approval of all site plans.
   (D)   Loading docks and berths. Placement of loading docks and berths shall be limited to side and rear yards; except that, where a dock or berth is so designed as to be fully enclosed and incorporated within a principal structure, including any vehicle being loaded or unloaded, that dock or berth may be placed in a front area.
   (E)   Buffer fences and planting screens. Off-street parking and loading areas near or adjoining residential districts shall be screened by a fence not less than eight feet in height and 100% opaque. On the residential side of the fence shall be a five-foot wide area which is landscaped with coniferous and deciduous plantings and approved by the Planning Commission. Plans of the screen or fence shall be submitted for approval as a part of the required site plan, and the fence and landscaping shall be installed as part of the initial construction.
   (F)   Access.
      (1)   Parking and loading space shall have proper access from a public right-of-way.
      (2)   The number and width of access drives shall be so located as to minimize traffic congestion and abnormal traffic hazard, and no driveway in the R-3 and R-4 Residential Districts and all industrial districts shall be closer than 50 feet from any right-of-way line of a street intersection. In R-1 and R-2 Residential Districts and the C-1 Commercial District, the minimum distance shall be 20 feet.
      (3)   In R-3, R-4, C-2 and I-1 Districts, direct access shall be provided to a collector street as shown on the adopted city land use plan or to a related service road.
   (G)   Location of parking facilities. Off-street parking of trucks or buses with a gross weight of over four and one-half tons, except for deliveries and unloading, shall be prohibited in all residential districts.
   (H)   Combined facilities. Combined or joint facilities may be provided for one or more buildings or uses; provided that, the total number of spaces shall be determined as provided in this section.
   (I)   Construction and maintenance.
      (1)   In the R-3, R-4 and R-5 Residential Districts, and all commercial and industrial districts, parking areas and access drives shall be covered with an all-weather surface paved surface. The all-weather paved surface shall be a minimum standard of six-inch gravel base and three-inch plant mix bituminous surface, including concrete curb and gutter. Alternate designs may be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. This approval must be made prior to issuance of a building permit.
      (2)   All existing parking lots with substandard surfaces should be allowed to remain until either the property is sold or a building permit for addition or remodeling is requested.
      (3)   The operator of the principal building or use shall maintain the parking and loading area, access drives and yard areas in a neat and adequate manner.
   (J)   Lighting. Lighting shall not be directed upon the public right-of-way and nearby or adjacent properties. Illumination must be indirect or diffused.
   (K)   Required site plan. Any application for a building permit, zoning permit or for a certificate of occupancy shall include a site plan or plot plan drawn to scale and dimensions showing off-street parking and loading space to be provided in compliance with this chapter. All new principal buildings shall be drawn to scale on a registered land survey.
   (L)   Application of parking and loading requirements. Off-street parking and loading regulations shall apply to all buildings and uses of land established after the effective date of this chapter.
   (M)   Required number of off-street parking spaces. Off-street parking areas of sufficient size to provide parking for patrons, customers, suppliers, visitors and employees shall be provided on the premises of each use. App. B to this chapter designates the minimum number of parking and loading spaces that are required to be provided and maintained at the time any new use or structure is occupied or any existing use or structure is enlarged or increased in capacity.
(2004 Code, § 154.116) (Ord. 464, passed 1- -1996; Ord. 21-822, passed 5-11-2021) Penalty, see § 154.999