Prior to the entry of any approved division on the City records and the assignment of a tax identification number by the City Assessor, the applicant shall provide the Assessor with the following:
   (a)   Survey and Legal Description. The applicant shall provide the address of the property or property in closest proximity to the subject property, a survey and legal description of the land divisions as prepared by a land surveyor or engineer registered in the State of Michigan and the common name of the subdivision in which the property is located.
   (b)   Proof of Acceptance and/or Approval of Improvements Prior to Final Approval. Where access to a land division is provided by a public road, proof that said road has been constructed and accepted by the City shall be provided prior to final approval. Where access is provided by a private road, proof that said road has been constructed and approved by the City shall be provided prior to final approval. Where other improvements, such as storm drainage facilities and public sewer and water are required, proof that said improvements have been constructed and approved by the City shall be provided prior to final approval.
   (c)   Financial Guarantees. In lieu of completion of all improvements prior to final approval, the City may permit a cash deposit, certified check, irrevocable letter of credit or surety bond acceptable to the City to be deposited with the Clerk to cover the estimated cost of improvements. The financial guarantee shall be provided prior to final approval of the parcel division.
   The applicant shall provide a cost estimate of the improvements to be covered by the guarantee and such estimate shall be verified as to amount by the City. The form of the guarantee shall be approved by the City Attorney.
   If the applicant shall fail to provide any site improvements according to the approved plans within the time period specified in the guarantee, the City shall be entitled to enter upon the site and complete the improvements. The City may defray the cost thereof from the deposited security or may require performance by the bonding company.
   If a cash deposit or irrevocable bank letter of credit is used, rebate to the applicant shall be made in a reasonable proportion of the work completed to the entire project, as determined by the Clerk.
(Ord. 619. Passed 10-16-95.)