TITLE SIX - Other Public Services
EDITOR'S NOTE: Resolution 83-25, passed December 12, 1983, approved the Solid Waste Management Plan prepared for the County pursuant to Act 641 of 1978, as well as the rules promulgated thereunder. Resolution 00-10, passed March 27, 2000, approved the Solid Waste Management Plan Update of Livingston County. Copies of such Resolutions, and the Plan, as updated, may be obtained, at cost, from the City Clerk.
From time to time, Council establishes rates to be charged for garbage and rubbish collection and disposal for residential units, commercial containers and compactor containers. Because of the frequency of change, these rates are not codified. Copies of the latest relevant legislation may be obtained, at cost, from the City Clerk.
1060.01 Definitions.
1060.02 General provision for collection and disposal of solid waste.
1060.03 Containers in R-1, R-T and HL Districts actually used as residential zones.
1060.04 Containers in R-M, O-1, CBD, B-1, B-2, I-1, I-2, P-1, TC and HL Districts actually used as office zones.
1060.05 Building materials.
1060.06 Collection schedule and regulations.
1060.07 General prohibition against accumulation of solid waste.
1060.08 Unlawful transportation of solid waste.
1060.09 Rules and regulations.
1060.10 Enforcement.
1060.11 Surcharge for delinquency.
1060.99 Penalty.
Garbage and refuse generally - see M.C.L. Secs. 46.171 et seq., 123.241 et seq., 123.361 et seq.
Municipal authority - see M.C.L. Secs. 123.301 et seq.
Filthy accumulations - see GEN. OFF. 622.03, 622.04
Abandoned refrigerators - see GEN. OFF. 622.11
Littering - see GEN. OFF. 652.05
Purchase of recycled products by City - see ADM. 230.10
As used in this chapter:
(a) "Bag" means a garbage bag or yard bag of suitable size and material.
(b) "Commercial generator" means generators of waste within the City Limits of Howell on land zoned other than R-1 (Single-Family Residential), or R-T (Two-Family Residential), or HL (Historical Limited Use), which is actually used as residential.
(c) "Commercial hauler" means anyone providing hauling services within the City, whether or not they are properly licensed.
(d) "Computerized compactor" means a machine which has a compartment within it for the temporary storage of compacted solid waste and garbage and also has a compartment into which persons can place solid waste and garbage for compaction. Access to this second compartment may only be gained by use of a code number which unlocks the access compartment.
(e) "Curb cart" means a weatherproof receptacle with a lid and wheels not exceeding 100 gallons or 100 pounds, designed for use with automated cart dumping equipment on a commercial hauler's truck and capable of holding residential garbage or residential waste.
(f) "Garbage" means all putrescible wastes and other water-carried wastes, except wastes of the human body, and includes all vegetable and animal wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking or consumption of foods. Containers that contained food or liquids for consumption by humans or other beings shall also be classified as garbage.
(g) "Person" means an individual, a partnership, limited liability company or a corporation.
(h) "Recycle cart" means a weatherproof receptacle with a lid and wheels not exceeding 100 gallons or 100 pounds, designed for use with automated cart dumping equipment on a commercial hauler's truck, capable of holding all recyclable materials and designated for recyclable materials, only. Yard clippings and yard waste shall be disposed of in a yard waste bag and not in a recycle cart.
(i) "Recyclable materials" means source separated materials, site separated materials, high grade paper, glass, metal, plastic, aluminum, newspaper, corrugated paper, yard clippings, yard waste and other materials that may be recycled or composted.
(j) "Refuse building materials" means wood, plaster, brick, block, scrap, waste and unusable building materials resulting from the construction or repair of any structure.
(k) "Residential waste" means those items normally disposed of by residences or noncommercial dwellings, excluding bricks, blocks, tree stumps, tires, furniture, appliances, construction or demolition materials, oils, paint, solvents or any substance which is considered a hazardous or toxic waste under regulations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (the "EPA") or the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (the "DNR").
(l) "Solid waste" means garbage, refuse building materials, residential waste, recyclable materials and all other things collected and disposed of under the provisions of this chapter.
(m) "User fee" means that charge collected by the City from those who produce solid waste to defray the cost of collecting and disposing of the same.
(n) "Yard waste bag" means a bag designated and capable of holding all types of yard clippings and yard waste.
(Ord. 515. Passed 11-6-89; Ord. 906. Passed 8-8-16.)
In order to protect the public health, safety and general welfare within the City, it is hereby declared that all solid waste shall be collected and disposed of in accordance with this chapter. It shall be unlawful for any person to collect solid waste within this City unless that person is licensed in the State of Michigan to collect and dispose of solid waste and has obtained a permit for such collection and disposal.
(Ord. 515. Passed 11-6-89; Ord. 906. Passed 8-8-16.)